Learn Why Nuisance Animals are Attracted to Your Property

Unfortunately, nuisance wildlife is a common challenge for both residential and commercial real estate owners, especially in the spring and summer seasons. Whether they fly around, burrow in the ground, or crawl on the roof, many wild animals can cause a long list of expensive and frustrating damages to a property. And if you live near woodlands, forested areas, or a body of water, you are at an even higher risk of wild animal intrusion.

But what is it exactly that attracts animals to a yard in the first place? If you can learn why your yard is so popular among wildlife, you can make the necessary modifications to better abate any nuisance animal issues. Continue reading to learn what attracts wild animals, and whether or not your property fits the criteria for change.

Indianapolis Critter Removal and Control
Indianapolis Critter Removal and Control 317-847-6409

Animal Attractions You Need to Protect or Remove

🗑 Food Sources

The number one currency for all animals is food. Food is the first resource animals are looking for when they are venturing around. If your yard contains any type of edible foodstuff, you can easily become a target. The most common examples of animal-attracting food sources include bird seed, squirrel feeders, pet food, gardens, compost piles, garbage cans, outdoor refrigerators, and similar items. If your yard has any of these out in the open and accessible to a sneaky critter, it is only a matter of time before they come looking!

Water Sources

Virtually equivalent in currency to food, water is another primary resource that animals are on the lookout for at all times. If your home is near a creek, pond, or other natural water source, there is a higher chance of wildlife activity on your property. Other water source attractions for nuisance animals include pet dishes, bird baths, koi ponds, fountains, swimming pools, and any other form of standing water.

🌳 Shelter Sources

Right behind food and water is an animal’s need to hide from predators and rest safely through their slumber. If your property contains various sources of shelter for wildlife, then you could be at risk of infestations or routine visits. Common examples include vacancies below porches and decks, as well as, hollowed trees, tall grass, stationary vehicles, tree houses, log piles, play sets, playhouses, and sheds.

What You Can Do About Nuisance Animals

The most effective contribution you can make as a homeowner for the purpose of reducing or eliminating nuisance wildlife activity around your property is to make the necessary environmental modifications to decrease the attractiveness of your yard. When you get rid of all the things that are attracting the animals to your property, you can effectively get rid of your nuisance animal problem.

Need professional help with wildlife control in Indy? Contact Modern Wildlife Control at 317-847-6409 for prompt, 24 hour animal trapping and removal services in Indianapolis, Indiana. Request a free estimate, today.

You Should Also Read:

Affordable Solutions to Spring Nuisance Wildlife Problems
Nuisance Animals to Watch Out for in Indiana
How to Safely Get Rid of a Dead Animal on Your Property

Modern Wildlife Control Indianapolis, Indiana
Modern Wildlife Control Indianapolis, Indiana

4 Nuisance Animals to Watch Out For in Winter

You would think that animals would cozy up in their respective dens or burrows and wait for the winter season to pass. But no, they are still out there causing problems for property owners everywhere in Indiana. Although most animals do hibernate or migrate, there are some species of wildlife that you really need to watch out for in the winter. Continue reading to learn how to protect your home or building from these 4 common wintertime nuisance animals.

Indianapolis Animal Trapper
Indianapolis Animal Trapper 317-847-6409

Wintertime Nuisance Animals

🦇 Bats

Bats are notorious for taking up shelter in attics and crawl spaces. Seeing as though they can fit through an opening as small as 3/8ths of an inch, it is no surprise they can do access our properties so easily. Later on, unsuspecting property owners are faced with a massive renovation project to repair all the damages caused by the infestation. Bats roost in large numbers as well, so the more bats there are, the more damage will occur. For this reason, you want to get rid of bats as soon as possible. By protecting your home or building from bat intrusions, you can avoid costly renovations come spring.

🐺 Raccoons

Many people wrongly assume that raccoons hibernate, but we assure you, they do not. In fact, raccoons are busy little bodies in the winter season, and maintaining perfectly cozy shelters at property owner’s expense. Raccoons will make their winter homes in dens, hollow trees, brush piles, and inside tall grass, all of which is destructive to your landscaping. Especially determined raccoons will go a step further and access inner areas of a house or building, such as the attic, crawl space, underneath porches, garages, sheds, barns, and more. Here is where they do the most damage, not only structurally, but in terms of sanitation too.

🐹 Squirrels

Squirrels are another species of wildlife that are commonly mistaken for hibernators. But the truth is, squirrels are not a hibernating species. They are, however, very agile climbers and clever in a pinch. This makes the potentially threatening to the structural integrity and safety of your property. Squirrels are known to take shelter in attics, and in all other places that raccoons are known to nest, such as wall voids, chimneys, crawl spaces, and under porches.

🦨 Skunks

Skunks are quite destructive, aside from their odorous defense mechanism. They will also continue to dig up lawns and gardens in search of juicy grub worms and other things to eat, all winter long. They are also known to make themselves at home inside garages, sheds, barns, and even below porches. Not only are they destructive and capable of producing a long-lasting smell that can also cause blindness, they are known carriers of several infectious diseases, including the Rabies virus.

How to Protect Your Home This Winter From Nuisance Animals

The best method for protecting your property from nuisance wildlife intrusions and tampering is to seek the assistance of a skilled and reputable Indianapolis critter control company. They can give you advice that specifically targets the nuisance animal that is bothering your home, and protect your property from all other common wildlife threats in your area.

Indianapolis Animal Removal and Control You Can Trust

Call Modern Wildlife Control at 317-847-6409 for safe and humane animal trapping and removal in Indianapolis, Indiana. Our licensed wildlife control specialists offer a wide range of residential and commercial animal extraction and exclusion services at the most competitive prices around.  We only use safe, eco-friendly techniques and humane methods of wildlife abatement. We also offer 24 hour emergency service, free estimates, free advice, and more! Call 317-847-6409 to request a free estimate, today.

Modern Wildlife Control Indianapolis
Modern Wildlife Control Indianapolis

Affordable Solutions to Spring Nuisance Wildlife Problems

If you own residential or commercial property in Indiana, you are protected with 24 hour emergency wildlife removal and control! Our DNR licensed wildlife control operators can help you get rid of nuisance animal problems this spring, right when homes need it most! Do not fall victim to costly and invasive structural damages caused by animals this time of year, and instead, contact us for a full=-property inspection and abatement program!

Best of all, our services are offered at the most affordable prices in Central Indiana. We even work with some homeowner’s insurance companies, so give us a call to see if we are compatible with your policy for animal damage repair.

Continue below to learn what you need to know about us, and how to get started with a free quote!

Indianapolis Animal Removal Service 317-847-6409
Indianapolis Animal Removal Service

24 Hour Wild Animal Removal and Control

Our DNR licensed wildlife control operators are a licensed, bonded, and insured team of professionals who provide a wide range of wildlife extraction and exclusion services in Central Indiana and its surrounding areas. In fact, we serve more than 30 towns and districts within Central Indiana in order to keep up with the understandable demand for humane wildlife control and prevention.

In addition to 24 hour animal removal and control service, we offer safe and humane wildlife removal, wild animal proofing, wildlife cleanup and restoration, full property inspections, deal animal removal, integrated pest management, abandoned animal rescue, post service checkups, free estimates, and much more!

Why Choose Us?

As licensed specialists, we work with a large number of species native to the state, including bats, raccoons, skunks, birds, squirrels, opossum, snakes, woodchucks, beavers, pigeons, rabbits, and more. When we implement their work, we adhere to the industry accepted criteria and best practices, as well as, operate within all local, state, and federal wildlife laws. Our expertise stems from having more than 25 years of hands-on experience and our commitment to the highest standards of excellence in the industry. Would you like to see for yourself?

Get in Touch Today!

Stop by our Contact Us page to send our trappers an email with any inquiries or questions you have about our company and/or your nuisance animal problems. Better yet, you can contact our office directly at 317-847-6409 during regular business hours for free estimates or information about our services, prices, and more.

Indiana Wildlife Removal and Control Company
Indiana Wildlife Removal and Control 317-847-6409