Discover Indiana’s Hidden Wildlife: A Guide to Crepuscular Species

Indiana’s diverse wildlife is a treasure trove for nature enthusiasts. Many animals come alive at dawn and dusk when the skies are painted in hues of gold and purple. These fascinating moments belong to crepuscular species—animals most active during twilight. But what exactly does it mean for an animal to be crepuscular? Why is this behavior significant, and which species can you find in Indiana? 

This guide explores the worlds of Indiana’s crepuscular species, their role in maintaining ecosystems, and how you can safely observe or manage their presence. Whether you’re a wildlife enthusiast or a homeowner dealing with nuisance animals, there’s something here for you.

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A Majestic Barred Owl

What Are Crepuscular Species and Why Do They Matter?

“Crepuscular” comes from the Latin word crepusculum, meaning twilight. Animals with crepuscular behavior are most active at dawn (sunrise) and dusk (sunset). This activity pattern allows them to avoid predators that hunt during the day or night and take advantage of these cool hours to escape heat or conserve energy. 

Unlike nocturnal or diurnal animals, crepuscular species have evolved specialized behaviors and physical traits to thrive in these transitional times of day. Their activity supports a balanced ecosystem by creating food chains, enabling pollination, spreading seeds, and controlling pests.

Crepuscular Species You’ll Encounter in Indiana

Indiana’s landscape, filled with forests, wetlands, and grasslands, hosts a fascinating array of crepuscular species. They belong to a diverse range of groups, including mammals, birds, and insects. Here’s a closer look at some of the species you might encounter:

1. Mammals

► White-tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus) 

Indiana’s state animal, the white-tailed deer, is often spotted grazing in open fields during dawn and dusk. With their cautious movements and keen senses, they embody the quintessential crepuscular behavior.

► Eastern Cottontail Rabbit (Sylvilagus floridanus) 

Known for their nervous yet endearing behavior, these rabbits forage for food like clover and grass in twilight periods, dipping into both urban backyards and rural meadows.

► Common Raccoon (Procyon lotor) 

Raccoons, best known for their dexterous paws and love for scavenging, are crepuscular too. They thrive in wooded areas but are also frequent visitors to suburban neighborhoods.

2. Birds

► American Woodcock (Scolopax minor) 

Known for its distinctive “sky dance,” the American woodcock is a migratory bird most active during dusk, offering birdwatchers a magical evening performance.

► Eastern Whip-poor-will (Caprimulgus vociferus) 

This shy, ground-nesting bird’s evocative whistle-like call can be heard as the sun sets or rises. It’s a cherished sound for Indiana bird lovers.

► Barred Owl (Strix varia) 

While typically nocturnal, barred owls are crepuscular in certain habitats. Their haunting yet distinct “Who cooks for you?” hoot lingers at twilight hours.

3. Insects

► Fireflies (Lampyridae family) 

Lightning bugs are summer essentials in Indiana’s meadows and backyards. Their soft glows at dusk signal courtship, creating a magical atmosphere.

► Dusking Moths (Various species) 

Many moth species in Indiana, like the rosy maple moth, are crepuscular. They flutter around twilight-bearing pollination tasks, crucial for plants like evening primrose.

► Mosquitoes (Culicidae family) 

While less romantic than fireflies, mosquitoes are crepuscular insects vital to several food chains, despite being pesky for humans.

How to Observe Crepuscular Species in Indiana 

Spotting crepuscular species is a rewarding activity for nature enthusiasts. Follow these tips to maximize your experience while ensuring minimal disturbance to the animals:

Timing is Key 

  • The best time to observe these animals is within the first hour after sunrise or the last hour before sunset. Early mornings in spring or summer are particularly ideal. 

Choose the Right Locations 

  • State Parks like Brown County State Park or Turkey Run State Park are teeming with deer, owls, and rabbits.
  • Wetlands like Goose Pond Fish and Wildlife Area are havens for bird enthusiasts. 
  • Your backyard—you’d be surprised to find how many species, from raccoons to fireflies, thrive nearby. 

Use Quiet, Non-intrusive Equipment 

  • Bring binoculars for mammal or birdwatching. 
  • Use flashlights fitted with red filters at dusk to avoid startling animals. 
  • Cameras with zoom lenses allow you to document your sightings without getting too close.

Dress for the Environment 

  • Wear neutral-colored, weather-appropriate clothing to blend in and avoid alarming wildlife.

Stay Respectful 

  • Avoid loud noises and leave nature undisturbed. Remember to “take only memories, leave only footprints.”

The Role of Crepuscular Species in Indiana’s Ecosystem 

These species play vital roles in Indiana’s ecosystems. Here’s why they’re important:

  • Pollination and Seed Dispersal – Creatures like dusking moths and certain birds help pollinate flowers and disperse seeds, ensuring plant diversity. 
  • Pest Control – Creatures like bats (often crepuscular in behavior) control insect populations, including mosquitoes. 
  • Food Web Contributions – Prey species like rabbits and insects sustain a wide range of predators, from foxes to hawks. Their activity levels at specific times help reduce competition for food. 

The disappearance of these animals could cause cascading effects, such as overgrowth of plants or surges in pest populations.

Nuisance Wildlife Control and Animal-Proofing for Homeowners 

While many people delight in spotting crepuscular species, others may find some animals unwelcome—raccoons in the attic, for instance. Here are some tips for managing nuisance wildlife safely and ethically:

  • Secure Trash and Food Sources – Use wildlife-proof trash cans and keep pet food indoors.
  • Inspect and Seal Openings – Check for cracks or entry points in your home’s walls, roofs, or vents.
  • Install Deterrents – Install motion-activated lights to deter nocturnal or crepuscular visitors like raccoons.
  • Consider Professional Help – If animals have invaded your space, contact a licensed Indiana wildlife control provider to relocate them humanely and legally.
  • Use Natural Repellents – Spread coffee grounds or vinegar-soaked rags to deter animals like rabbits from gardens.

By implementing these strategies, you can deter nuisance wildlife while respecting their ecological role.

Final Thoughts

Crepuscular species add vibrancy and balance to Indiana’s rich ecosystems. From shy rabbits to dazzling fireflies, these animals deserve both admiration and protection. By observing them respectfully and managing their presence responsibly, we contribute to their survival and foster harmony with nature. 

If you’d like to learn more about wildlife control or ethical ways to interact with local species, consider contacting a licensed professional. And if you’ve spotted a crepuscular animal, share your story! Conservation starts with appreciation.

Are you looking for professional critter control assistance in the Indy area? Contact Modern Wildlife Control at 317-847-6409 for licensed and insured animal trapping and removal for bats, raccoons, and more in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve residential and commercial clients.

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Raccoon Removal 101: Your Essential Guide

When it comes to sharing your home, raccoons are probably the last guests you’d want. Known for their curiosity and dexterity, these midnight marauders can wreak havoc, particularly if they decide that your attic is their new abode.

This guide to raccoon removal is your go-to resource for understanding and managing these intruders. We will take a deep dive into effective raccoon control methods, how to deal with raccoons in the attic and ensure they don’t return. Let’s reclaim your peace and safety! 

Call 317-847-6409  for Raccoon Removal Near Indianapolis IN
Call 317-847-6409 for Raccoon Removal Near Indianapolis IN

The Common Raccoon

The Common Raccoon, scientifically known as Procyon Lotor, is a highly adaptable mammal found predominantly in North America. Known for their characteristic black mask and ringed tail, raccoons are omnivorous, ingesting a diet that includes fruits, plants, insects, and small animals. They are renowned for their intelligence and problem-solving abilities, which often lead them to urban areas in search of food. While their curious nature and dexterity may cause a few headaches for homeowners, there’s no denying the ingenuity and adaptability of the Common raccoon.

Identifying Raccoon Activity

The first step to getting rid of raccoons is knowing whether they’re even present. Once you confirm raccoon activity, then you can take the necessary steps to remove them and clean up any messes they may have left behind. Here are a few telltale signs that raccoons may be living in or visiting your home:

▶ Unusual noises like scratching or rustling coming from the attic or walls.
▶ Sightings of raccoons during the day or night.
▶ Damaged garbage cans and overflowing compost bins.
▶ Animal tracks in soil around your house.
▶ Chewed wires or other damage to property. 

Raccoon Control

Once you identify raccoon activity, it’s time to take control. It’s important to note that under Canadian law, it is illegal to poison or relocate raccoons without a permit from your local municipality. The following are the most effective methods of raccoon removal:

Professional Exclusion: The most humane and foolproof method of raccoon removal is to hire a professional wildlife control company. They will identify any potential entry points and areas of risk, install one-way exclusion doors to allow the animals to leave on their own, and clean up any mess left behind.

Professional Trapping: If you hire a professional raccoon control company with proper the means and expertise, they can set non-lethal traps, which can also be effective in removing raccoons. It’s important to note, however, that trapping is only legal if there is a valid purpose for doing so and it must be done in accordance with local laws and regulations.

DIY Repellents: You can also try using animal repellents, which you can buy over the counter or make yourself. You can also try using raccoon deterrents, such as talk radio, loud noises, automatic sprinklers, or motion-activated lights to scare away raccoons. Bear in mind though, these methods are not always effective on their own.

Racoon Proofing and Prevention

When it comes to raccoon control, prevention is key. Taking a few simple steps can help keep your property safe from these furry invaders:

Secure garbage cans and compost bins with tightly fitting lids.

Keep outdoor areas clean and free of debris.

Remove fallen fruit or vegetable matter from gardens or yards.

Install fencing around gardens or other areas that may attract raccoons.

Trim trees and shrubs near your home to reduce cover for access to the roof or attic.

Seal up any potential access points, such as cracks or holes in the foundation or roof.

Final Thoughts

Raccoon removal and control can be difficult, but with the right knowledge and resources, it is possible. By following the tips outlined in this guide, you can reclaim your home from these unwelcome visitors and ensure they don’t return. With a little patience and perseverance, you can rest easy knowing your property is protected from raccoons.

Do you suspect you have a nuisance raccoon problem on your property? Are there raccoons in your crawl space or attic right now? Contact Modern Wildlife Control at 317-847-6409 for licensed and insured animal trapping and removal for raccoons in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve residential and commercial clients.

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Standard Procedures and Prices for Raccoon Removal
How to Protect Your Property During Raccoon Breeding Season
Recommended Attic Vent Screens for Raccoon Control

An Expert’s Guide on How to Keep Raccoons Out of Your Yard

Raccoons are one of the most common pests encountered in residential areas. Not only can they be a nuisance, but they also carry serious health risks and can cause considerable damage to both property and vegetation. If you’re looking for ways on how to keep raccoons out of your yard, then this guide is for you! In this post, we’ll cover everything from identifying potential sources of food or shelter that may attract raccoons, as well as steps you can take to prevent them from entering your property in the first place. We’ll also discuss methods such as using raccoon repellents or professional raccoon removal services if needed.

So, whether it’s preventing an infestation before it starts or dealing with existing intruders – this comprehensive guide has all the tips and tricks you need to know when it comes to keeping raccoons away from your home!

Call 317-847-6409 For Raccoon Removal in Indianapolis
Call 317-847-6409 For Raccoon Removal in Indianapolis

How to Get Rid of Raccoons and Keep They Out

Do Not Feed Raccoons

First and foremost, it’s important to recognize potential sources of food or shelter that may attract raccoons. These can include trash cans left open or unsecured, pet food left outdoors, bird feeders, compost piles, and more. In addition to removing these sources of food or shelter, you should also make sure to keep your yard well maintained by mowing regularly and trimming back trees and shrubs near your house.

Implement Raccoon Control Strategies

You can also take preventive steps such as installing exclusion barriers like fencing with a 4-foot gap between the ground and bottom of the fence or using special raccoon repellents around your property. When using chemical repellents, be sure to follow all directions on the label carefully to ensure safety and effectiveness.

Hire a Licensed Raccoon Removal Service

Finally, if you find yourself in a situation where raccoons have already made their way onto your property and are causing problems, then it’s best to contact a professional raccoon removal company for assistance. Hiring experienced wildlife experts can help remove raccoons from your yard safely and humanely – without the need to trap or relocate them elsewhere.

Control Nuisance Raccoons With These Tips!

With this information in hand, you should now be better prepared on how to keep raccoons out of your yard! Remember that taking proactive steps such as removing sources of food or shelter and using exclusion barriers like fencing can go a long way towards preventing an infestation before it starts. However, if raccoons have already entered your home, then don’t hesitate to contact a licensed and insured wildlife control company for raccoon removal services. With their knowledge and expertise, they can ensure raccoons are removed quickly and safely so you can go back to enjoying your yard again!

Do you have a nuisance raccoon problem on your property? Contact Modern Wildlife Control at 317-847-6409 for safe and effective animal trapping and removal services for raccoons in Indianapolis, Indiana and its surrounding counties. We serve residential and commercial customers.

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Facts About the Omnivorous Life of Raccoons

Raccoons are opportunistic feeders. This means they will eat almost anything, whenever and wherever they can get it. And with dexterous paws and a higher intelligence, they easily succeed at the task. Unfortunately, this style of eating brings wild raccoons to our front lines, tipping trash cans and rummaging through dumpsters in our local neighborhoods and city areas. So, what are they looking for? Well, just about anything, really.

Continue reading to explore some of the most common things raccoons eat, then use this knowledge to divert raccoon interest away from your property!

Raccoon Removal Service Indianapolis Indiana 317-847-6409
Raccoon Removal Service Indianapolis Indiana 317-847-6409

Raccoons are Omnivores

Raccoons are omnivores, just like us! They eat the entire food table, including vegetation, meat, fish, legumes, grains, and more. Their diets reflect their surrounding environments and depend on what’s available and what’s nearby. So, they will vary from region to region, and from species to species. Raccoons will even dig up lawns in search of grubs, empty bird and squirrel feeders, steal pet food, and demolish gardens in residential and city areas!

Plant Matter

Raccoons will eat all types of fruit and vegetables, as well as, starches, legumes, and even grains. This long list includes common foods, such as grass, lettuce, melons, berries, apples, acorns, seeds, nuts, corn, potatoes, peas, cucumbers, and much more. In fact, raccoons have come to rely on corn as a staple in their diets, and really love the taste of sweet corn!


Raccoons eat an alarming selection of meat and animals. Not only will they gladly eat fast food burgers and turkey sandwiches left in the garbage, but they also commonly eat young birds, bird eggs, duck eggs, turtle eggs, turtles, fish, crayfish, rodents, frogs, snakes, salamanders, grubs, spiders, and many other insects. They will even eat garage and dead animals so long as they are still somewhat fresh.

Pet Food

Also, raccoons that live near urban and suburban areas really love dog and cat food! They are known to go to great lengths to get inside garages and outdoor sheds for a taste of puppy chow! They may even raid horse feed and livestock feed.

Raccoon Removal and Control

If you have raccoon problems, you need professional raccoon removal and control services. Contact a local wildlife control company for non-lethal and humane raccoon exclusion and preventative maintenance. They have the tools and training to safely remove raccoons and prevent their return. To get started on your own, simply remove outdoor attractions like pet food, pet bowls, bird baths, and trashcans.

Do you have a nuisance raccoon problem on your property? Contact Modern Wildlife Control at 317-847-6409 for safe and effective animal trapping and removal services for raccoons in Indianapolis, Indiana and its surrounding counties. We serve residential and commercial customers.

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How to Spot the Signs of Raccoons Around Your House
Recommended Attic Vent Screens for Raccoon Control
What Do Raccoons Like to Do?

Watch Out for This Pest if You Have a Water Damaged Roof

First came the snow, then came the melt, and now Central Indiana has been bestowed with drizzling rain. If your roofing system was already water damaged, it may be in bad shape right not. If your roof was fine before all the seasonal freezing and thawing, you may want to have it inspected for water damage. If your roof is water damaged, it is wise to take action against a common nuisance animal that targets weakened roofing systems. We are talking about raccoons!

Continue reading to learn why raccoons are a bigger threat for those who have water-damaged roofs, plus what you can do if you are dealing with a raccoon problem in or around your house.

Raccoon Control Service Indianapolis Indiana 317-847-6409
Raccoon Control Service Indianapolis Indiana 317-847-6409

Raccoons Use Roofs to Access Attics and Wall Voids

A water-damaged roof is certainly a weak roof. In this weakened state, many types of wildlife are at an advantage if they want to get inside your house. However, raccoons are the most likely suspect, as they have human-like paws that can grasp, twist, push, and pull, just like our own. This unique mammalian trait gives them a heightened advantage when it comes to ripping off wet and water damaged roof shingles.

Not only do raccoons have the physical abilities to dig at wet roofs and rip away. Water damaged shingles, but they also have the physical ability to pull open disintegrated decking, vents, roof felt covering, and even ceiling boards. As a result, raccoons get access to inner areas of your house, namely the attic, but also large wall voids. Raccoons can also start at the roof but end up in the crawlspace or the basement.

Animal Proofing for Nuisance Raccoons

During this time of year when temperatures are cooler and precipitation is higher, raccoons are looking for adequate shelter. If your roof is water damaged, your house is going to be a prime target for nuisance raccoon intrusions. Talk to a local Indianapolis raccoon removal company for professional animal proofing strategies that work to prevent raccoons in the attic.

Common raccoon animal proofing strategies include sealing up all gaps and openings on the exterior of the house, especially around the roof and window seals, as well as door frames, siding, mortar, masonry, and foundation. Additionally, vent screens and locks can be installed on attic roof vents to abate raccoon intrusions, and environmental modifications can be made to throw raccoon activity around your property altogether.

Such environmental modifications can include removing all food options on the property, such as log outdoor pet food, bird feeders, squirrel feeders, open trash cans, and any other sources of food. Fencing gardens and potential shelters like log piles and porch cavities are additional effective environmental modifications for raccoon control.

Are you looking for a professional wildlife control company to help you with nuisance raccoons? Contact Modern Wildlife Control at 317-847-6409 to schedule a home inspection for raccoons in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve both residential and commercial clients at the most competitive rates around.

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Standard Procedures and Prices for Raccoon Removal

Modern Wildlife Control Indianapolis, Indiana
Modern Wildlife Control Indianapolis, Indiana

What Do Raccoons Like to Do?

Raccoons are unlike any woodland mammal here in Indiana. There is a reason why they are one of the most common nuisance critters in the state among both residential and commercial property owners. It is important to protect your property from nuisance raccoon activity and tampering if you want to preserve the structural integrity and safety of your investment.

Furthermore, raccoons are known carriers of several transmissible diseases and undesirable contagions like lice and mites. Perhaps by learning more about typical raccoon behavior, you can more clearly recognize why raccoons are attracted to your property and how they are capable of causing so much destruction.

Continue reading to learn what raccoons like to do in order to understand how to get rid of them for good in the safest manner possible.

Raccoon Critter Control Indianapolis IN 317-847-6409
Raccoon Critter Control Indianapolis IN 317-847-6409

Typical Raccoon Behaviors

Raccoons are very intelligent, demonstrating human-like characteristics of curiosity and problem solving. But this is not learned behavior; instead, raccoons are bred with these types of qualities, traits, and natural behaviors. Below are some principal aspects of a raccoon’s life, and what behaviors they display in each.

Fundamental Facts About Raccoons:

🦝► Raccoon Reproduction

Raccoons conceive in wintertime, usually later in the season. This way, their pups are born in the spring, when weather is warm, and the survival-rate is much higher.   They hide away and hibernate in warm dens or shelters through the winter but remain active in all other seasons. Mothers generally reproduce one to six baby raccoons, on average. They are extremely protective of their offspring as well. Most raccoon attacks reported have been from instigating or scaring a mother raccoon typing to protect her young.

🦝► Raccoon Social Habits

Once raccoons are 12 months old, they are no longer attached to their mother. They flee the coup, so to say, and become entirely independent. Although independent, raccoons remain in groups, up to five or six at a time, for protection against natural predators, and perhaps even companionship (although not proven). To communicate to one another, raccoons have a language of more than 200 sounds and 12 calls.

🦝► Raccoon Activity

Raccoons are nocturnal, so they rest in the day and then hint for food at night. They eat everything from fruit and nuts to small prey, fish, lizards, birds, and more. They are particularly fond of human food, which is why they tend to raid garbage cans on occasion. Because of over-development, these mammals have lost a lot of their natural habitat and are forced into our residential and urban areas for food and shelter. And for this reason, they are often deemed a nuisance animal in these areas. But not in the wild!

🦝► Raccoon Abilities

Raccoons are not just very intelligent and exhibit curiosity and memory just as humans do, they are also quite good with their hands. Their paws are hyper-sensitive to touch, and also very agile and dexterous. They have human-like hands that allow them to grasp, clutch, hold, pry open, climb, and much more. They can undo latches, locks, doorknobs, and more if the opportunity arises.

Are you interested in animal-proofing your property to get rid of raccoons and other unwanted critters? If so, you are the right place! Contact Modern Wildlife Control at 317-847-6409 for safe and effective animal trapping and removal services for raccoons and more. We serve residential and commercial clients in Indianapolis and all throughout Central Indiana.

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Standard Procedures and Prices for Raccoon Removal
Learn Why Nuisance Animals are Attracted to Your Property
How to Spot the Signs of Raccoons Around Your House

Modern Wildlife Control Indianapolis
Modern Wildlife Control Indianapolis

Recommended Attic Vent Screens for Raccoon Control

The vents that lead in and out of your attic are prime spots for raccoons and other nuisance wildlife to use as easy access points to the inside of your home. If you already know raccoons are a nuisance critter problem in the area, you should consider implementing certain raccoon control strategies to protect your home from animal intrusions. One recommended method of attic raccoon control is attic vent screening. This can be a critical part of home security and protection.

Continue reading to learn the top 3 attic vent screening products on the market, some tips on installing them, and most importantly, what to do if the screening strategy isn’t enough to get rid of raccoons in the attic.

Get Rid of Raccoons in the Attic in Indianapolis 317-847-6409
Get Rid of Raccoons in the Attic in Indianapolis 317-847-6409

Important Attic Vent Screening Tips

Vent screens should be properly installed and intact at all times. It is best to check on your vent screens as often as possible, and even more-so during seasons of high animal activity. One of the biggest mistakes is improper installation. When your attic’s vent screens are not placed properly, they will fail to do their job.

Always try to install vent screens on the outside of the vent. If you choose to install them on the inside, small nuisance animals, like bats and birds, can still use the purgatory space between the screen and the vent as a place to nest.  Although screening on the exterior of a home is not ideal for homeowners that take pride in the aesthetics of their home, there are other screening options that are more stylish.

If you do not live near wooded or forested areas, you could probably get away with installing your vent screens on the inside, but it is best to discuss this with a licensed wildlife control technician for professional advice regarding your property’s unique attributes.

Recommended Attic Vent Screens on the Market

❶ VentGuard Wildlife Exclusion Screen – 11” x 11” Galvanized Black $40
❷ Kwick Mesh Utility Screen Roll – 12” x 20ft. $40
❸ VentGuard HY-C Soffit Screens – 4” x 16” Various Colors $40

You can purchase these products online through an internet retailer or at your local home improvement store. The best source for attic sealing and security for the purpose of critter control is a licensed wildlife removal company in Indianapolis. They have the highest quality resources, materials, and strategies to get rid of raccoons quickly, without harming your home or the surrounding environment.

Were the attic vent screens ineffective against the nuisance raccoons in your neighborhood? Contact Modern Wildlife Control at 317-847-6409 for effective and affordable animal trapping and removal services for raccoons. We serve residential and commercial clients in Indianapolis and throughout Central Indiana.

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Standard Procedures and Prices for Raccoon Removal
How to Protect Your Property During Raccoon Breeding Season
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Indiana Wildlife Removal and Control Company
Indiana Wildlife Removal and Control 317-847-6409

Common Facts About Wild Raccoons in Indiana

Raccoons are a common woodland and forest species here in the Hoosier state. They are often seen as a nuisance pest because they trespass onto our properties and create loads of trouble. Yet, the raccoon species is a fascinating breed because of their unparalleled intelligence and human-like paws.

Continue reading to learn some of the most common facts about raccoons in Indiana, and what to do if they are bothering your property night after night.

Indianapolis Raccoon Control 317-847-6409
Indianapolis Raccoon Control 317-847-6409

Raccoons are Mammals

Raccoons are mammals and warm blooded. They are referred to scientifically as Procyon Lotor. They are covered in a thick, gray-colored fur that keeps them cool in the heat and warm in cold weather. They are most recognizable by their striped tail and black “bandit-like” mask over their eyes.

Raccoons Can Range in Size

Raccoons, depending on the region of the world and their diet, can weigh anywhere from 8 to 20 pounds on average. Raccoons found in our neighborhoods are usually fatter because of the constant and easy access to residential garbage cans and dumpsters.

Raccoons are Nocturnal Omnivores

Raccoons are nocturnal, meaning they live and stay active at night, and sleep during the day. They are also omnivores because they eat both plants and small animals as their primary food source. Raccoons prefer smaller animals like frogs, crayfish, hermit crabs, insects, and small fish. They are also attracted to eating fruits, nuts, and seeds. 

Raccoons Can Live a Long Time

Raccoons are clever and eager to find food. This makes their life expectancy higher than mammals their size because they are good at surviving, even in the harshest conditions. They are known to live up to 20 years in domestication! However, due to many environmental threats, like predators, destroyed habitat, and highways, raccoons in the wild live only 1 to 3 years.

Raccoon Babies are Kits

Raccoon mothers give birth to baby raccoons referred to as kits. They usually carry their litter for about 65 days, and give birth to 2 to 5 kits at a time. They live in dens and protect and feed their young there.  This is a safe hideaway from predators, as mentioned before. By three or four months, the baby raccoons are ready to be weaned and venture out on their own.

How to Get Rid of Raccoons in Indiana

If you are dealing with nuisance raccoons around your property, or have discovered raccoons in the attic of your home, act now. Contact Modern Wildlife Control at 317-847-6409 for prompt and professional 24 hour critter control in Indianapolis, Indiana for raccoons and more.

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How to Spot the Signs of Raccoons Around Your House
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Indiana Wildlife Removal and Control Company
Indiana Wildlife Removal and Control 317-847-6409

How to Protect Your Property During Raccoon Breeding Season

Did you know that mid-February to April is the prime time for raccoon breeding?  It’s true!  This means that in a few short weeks, there will be brand new toddler raccoons roaming the woods, cricks, forests, and unfortunately, residential neighborhoods.  Thus, adding to the already abundant number of wild coons living nearby.  This is troubling for property owners near these naturally wooded areas and watering holes.  Although new life is a wonderful thing, this time of year there are still some things to beware of; especially if you have experienced raccoon issues before.

Continue below to learn the common signs of raccoon activity, and how you can protect your property during their peak breeding season.

Indianapolis Raccoon Removal and Control 317-847-6409
Indianapolis Raccoon Removal and Control 317-847-6409

Common Signs of Raccoon Activity

There are various hints, signs, and evidence that suggest raccoon intrusion.  Indoors, if you experience scratching and rattling noises in the evening, this could mean you have raccoons in your chimney, crawl space, roof, or attic.  The noises will sound peculiar but consistent, and may even sound like high pitched squeaks.  This could mean there are baby raccoons inside your home that have just been born.

Outside, look for evidence that points toward raccoon invasion.  You can look for paw prints in sand, dirt, and mulch.  Also, if your trash cans are being ripped open nightly, you could have a family of raccoons nearby looking for food.  If gardens are tampered with, roof shingles go missing, and bird feeders are being ripped down, there may be a colony of raccoons living on or next to your property.

Recommended Raccoon Control Methods

To prevent new colonies of raccoons invading your property this spring and summer, take note of some precautionary measures.  To reduce the likelihood of raccoons invading your yard, do not make your property attractive to them in the first place.  This means, do not leave trash or garbage cans outside, do not leave pet food outdoors, trim tree limbs that hang too close to your roof, and most importantly, contact a local Indianapolis wildlife control company to seal your property. 

Licensed critter removal contractors retain the proper permits, knowledge, and resources to safely remove raccoons and implicate prevention strategies to avoid a future intrusion.  Outsourcing professional animal control services is a crucial step to seasonal preventative maintenance if you have already spotted raccoons near your property. One raccoon means more, and they could very well already be inside your home!  It is important to have a professional inspect first, to entirely eliminate a raccoon infestation problem.

Are you concerned about the nuisance raccoons around your home or business? Contact Modern Wildlife Control at 317-847-6409 for safe and effective animal trapping and removal services for raccoons in Indianapolis, Indiana. Request a free estimate, today.

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Modern Wildlife Control Indianapolis, Indiana
Modern Wildlife Control Indianapolis, Indiana

4 Nuisance Animals to Watch Out For in Winter

You would think that animals would cozy up in their respective dens or burrows and wait for the winter season to pass. But no, they are still out there causing problems for property owners everywhere in Indiana. Although most animals do hibernate or migrate, there are some species of wildlife that you really need to watch out for in the winter. Continue reading to learn how to protect your home or building from these 4 common wintertime nuisance animals.

Indianapolis Animal Trapper
Indianapolis Animal Trapper 317-847-6409

Wintertime Nuisance Animals

🦇 Bats

Bats are notorious for taking up shelter in attics and crawl spaces. Seeing as though they can fit through an opening as small as 3/8ths of an inch, it is no surprise they can do access our properties so easily. Later on, unsuspecting property owners are faced with a massive renovation project to repair all the damages caused by the infestation. Bats roost in large numbers as well, so the more bats there are, the more damage will occur. For this reason, you want to get rid of bats as soon as possible. By protecting your home or building from bat intrusions, you can avoid costly renovations come spring.

🐺 Raccoons

Many people wrongly assume that raccoons hibernate, but we assure you, they do not. In fact, raccoons are busy little bodies in the winter season, and maintaining perfectly cozy shelters at property owner’s expense. Raccoons will make their winter homes in dens, hollow trees, brush piles, and inside tall grass, all of which is destructive to your landscaping. Especially determined raccoons will go a step further and access inner areas of a house or building, such as the attic, crawl space, underneath porches, garages, sheds, barns, and more. Here is where they do the most damage, not only structurally, but in terms of sanitation too.

🐹 Squirrels

Squirrels are another species of wildlife that are commonly mistaken for hibernators. But the truth is, squirrels are not a hibernating species. They are, however, very agile climbers and clever in a pinch. This makes the potentially threatening to the structural integrity and safety of your property. Squirrels are known to take shelter in attics, and in all other places that raccoons are known to nest, such as wall voids, chimneys, crawl spaces, and under porches.

🦨 Skunks

Skunks are quite destructive, aside from their odorous defense mechanism. They will also continue to dig up lawns and gardens in search of juicy grub worms and other things to eat, all winter long. They are also known to make themselves at home inside garages, sheds, barns, and even below porches. Not only are they destructive and capable of producing a long-lasting smell that can also cause blindness, they are known carriers of several infectious diseases, including the Rabies virus.

How to Protect Your Home This Winter From Nuisance Animals

The best method for protecting your property from nuisance wildlife intrusions and tampering is to seek the assistance of a skilled and reputable Indianapolis critter control company. They can give you advice that specifically targets the nuisance animal that is bothering your home, and protect your property from all other common wildlife threats in your area.

Indianapolis Animal Removal and Control You Can Trust

Call Modern Wildlife Control at 317-847-6409 for safe and humane animal trapping and removal in Indianapolis, Indiana. Our licensed wildlife control specialists offer a wide range of residential and commercial animal extraction and exclusion services at the most competitive prices around.  We only use safe, eco-friendly techniques and humane methods of wildlife abatement. We also offer 24 hour emergency service, free estimates, free advice, and more! Call 317-847-6409 to request a free estimate, today.

Modern Wildlife Control Indianapolis
Modern Wildlife Control Indianapolis