First came the snow, then came the melt, and now Central Indiana has been bestowed with drizzling rain. If your roofing system was already water damaged, it may be in bad shape right not. If your roof was fine before all the seasonal freezing and thawing, you may want to have it inspected for water damage. If your roof is water damaged, it is wise to take action against a common nuisance animal that targets weakened roofing systems. We are talking about raccoons!
Continue reading to learn why raccoons are a bigger threat for those who have water-damaged roofs, plus what you can do if you are dealing with a raccoon problem in or around your house.

Raccoons Use Roofs to Access Attics and Wall Voids
A water-damaged roof is certainly a weak roof. In this weakened state, many types of wildlife are at an advantage if they want to get inside your house. However, raccoons are the most likely suspect, as they have human-like paws that can grasp, twist, push, and pull, just like our own. This unique mammalian trait gives them a heightened advantage when it comes to ripping off wet and water damaged roof shingles.
Not only do raccoons have the physical abilities to dig at wet roofs and rip away. Water damaged shingles, but they also have the physical ability to pull open disintegrated decking, vents, roof felt covering, and even ceiling boards. As a result, raccoons get access to inner areas of your house, namely the attic, but also large wall voids. Raccoons can also start at the roof but end up in the crawlspace or the basement.
Animal Proofing for Nuisance Raccoons
During this time of year when temperatures are cooler and precipitation is higher, raccoons are looking for adequate shelter. If your roof is water damaged, your house is going to be a prime target for nuisance raccoon intrusions. Talk to a local Indianapolis raccoon removal company for professional animal proofing strategies that work to prevent raccoons in the attic.
Common raccoon animal proofing strategies include sealing up all gaps and openings on the exterior of the house, especially around the roof and window seals, as well as door frames, siding, mortar, masonry, and foundation. Additionally, vent screens and locks can be installed on attic roof vents to abate raccoon intrusions, and environmental modifications can be made to throw raccoon activity around your property altogether.
Such environmental modifications can include removing all food options on the property, such as log outdoor pet food, bird feeders, squirrel feeders, open trash cans, and any other sources of food. Fencing gardens and potential shelters like log piles and porch cavities are additional effective environmental modifications for raccoon control.
Are you looking for a professional wildlife control company to help you with nuisance raccoons? Contact Modern Wildlife Control at 317-847-6409 to schedule a home inspection for raccoons in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve both residential and commercial clients at the most competitive rates around.
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