Chipmunks are cute little animals, but they can be a nuisance when they get into your home or garden. They’re not only destructive, but their digging and burrowing can also cause damage to your property. If you’re having problems with chipmunks in your yard or home, there are some simple steps you can take to keep them away for good. Below are seven ways to prevent chipmunks from getting near your house and keeping them out of the garden. Scroll down to get started!
How to Get Rid of Chipmunks Using Simple and Safe Strategies
1. Clean Up the Yard
Chipmunks can be attracted to yards that have plenty of food and shelter. Make sure there are no piles of wood, leaves, or debris in your yard, as these provide perfect hiding spots for chipmunks. By keeping the area around your home free from potential nesting materials, you’ll help deter them from setting up house near yours.
Live traps are a possible way to capture and remove chipmunks without having to use chemicals or other harsh methods. Bait the trap with nuts, fruit or peanut butter and place it near areas where the chipmunks frequent. Once trapped, release the chipmunk away from your property so that they don’t come back.
3. Use Repellents
There are many commercially available wildlife repellent products available for chipmunk control, such as granules, sprays, and ready-to-use liquids. These should be used around the perimeter of your home or Garden to keep chipmunks away from the area. Never use poisons or toxic chemicals, as this is unsafe for the environment, harmful to animals, and inhumane.
Make Your Own Chipmunk Repellent –
Mix 2 tablespoons of peppermint oil with one cup of water. Transfer to a spray bottle and apply in high-traffic areas!
4. Plant Deterrent Plants
Chipmunks don’t like strong scented plants such as garlic or peppermint, so planting these around the edge of your yard can help keep them away. You can also try marigolds or pennyroyal to act as a natural chipmunk deterrent in your garden.
5. Block Access Points
Chipmunks usually enter homes through small openings, so check your home’s exterior for any potential access points and patch them up with hardware cloth or mesh. This will help to keep the chipmunks from getting into your house in the first place.
6. Use Sound Deterrents
Many animals have a natural aversion to certain noises, and chipmunks are no exception. Place high-frequency sound machines around the perimeter of your property to deter them from entering your home or garden area.
7. Hire a Professional
If you’ve tried all of these methods but still can’t seem to get rid of chipmunks on your own, it may be time to call a licensed and insured wildlife control company for assistance. Professional critter control technicians have the tools and resources needed to effectively identify and eliminate chipmunk infestations.
Safe and Humane Chipmunk Control
By following these simple steps, you can help keep chipmunks away from your home without resorting to harmful chemicals or unsafe strategies. With a bit of patience and some preventive measures, you should be able to get rid of your chipmunk problem in no time!
Are you experiencing nuisance chipmunk problems around your Indy home or business? Contact Modern Wildlife Control at 317-847-6409 for safe and effective animal trapping and removal services for chipmunks and squirrels in Indianapolis, Indiana.
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How to Locate a Chipmunk Infestation
A Safe and Homemade Animal Repellent for Chipmunks
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