The Ultimate Guide to Muskrat Control: Protecting Your Property

If your property has become a habitat for muskrats, it’s essential to understand their behavior, diet, and control techniques. These semi-aquatic rodents are known to burrow in marshlands and ponds, often causing significant damage to your property. They feed mostly on aquatic vegetation, fruits, and occasionally small aquatic creatures.

Controlling the muskrat population on your property involves several strategies from using muskrat repellents to setting up muskrat traps. However, it’s important to remember that these traps should only be handled by trained wildlife control operators to ensure safety and effectiveness. Stay tuned as we delve deeper into each of these aspects.

Call 317-847-6409  for Licensed Muskrat Control in Indianapolis Indiana
Call 317-847-6409 for Licensed Muskrat Control in Indianapolis Indiana

Understanding Muskrat Habitat and Diet

Muskrats are found in wetlands, rivers, lakes, and streams. They are excellent swimmers and can hold their breath for up to 20 minutes underwater. These abilities make them well-adapted to their semi-aquatic lifestyle. They build lodges from vegetation near the water’s edge or dig burrows in the banks for shelter. Muskrats are most active at night and can be identified by their distinctive tracks, typically leading to the water’s edge.

As mentioned earlier, muskrats primarily feed on aquatic vegetation such as cattails, sedges, and water lilies. They also consume fruits like apples, berries, and grains if available. While they may occasionally eat small fish, insects, and crustaceans, these make up a small portion of their diet. This knowledge is crucial in understanding how to control muskrats effectively.

Muskrat Control Techniques:

Animal Repellents

Controlling nuisance muskrats on your property can be challenging due to their habitat and feeding preferences. Using animal repellents can be an effective way to deter them from your property. Muskrat repellents can come in the form of sprays, granules, or electronic devices that emit ultrasonic sounds. These methods are typically safe for the environment and non-toxic to other animals.

Muskrat Traps

If muskrats have already taken up residence on your property, trapping may be necessary. It’s essential to use live traps rather than lethal ones to minimize harm to the animal. Remember, muskrat traps should only be handled by trained wildlife control operators for safety and ethical reasons.

Environmental Modification

Another effective method is habitat modification. You can make your property less attractive to muskrats by removing their food sources and blocking or filling any burrows or lodges they may have built. This approach requires regular maintenance, but it can be a long-term solution.

Muskrat vs Beaver

Many people confuse muskrats for beavers and vice versa.  While they both live in water and have similar physical features, there are some key differences between the two. Muskrats are much smaller than beavers, reaching up to two feet in length, while beavers can grow up to four feet. Beavers also have a flat paddle-like tail, whereas muskrats have a long, skinny tail that tapers towards the end. Additionally, beavers build large dams and lodges using trees and branches, while muskrats build smaller structures from vegetation.

If you are having trouble with beavers,  it’s best to contact a wildlife control operator as they require specialized techniques and tools for removal.


Muskrats may seem like harmless creatures, but their burrowing and feeding habits can cause significant damage to your property. Understanding their behavior, habitat, and diet is the first step in controlling their population. Using repellents, live traps, or modifying their habitat are all viable options for muskrat control. However, it’s essential to seek professional help from trained wildlife control operators when using traps. By following these techniques, you can protect your property and maintain a balance with nature. 

If you’re struggling with muskrats on your property, act now. Contact Modern Wildlife Control at 317-847-6409 for licensed and insured muskrat removal services in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve residential and commercial clients.

Related Posts:

Important Facts About Muskrat Removal and Control
How to Get Rid of Muskrats
What You Should Know about Muskrats Before Trying to Remove Them Yourself

Winterizing Your Home Against Unwanted Critters in Indiana

Today marks the first day of winter in Indiana, and it’s not just the humans who are looking for a warm refuge – nuisance animals are too. They might seem harmless, but these unwanted critters can wreak havoc on your property. Raccoons, mice, squirrels, and other creatures may seek warmth and shelter within your walls, causing structural damage and health risks. But fear not!

This blog post will guide you through the essential steps of winterizing your home against unwelcome wildlife. We will delve into effective animal-proofing techniques and explore professional wildlife control solutions. So, buckle up and prepare to reclaim your space this winter!

Call 317-847-6409  for Licensed Animal Proofing Service in Indianapolis Indiana
Call 317-847-6409 for Licensed Animal Proofing Service in Indianapolis Indiana

Animal Proofing Your Home

The first line of defense against unwanted critters is to animal proof your home. This involves assessing and fortifying potential entry points and eliminating any attractants in your yard. Here are a few tips for animal proofing:

Inspect the exterior. Walk around the perimeter of your house and look for any openings that could serve as access points for wildlife. Check for gaps in siding, holes in the roof, or cracks in the foundation. Also, make sure your chimney and vents are securely covered with mesh screens.

Seal small openings. Even a tiny crack can provide entry for mice and other small animals. Use caulk or steel wool to seal any openings you find on your exterior walls.

Secure trashcans. Raccoons and other animals are always on the lookout for food sources, so make sure your trash cans have tight-fitting lids. Consider investing in animal-proof containers or storing bins in a secure shed.

Eliminate potential nesting sites. Keep your yard tidy by removing any piles of leaves, wood, or debris that could serve as a cozy hiding spot for animals.

Prune trees and shrubs. Trim branches that hang close to your house, as they can provide easy access for squirrels and other climbing critters.

By implementing these simple measures, you can greatly reduce the chances of wildlife finding their way into your home.

Professional Wildlife Control

If you’re dealing with a persistent or more significant wildlife problem, it may be time to call in the professionals. Wildlife control experts have the knowledge and tools to safely and humanely remove animals from your property. They also offer preventative measures to ensure that critters don’t return in the future. Here are some services they may provide:

Inspection: A professional will thoroughly inspect your home, identify potential entry points, and determine the severity of your infestation.

Removal: Using humane techniques, they will remove any wildlife from your home and relocate them to a suitable habitat.

Exclusion: To prevent future infestations, professionals can install barriers and exclusion devices to keep animals out of your home.

Cleanup and Sanitation: If animals have been living in your home, professionals can clean and sanitize the affected areas to eliminate any health risks.

Consultation: Wildlife control experts can offer advice on how to animal-proof your home and make recommendations for keeping critters away.

Winterizing Tips for Specific Animals

Different types of animals may require different strategies for weatherization in winter. Here are some tips for dealing with specific nuisance species in Indiana:

Raccoons: Raccoons are clever critters that are known for their ability to find their way into homes. Make sure all exterior openings, including chimneys, are tightly sealed. Also, secure your garbage cans and don’t leave pet food outside.

Mice: These tiny rodents can squeeze through even the smallest of openings. Seal all cracks and gaps in your home’s exterior and keep food stored in airtight containers.

Squirrels: Squirrels are agile climbers, so they can easily access your roof through overhanging tree branches. Keep trees trimmed back from your house and use metal flashing to block any openings around the roof line.

Bats: To prevent bats from roosting in your attic, install mesh screens over vents and seal any gaps in your roof line.

Remember, when dealing with wildlife, it’s always best to consult with a professional wildlife removal and control company before attempting any DIY measures. They have the expertise to handle animals safely and effectively.

Bottom Line

Winterizing your home against unwanted critters is an essential step in protecting your property and ensuring the safety of you and your family. By following these tips and enlisting the help of professionals when needed, you can prevent animal infestations and enjoy a peaceful winter season in Indiana. Don’t let these pesky critters ruin your holiday spirit – take action now to animal-proof your home!  So, bundle up, grab some hot cocoa, and get started on preparing your home for a critter-free winter.

Do you deal with nuisance animal problems every winter? Contact Modern Wildlife Control at 317-847-6409 for safe and effective animal proofing and removal services for all types of wildlife in Indianapolis, Indiana and its surrounding counties. We serve residential and commercial customers.

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4 Nuisance Animals to Watch Out For in Winter
Indiana’s Wildlife Problems: How They Affect the Environment and Communities
11 Tips for Humanely Controlling Indiana Wildlife

Indiana’s Wildlife Problems: How They Affect the Environment and Communities

Indiana, a state known for its diverse ecology, is home to a wide array of wildlife species. However, their co-existence with human communities often leads to complex challenges. Wildlife control and removal become a necessity when these creatures become a nuisance or pose a threat to the environment and communities.

This blog post delves into these issues, exploring the environmental and communal implications of wildlife problems in Indiana and examining viable solutions that strike a balance between human welfare and wildlife conservation. Stay with us as we navigate through these intricate environmental dynamics.

Call 317-847-6409 for Licensed Wildlife Control in Indianapolis IN
Call 317-847-6409 for Licensed Wildlife Control in Indianapolis IN

Indiana’s Wildlife: A Rich Biodiversity

Indiana boasts a rich and diverse wildlife population, housing over 270 species of mammals, birds, reptiles, and amphibians. The state has an abundance of forests, wetlands, lakes, and rivers that provide an ideal habitat for these creatures. Among the most notable are white-tailed deer, raccoons, squirrels, opossums, and rabbits. The state is also home to several protected species, such as bald eagles, wild turkeys, and Indiana bats. However, this biodiversity also poses unique challenges for co-existence with human communities.

The Environmental Impact of Wildlife Problems

The encroachment of human settlements into natural habitats has led to increased interactions between humans and wildlife. This, in turn, has resulted in various environmental challenges. One significant issue is the disruption of natural ecosystems by invasive species. These are non-native animals that thrive in their new environment at the expense of native species. In Indiana, the most prevalent invasive species include feral pigs, European starlings, and mute swans.

Moreover, as urbanization continues to expand, wildlife struggles to find suitable habitats, leading to competition for resources. This leads to a decline in population numbers and even the extinction of some species. The loss of biodiversity can have severe consequences on the environment, disrupting natural processes such as pollination, seed dispersal, and pest control.

Wildlife Problems and Human Communities

Nuisance animal problems also have a significant impact on human communities. One of the most pressing concerns is public safety. As wildlife populations increase, so do encounters between them and humans. This can be especially problematic when dealing with potentially dangerous animals such as bears, coyotes, or even venomous snakes.

Another issue is property damage caused by wildlife. Squirrels and raccoons are known to cause damage to homes and gardens, while deer and geese can damage crops. This not only leads to financial losses for homeowners and farmers but also disrupts the balance of ecosystems.

Moreover, nuisance wildlife problems can have negative effects on human health. Raccoons, bats, and skunks are known carriers of diseases that can be transmitted to humans through bites or contact with their feces. Additionally, the presence of wildlife can attract other pests, such as ticks and fleas, which can also pose health risks.

Finding Solutions: Wildlife Removal and Control

To address these challenges, it is crucial to find solutions that mitigate the negative impacts of wildlife while promoting coexistence. One approach is wildlife removal, where trained professionals trap and relocate animals causing problems. This method ensures the safety of both humans and animals, as well as prevents harm to the environment.

Another solution is implementing wildlife control measures, such as installing deterrents or modifying habitats to make them less attractive for certain species. For example, using fencing to keep out deer or placing screens on chimneys to prevent raccoons from entering homes.

Furthermore, education and awareness play a crucial role in minimizing wildlife problems. By understanding how to coexist with wildlife and taking preventative measures, individuals can reduce potential conflicts.

The Takeaway

Indiana’s diverse wildlife population enriches the state’s environment and communities. However, it also presents unique challenges that require careful considerations and solutions. By addressing these issues proactively through methods such as wildlife removal, control, and education, we can promote responsible coexistence and protect the environment for future generations. Let’s work together to find a balance between human needs and wildlife conservation in Indiana.

If you are dealing with nuisance animals on or around your property, act now before the damages can pile up. Contact Modern Wildlife Control at 317-847-6409 for prompt and professional 24 hour critter control in Indianapolis, Indiana for moles, beavers, bats, raccoons, squirrels, birds, and more.

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11 Tips for Humanely Controlling Indiana Wildlife
How to Tell if You Have Nuisance Animal Problems
Where Do Animals Go in the Winter in Indiana?

10 Natural Animal Repellents That Really Work

Do you ever feel like your home and garden are under siege by uninvited guests? From birds to rodents, from deer to raccoons, it can seem like no matter what you do, animals just won’t stay away. You might be tempted to reach for a chemical-based repellent but before you do that, why not try some natural animal repellents instead? These non-chemical alternatives really work and they’re much better for the environment. Keep reading to learn about the top 10 natural animal repellents that will keep unwanted wildlife out of your space without harming them or the planet.

Call 317-847-6409  For Animal Repellent Services in Indianapolis IN
Call 317-847-6409 For Animal Repellent Services in Indianapolis IN

Why You Should Avoid Chemical Repellents for Wildlife

It is important to carefully consider the methods used for wildlife control. One method that is commonly utilized is the use of chemical repellents, like scented foam, granules, and sprays. However, it is important to note that these chemical repellents can often be toxic and unsafe for both the animals and humans in the surrounding area.

The use of these repellents can harm not only the target animal but also any unintended wildlife, domestic pets, or even children that come into contact with the area treated with chemical repellents. In addition, the constant use of these repellents can also lead to a buildup of toxic chemicals in the environment which can be detrimental to all living beings. Due to such potential risks, it is crucial to consider alternative and safer solutions for humane wildlife control.

10 Natural Deterrents and Repellents for Nuisance Animals

1. Ammonia: For small critters like mice and rats, ammonia is a great deterrent. The pungent smell will keep them away without causing any harm to them. Plus, you can find it in any grocery store or pharmacy at an affordable price point.

2. Plants: Certain types of plants have strong odors that animals don’t like and other scents that are attractive to them. Planting garlic, lavender, and marigolds around the perimeter of your property is a great way to keep out raccoons, rabbits, opossums, and skunks while also adding some greenery to your yard!

3. Coffee Grounds: Believe it or not, the scent of coffee grounds keeps many common pests like rats, moles, and voles away. All you need to do is scatter some around the area where you’ve seen them, and they won’t come back!

4. Peppermint Oil: Add a few drops of peppermint essential oil to a quart of water and spray it around your property. This will not only keep animals away but also make your yard smell nice.

5. Clay Cat Litter: Another great way to deter small critters is by sprinkling clay cat litter in problem areas. Animals can’t stand the smell or texture, so they’ll stay far away!

6. Mothballs: Mothballs are a powerful deterrent for many types of animals. Spread them around problem areas and the animals will stay away. Just be sure to use them sparingly and keep them out of reach of children and pets as they are toxic.

7. Human Hair: Believe it or not, human hair is a great way to keep animals away from your home and garden. All you need to do is collect some hair from your barber or hairdresser, place it in mesh bags and scatter around problem areas – the smell will be enough to keep most animals at bay!

8. Fences: If all else fails, building a fence around your property can be an effective way to deter animals from coming near your home. Make sure it’s tall enough that they can’t climb over and secure it with a lock, so they won’t be able to get in.

9. Motion Detectors: For larger animals like coyotes, foxes, and raccoons, motion-activated lights or sprinklers can be a great way to discourage them from coming around. The sudden noise and light will scare them away without causing any harm.

10. Ultrasonic Devices: Finally, ultrasonic devices are another great option for keeping animals away. These high frequency sound waves are virtually harmless but are often enough to drive animals out of your yard.

Year-Round Wildlife Control at Your Fingertips!

So, there you have it – 10 natural animal repellents that really work! You don’t need to use chemical-based products when these simple solutions will do the trick. Just be sure to use them safely and responsibly and you should have no problem keeping your home and garden free from uninvited guests.

If you have a problem with nuisance wildlife, the best solution is to hire a professional critter control service. So, contact Modern Wildlife Control at 317-847-6409 for safe and effective animal trapping and removal services for all types of wildlife in Indiana. We serve residential and commercial clients.

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How to Make Your Own Non-Toxic Animal Repellent Spray
A Safe and Homemade Animal Repellent for Chipmunks
How Bad Weather Might Increase Nuisance Wildlife Problems

7 Simple Ways to Keep Chipmunks Away From Your Home

Chipmunks are cute little animals, but they can be a nuisance when they get into your home or garden. They’re not only destructive, but their digging and burrowing can also cause damage to your property. If you’re having problems with chipmunks in your yard or home, there are some simple steps you can take to keep them away for good. Below are seven ways to prevent chipmunks from getting near your house and keeping them out of the garden. Scroll down to get started!

Call 317-847-6409  For Safe & Humane Chipmunk Control in Indianapolis Indiana
Call 317-847-6409 For Safe & Humane Chipmunk Control in Indianapolis Indiana

How to Get Rid of Chipmunks Using Simple and Safe Strategies

1. Clean Up the Yard

Chipmunks can be attracted to yards that have plenty of food and shelter. Make sure there are no piles of wood, leaves, or debris in your yard, as these provide perfect hiding spots for chipmunks. By keeping the area around your home free from potential nesting materials, you’ll help deter them from setting up house near yours.


Live traps are a possible way to capture and remove chipmunks without having to use chemicals or other harsh methods. Bait the trap with nuts, fruit or peanut butter and place it near areas where the chipmunks frequent. Once trapped, release the chipmunk away from your property so that they don’t come back.

3. Use Repellents

There are many commercially available wildlife repellent products available for chipmunk control, such as granules, sprays, and ready-to-use liquids. These should be used around the perimeter of your home or Garden to keep chipmunks away from the area. Never use poisons or toxic chemicals, as this is unsafe for the environment, harmful to animals, and inhumane.

Make Your Own Chipmunk Repellent –
Mix 2 tablespoons of peppermint oil with one cup of water. Transfer to a spray bottle and apply in high-traffic areas!

4. Plant Deterrent Plants

Chipmunks don’t like strong scented plants such as garlic or peppermint, so planting these around the edge of your yard can help keep them away. You can also try marigolds or pennyroyal to act as a natural chipmunk deterrent in your garden.

5. Block Access Points

Chipmunks usually enter homes through small openings, so check your home’s exterior for any potential access points and patch them up with hardware cloth or mesh. This will help to keep the chipmunks from getting into your house in the first place.

6. Use Sound Deterrents

Many animals have a natural aversion to certain noises, and chipmunks are no exception. Place high-frequency sound machines around the perimeter of your property to deter them from entering your home or garden area.

7. Hire a Professional

If you’ve tried all of these methods but still can’t seem to get rid of chipmunks on your own, it may be time to call a licensed and insured wildlife control company for assistance. Professional critter control technicians have the tools and resources needed to effectively identify and eliminate chipmunk infestations.

Safe and Humane Chipmunk Control

By following these simple steps, you can help keep chipmunks away from your home without resorting to harmful chemicals or unsafe strategies. With a bit of patience and some preventive measures, you should be able to get rid of your chipmunk problem in no time!

Are you experiencing nuisance chipmunk problems around your Indy home or business? Contact Modern Wildlife Control at 317-847-6409 for safe and effective animal trapping and removal services for chipmunks and squirrels in Indianapolis, Indiana.

Related Posts:

How to Locate a Chipmunk Infestation
A Safe and Homemade Animal Repellent for Chipmunks
Really Neat Facts About Chipmunks in Indiana

Skunk Prevention Tips for Homeowners

Skunks may look cute and cuddly, but they can be a real nuisance when they show up in your yard. Skunks are known for their strong smell and their ability to dig holes and damage lawns, gardens, and other outdoor areas. While skunk removal is best left to the professionals, there are some steps you can take on your own to prevent skunks from invading your property in the first place.

Continue reading to learn some safe and effective tips for skunk control that every homeowner should know!

Call 317-847-6409  for Skunk Trapping in Indianapolis Indiana.
Call 317-847-6409 for Skunk Trapping in Indianapolis Indiana.

How to Get Rid of Skunks Using Safe Methods

1. Prevent Access: Skunks can squeeze through very small openings, so it’s important to make sure your property is well secured. Check the perimeter of your home and yard for any openings that skunks could use to gain entry, such as gaps in fences or cracks in foundations. Make sure all windows and doors are closed tightly and sealed with weatherstripping to keep out pests.

2. Keep Food Sources Away: Skunks are attracted to food, so make sure you’re properly disposing of all edible waste in your yard and keeping pet food indoors. If skunks find a source of food on your property, they will likely come back for more.

3. Remove Potential Den Sites: Skunks like to hide in dark, sheltered areas and will hollow out dens under decks or sheds if given the chance. Make sure you regularly inspect your property for possible skunk den sites and remove any debris or clutter that could be used for nesting.

4. Use Deterrents: If you’re still having skunk issues, there are a variety of products available designed to deter skunks. These include commercial repellents and ultrasonic devices that emit noises or vibrations to scare away pests.

By following these simple tips for skunk prevention, you can keep these pesky critters out of your yard and help ensure the safety of your family and property. If you’re ever in doubt, contact a professional skunk removal expert to get the job done right. Good luck!                                                                                                   

What You Need to Know About Nuisance Skunk Control

Skunks can spread diseases and parasites, so it’s important to take proper precautions when dealing with them. Never try to handle the skunk directly. If you suspect you have a skunk on your property, contact your local wildlife control company for skunk trapping and removal services. Additionally, make sure you check with your state’s Fish & Wildlife Department to find out what laws apply to skunk control in your area.  Knowing the laws and regulations can help ensure you stay within legal boundaries when protecting your property from skunks.

A professional critter control service is the best solution for skunk problems. If you’re still having trouble with nuisance opossums, contact Modern Wildlife Control at 317-847-6409 for safe and effective animal trapping and removal services for skunks. We serve residential and commercial clients in Indianapolis and all throughout Central Indiana.

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4 Safe Methods of Getting Rid of Skunks
Do This if You See a Wild Skunk
Frequently Asked Questions About Skunk Smell

The Importance of Professional Wildlife Control Service

According to the National Pest Management Association, wildlife control service is a growing industry that helps manage animals that have become pests. These services are important because they help keep people, property, and natural resources safe from harm. Continue below to learn just how important local wildlife removal and control services are vital to the betterment of your surrounding communities, plus what to do if you are currently dealing with a nuisance pest problem on or around your property.

Wildlife Control Indianapolis Indiana 317-847-6409
Wildlife Control Indianapolis Indiana 317-847-6409

Top 3 Reasons Why Indiana Wildlife Control Service is So Valuable

Enhanced Health and Safety

Wildlife control services can be used to remove animals from homes, businesses, and other structures. They can also be used to prevent animals from entering these same areas. These services are important because they can help reduce the spread of diseases, such as rabies, and protect people from attacks by wild animals.

Animal Damage Restoration and Repairs

In addition to safety, wildlife control services can also help preserve property. Animals that are not properly controlled can cause damage to buildings and other structures. They can also destroy landscaping, contaminate food and water supplies, and create hazardous driving conditions. By removing these animals from an area, local wildlife control services can help to reduce the amount of damage they cause.

Protected Natural Resources

Finally, wildlife control services play an important role in protecting our natural resources. Animals that are not properly controlled can harm delicate ecosystems and adversely affect wildlife populations. By controlling these animals, we can help to ensure that our natural resources are protected for future generations.

How to Safely Stop a Pest Problem

If you have a problem with an animal on your property, it is important to contact a professional Indianapolis wildlife control service. These services can help to keep you, your property, and our natural resources safe. Do not attempt to touch, trap, harm, kill, or even tamper with a wild animal. In Indiana, it is illegal to trap wild animals without a license. The Indiana Department of Natural Resources (DNR) offers a trapping license for residents and non-residents who wish to trap furbearing animals on public or private property.

A trapping license allows the holder to trap beaver, coyote, deer, fox, muskrat, opossum, raccoon, river otter, weasel, and bobcat. The license costs $19 for residents and $65 for non-residents. Trappers must follow all state and federal laws when trapping animals. These laws include requirements for tagging and reporting catches, as well as minimum size and species restrictions. Trappers who violate these laws may be subject to fines and other penalties.

Are you concerned that nuisance animals are getting too close after feeding them for too long? Contact Modern Wildlife Control at 317-847-6409 for professional and humane animal trapping and removal services at the most competitive prices in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve residential and commercial clients, and a wide range of local wildlife.

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How to Tell if You Have Nuisance Animal Problems
What to Do if You Find an Abandoned Baby Animal
How to Safely Get Rid of a Dead Animal on Your Property

Watch Out for This Pest if You Have a Water Damaged Roof

First came the snow, then came the melt, and now Central Indiana has been bestowed with drizzling rain. If your roofing system was already water damaged, it may be in bad shape right not. If your roof was fine before all the seasonal freezing and thawing, you may want to have it inspected for water damage. If your roof is water damaged, it is wise to take action against a common nuisance animal that targets weakened roofing systems. We are talking about raccoons!

Continue reading to learn why raccoons are a bigger threat for those who have water-damaged roofs, plus what you can do if you are dealing with a raccoon problem in or around your house.

Raccoon Control Service Indianapolis Indiana 317-847-6409
Raccoon Control Service Indianapolis Indiana 317-847-6409

Raccoons Use Roofs to Access Attics and Wall Voids

A water-damaged roof is certainly a weak roof. In this weakened state, many types of wildlife are at an advantage if they want to get inside your house. However, raccoons are the most likely suspect, as they have human-like paws that can grasp, twist, push, and pull, just like our own. This unique mammalian trait gives them a heightened advantage when it comes to ripping off wet and water damaged roof shingles.

Not only do raccoons have the physical abilities to dig at wet roofs and rip away. Water damaged shingles, but they also have the physical ability to pull open disintegrated decking, vents, roof felt covering, and even ceiling boards. As a result, raccoons get access to inner areas of your house, namely the attic, but also large wall voids. Raccoons can also start at the roof but end up in the crawlspace or the basement.

Animal Proofing for Nuisance Raccoons

During this time of year when temperatures are cooler and precipitation is higher, raccoons are looking for adequate shelter. If your roof is water damaged, your house is going to be a prime target for nuisance raccoon intrusions. Talk to a local Indianapolis raccoon removal company for professional animal proofing strategies that work to prevent raccoons in the attic.

Common raccoon animal proofing strategies include sealing up all gaps and openings on the exterior of the house, especially around the roof and window seals, as well as door frames, siding, mortar, masonry, and foundation. Additionally, vent screens and locks can be installed on attic roof vents to abate raccoon intrusions, and environmental modifications can be made to throw raccoon activity around your property altogether.

Such environmental modifications can include removing all food options on the property, such as log outdoor pet food, bird feeders, squirrel feeders, open trash cans, and any other sources of food. Fencing gardens and potential shelters like log piles and porch cavities are additional effective environmental modifications for raccoon control.

Are you looking for a professional wildlife control company to help you with nuisance raccoons? Contact Modern Wildlife Control at 317-847-6409 to schedule a home inspection for raccoons in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve both residential and commercial clients at the most competitive rates around.

Related Posts:

4 Nuisance Animals to Watch Out For in Winter
How Bad Weather Might Increase Nuisance Wildlife Problems
Standard Procedures and Prices for Raccoon Removal

Modern Wildlife Control Indianapolis, Indiana
Modern Wildlife Control Indianapolis, Indiana

How Bad Weather Might Increase Nuisance Wildlife Problems

Here in Central Indiana, stormy weather is upon us. All day and well into the evening, most of us will be inside our cozy homes, safe from the harsh rain and chilling winds. As for the animals outdoors, they don’t have such luxuries available to them. Instead, they utilize whatever resources and shelter they can find, even if this means their own yards.

Continue reading to learn how this bad weather might increase your nuisance wildlife problems around your home, as well as what you can do to better protect your property against wildlife tampering and intrusion.

Critter Control Company Indianapolis IN 317-847-6409
Critter Control Company Indianapolis IN 317-847-6409

Animal Behaviors Change in Inclement Weather

When it rains or storms outside, you might notice your dog or cat hiding under the bed or underneath the blanket. Even when you’re out in the world on a rainy day, it is common to catch a dog or cat taking shelter underneath the park bench or thick tree canopy for a reprieve from the weather.

Animal behaviors change when the weather changes, whether the weather change is ambient or not. Even we change our behaviors when the weather turns, like pulling our jackets overhead in the middle of the sudden rainfall or warming our cars up before taking off in wintry weather.

So, you can begin to understand why animals can become more of a nuisance when the weather gets worse. Just like us, they want a safe and warm place to rest while they wait out the storm or upcoming winter season.

Animals are Looking for Shelter and Food

Just before and during a rainstorm, local wildlife populations will begin their hunt for safe and warm shelter. These shelters often turn out to be hollowed trees, patios, attics, porches, sheds, barns, tree houses, jungle gyms, log piles, and even your cars, or worse, your attic. Animals like raccoons, squirrels, birds, and bats typically go for the higher points like attics and roofs. raccoons and squirrels are excellent climbers and can easily access rooftops, while bats and birds can fly. Other critters, like snakes, rabbits, foxes, skunks, opossums, and even coyotes will search everywhere they can for grounded shelters, because these are within their realm of accessibility.

Storms, especially harsh storms or ones that last for several days, tend to wipe out a lot of the local wildlife food sources. Water pooling, flooding, and high moisture levels can all contribute to a lack of food availability for animals. Food supplies are also greatly affected in the winter season, which is why wildlife infestations are so common this time of year. Once the storms or inclement weather has passed, animals will go out to look for food, which many times tends to be residential areas.

Animals like raccoons, skunks, and opossums will dig up lawns for grubs, plunder gardens, thieve pet food, and raid garbage cans. Other animals, like gophers, moles, rabbits, voles, beavers, and muskrats can chew everything up in sight, including your beloved landscaping trees and shrubbery. Predators, like coyotes, hawks, vultures, and foxes will go on the hunt for small animals or might even attack small pets. And snakes can attract other nuisance wildlife.

Animal-Proofing Works

If you live near wooded or forested areas, or near a large body of water, you need a solid animal-proofing plan in place. In times of bad weather, you can feel better protected against animal tampering and intrusions, especially in the winter. Talk to your local and trusted wildlife control company in Indianapolis for advice on how to implement these strategies and more.

Are you ready to get rid of nuisance animal problems with some professional assistance you can trust? Contact Modern Wildlife Control at 317-847-6409 for safe and effective critter control in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve commercial clients, too!

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Modern Wildlife Control Indianapolis, Indiana
Modern Wildlife Control Indianapolis, Indiana

How Motion Detection Sprinklers Can Keep Nuisance Animals Away

Are you having trouble with nuisance wildlife? Are animals like rabbits and squirrels destroying your lawns and gardens? Motion detection sprinkler systems are a terrific and affordable method for diverting nuisance wildlife away from your property. Not only are they safe and humane for animals, people, and the surrounding environment, but they are also very affordable and easy to install.

Continue reading to learn some helpful tips on using motion detection sprinklers to abate nuisance wildlife and keep your property safe.

Indianapolis Animal Control Services 317-847-6409
Indianapolis IN Animal Control Services 317-847-6409

Buying a Motion Detection Sprinkler System

You can buy a wide variety of animal-repelling motion detecting sprinklers on the market, all ranging in capacity, quality, and price. They are available for purchase online, or at home improvement and gardening stores. Your local department store, such as Meijer or Target, may also have options in their home and garden section. Depending on the type you choose and how many come in a set, you can expect to pay anywhere between $30 and $75.

Sprinkler Installation Tips for Wildlife Control

Although motion detection sprinklers are designed to be ultra-safe animal repellant devices, they can’t do all the work. There are some do-it-yourself strategies you can implement when setting up your sprinkler system to maximize their effectiveness.

Make Environmental Adjustments

Take a closer look at your property and think about what it is that’s attracting pests. The most common reasons are food and water. Before you set up your sprinklers, make the proper changes to your premise in order to thwart nuisance wildlife activity. This includes removing all food and water sources, such as pet bowls, bird baths, squirrel feeders, and more. It also includes protecting gardens with natural fencing or chicken wire, as well as, minimizing sources of shelter (i.e. old jungle gyms, log piles, voids beneath porch or patio, etc.).

Choose a Smart Location

The location of your animal-repelling motion detecting sprinklers is an integral part of maximizing their efficacy. Choose a spot that gets the most wildlife activity. Also be sure the sprinkler is facing away from anything you wish to protect or keep dry. Keep in mind that these sprinkler systems cover a large radius, so you can spread them out if you have more than one. In fact, many homeowners require more than one, which is why many products come in a set.

Customize the Detection Radius

Whether you are using one or more sprinklers, it helps to fine-tune the radius settings to your liking. You may need to avoid spraying sidewalks or playgrounds, or you may need to increase the settings for a stronger and wider range. In addition to customized radius settings, you can also adjust the sensitivity of the detection technology to go off in the presence of large or small animals.

Are you having trouble with nuisance wildlife tampering or activity on your property? Contact Modern Wildlife Control at 317-847-6409 for safe and effective animal trapping and removal services in Indianapolis, IN. We work with all native species and serve residential and commercial clients all throughout Central Indiana.

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Indiana Wildlife Removal and Control Company
Indiana Wildlife Removal and Control 317-847-6409