Winterizing Your Home Against Unwanted Critters in Indiana

Today marks the first day of winter in Indiana, and it’s not just the humans who are looking for a warm refuge – nuisance animals are too. They might seem harmless, but these unwanted critters can wreak havoc on your property. Raccoons, mice, squirrels, and other creatures may seek warmth and shelter within your walls, causing structural damage and health risks. But fear not!

This blog post will guide you through the essential steps of winterizing your home against unwelcome wildlife. We will delve into effective animal-proofing techniques and explore professional wildlife control solutions. So, buckle up and prepare to reclaim your space this winter!

Call 317-847-6409  for Licensed Animal Proofing Service in Indianapolis Indiana
Call 317-847-6409 for Licensed Animal Proofing Service in Indianapolis Indiana

Animal Proofing Your Home

The first line of defense against unwanted critters is to animal proof your home. This involves assessing and fortifying potential entry points and eliminating any attractants in your yard. Here are a few tips for animal proofing:

Inspect the exterior. Walk around the perimeter of your house and look for any openings that could serve as access points for wildlife. Check for gaps in siding, holes in the roof, or cracks in the foundation. Also, make sure your chimney and vents are securely covered with mesh screens.

Seal small openings. Even a tiny crack can provide entry for mice and other small animals. Use caulk or steel wool to seal any openings you find on your exterior walls.

Secure trashcans. Raccoons and other animals are always on the lookout for food sources, so make sure your trash cans have tight-fitting lids. Consider investing in animal-proof containers or storing bins in a secure shed.

Eliminate potential nesting sites. Keep your yard tidy by removing any piles of leaves, wood, or debris that could serve as a cozy hiding spot for animals.

Prune trees and shrubs. Trim branches that hang close to your house, as they can provide easy access for squirrels and other climbing critters.

By implementing these simple measures, you can greatly reduce the chances of wildlife finding their way into your home.

Professional Wildlife Control

If you’re dealing with a persistent or more significant wildlife problem, it may be time to call in the professionals. Wildlife control experts have the knowledge and tools to safely and humanely remove animals from your property. They also offer preventative measures to ensure that critters don’t return in the future. Here are some services they may provide:

Inspection: A professional will thoroughly inspect your home, identify potential entry points, and determine the severity of your infestation.

Removal: Using humane techniques, they will remove any wildlife from your home and relocate them to a suitable habitat.

Exclusion: To prevent future infestations, professionals can install barriers and exclusion devices to keep animals out of your home.

Cleanup and Sanitation: If animals have been living in your home, professionals can clean and sanitize the affected areas to eliminate any health risks.

Consultation: Wildlife control experts can offer advice on how to animal-proof your home and make recommendations for keeping critters away.

Winterizing Tips for Specific Animals

Different types of animals may require different strategies for weatherization in winter. Here are some tips for dealing with specific nuisance species in Indiana:

Raccoons: Raccoons are clever critters that are known for their ability to find their way into homes. Make sure all exterior openings, including chimneys, are tightly sealed. Also, secure your garbage cans and don’t leave pet food outside.

Mice: These tiny rodents can squeeze through even the smallest of openings. Seal all cracks and gaps in your home’s exterior and keep food stored in airtight containers.

Squirrels: Squirrels are agile climbers, so they can easily access your roof through overhanging tree branches. Keep trees trimmed back from your house and use metal flashing to block any openings around the roof line.

Bats: To prevent bats from roosting in your attic, install mesh screens over vents and seal any gaps in your roof line.

Remember, when dealing with wildlife, it’s always best to consult with a professional wildlife removal and control company before attempting any DIY measures. They have the expertise to handle animals safely and effectively.

Bottom Line

Winterizing your home against unwanted critters is an essential step in protecting your property and ensuring the safety of you and your family. By following these tips and enlisting the help of professionals when needed, you can prevent animal infestations and enjoy a peaceful winter season in Indiana. Don’t let these pesky critters ruin your holiday spirit – take action now to animal-proof your home!  So, bundle up, grab some hot cocoa, and get started on preparing your home for a critter-free winter.

Do you deal with nuisance animal problems every winter? Contact Modern Wildlife Control at 317-847-6409 for safe and effective animal proofing and removal services for all types of wildlife in Indianapolis, Indiana and its surrounding counties. We serve residential and commercial customers.

Related Posts:

4 Nuisance Animals to Watch Out For in Winter
Indiana’s Wildlife Problems: How They Affect the Environment and Communities
11 Tips for Humanely Controlling Indiana Wildlife

Learn Why Nuisance Animals are Attracted to Your Property

Unfortunately, nuisance wildlife is a common challenge for both residential and commercial real estate owners, especially in the spring and summer seasons. Whether they fly around, burrow in the ground, or crawl on the roof, many wild animals can cause a long list of expensive and frustrating damages to a property. And if you live near woodlands, forested areas, or a body of water, you are at an even higher risk of wild animal intrusion.

But what is it exactly that attracts animals to a yard in the first place? If you can learn why your yard is so popular among wildlife, you can make the necessary modifications to better abate any nuisance animal issues. Continue reading to learn what attracts wild animals, and whether or not your property fits the criteria for change.

Indianapolis Critter Removal and Control
Indianapolis Critter Removal and Control 317-847-6409

Animal Attractions You Need to Protect or Remove

🗑 Food Sources

The number one currency for all animals is food. Food is the first resource animals are looking for when they are venturing around. If your yard contains any type of edible foodstuff, you can easily become a target. The most common examples of animal-attracting food sources include bird seed, squirrel feeders, pet food, gardens, compost piles, garbage cans, outdoor refrigerators, and similar items. If your yard has any of these out in the open and accessible to a sneaky critter, it is only a matter of time before they come looking!

Water Sources

Virtually equivalent in currency to food, water is another primary resource that animals are on the lookout for at all times. If your home is near a creek, pond, or other natural water source, there is a higher chance of wildlife activity on your property. Other water source attractions for nuisance animals include pet dishes, bird baths, koi ponds, fountains, swimming pools, and any other form of standing water.

🌳 Shelter Sources

Right behind food and water is an animal’s need to hide from predators and rest safely through their slumber. If your property contains various sources of shelter for wildlife, then you could be at risk of infestations or routine visits. Common examples include vacancies below porches and decks, as well as, hollowed trees, tall grass, stationary vehicles, tree houses, log piles, play sets, playhouses, and sheds.

What You Can Do About Nuisance Animals

The most effective contribution you can make as a homeowner for the purpose of reducing or eliminating nuisance wildlife activity around your property is to make the necessary environmental modifications to decrease the attractiveness of your yard. When you get rid of all the things that are attracting the animals to your property, you can effectively get rid of your nuisance animal problem.

Need professional help with wildlife control in Indy? Contact Modern Wildlife Control at 317-847-6409 for prompt, 24 hour animal trapping and removal services in Indianapolis, Indiana. Request a free estimate, today.

You Should Also Read:

Affordable Solutions to Spring Nuisance Wildlife Problems
Nuisance Animals to Watch Out for in Indiana
How to Safely Get Rid of a Dead Animal on Your Property

Modern Wildlife Control Indianapolis, Indiana
Modern Wildlife Control Indianapolis, Indiana

How Chipmunks Survive in the Winter

A chipmunk is just about one of the cutest little critters here in Tennessee. However, as a ground-dwelling, burrowing species, they are not so popular among property owners this time of year. Chipmunks are a part of the Sciuridae family, same as squirrels, but rather than climb trees and build nests high off the ground like their distance relatives, chipmunks burrow, creating their homes beneath our feet. Although small, they can certainly cause a significant amount of lawn and garden damage.

What does this mean for you? Continue reading to learn more about wintertime chipmunk activity. This information will give you the insight you need to protect your Nashville, Tennessee property from nuisance chipmunks this year.

Get Rid of Nuisance Chipmunks BEFORE They Make Your Home THEIR Home for the Winter.

Common Chipmunk Activity This Time of Year

As mentioned, chipmunks are part of the Sciuridae family, just like squirrels. This means they are rodents, and as rodents, they like to dig. Chipmunks spend all spring and summer burrowing a complex series of tunnels underground, and foraging for as much food as they can find to store for the winter. During these times, they hand out in the shallow parts of their tunnels during the day, and enter the lower chambers for sleeping at night. They are also known to take up shelter in ground cover, logs, trees, hollowed stumps, shrubs, hedges, fence lines, and rocks. But once the weather turns too cold, they enter the lowest part of their tunnel system and rely on the storage of food the collected over the spring and summer seasons.

Chipmunk Hibernation Patterns in Tennessee

Opposed to common belief, chipmunks are not a hibernating species. However, they do enter a relative state of hibernacula (state of rest and lowered heart rate) for parts of the winter season. For the majority of the season, chipmunks are actively searching for ways to stay warm. During the coldest parts of winter, they enter deep into the tunnel system they created over the spring and summer, and sleep most of the time. When there are warmer days in the winter, chipmunks will arise from their underground tunnels and forage for more food.

Damages That Can Be Caused By Chipmunks

Chipmunk behavior, like tunneling and foraging, will certainly cause a nominal amount of damage to a lawn. At first glance, these tunnels unsightly and greatly reduce curb appeal. However, they are also an obstruction and a tripping hazard, and can even jeopardize a property’s foundation. In the spring and summer, chipmunks can be highly destructive to gardens and potted plants. For these reasons, it is in your best interest to put a stop to nuisance chipmunk activity as soon as possible. Contact a licensed and insured Nashville wildlife control company for expert assistance at an affordable price.

Nashville, Tennessee Chipmunk Removal Services You Can Afford This Winter

Call Modern Wildlife Control in Nashville, Tennessee at 615-336-5503 to get rid of chipmunks this winter, and protect your property from damages come spring. We have the safe and workable solutions to stop nuisance chipmunks from disturbing your property and peace mind, and all of them are affordable. Start with a free estimate over the phone, or schedule an onsite evaluation for chipmunk removal and attic restoration. Our licensed and insured wildlife abatement experts will solve your critter control problems, fast!

Modern Wildlife Control Nashville Tennessee
Modern Wildlife Control in Nashville, Tennessee 615-336-5503