Skunk Prevention Tips for Homeowners

Skunks may look cute and cuddly, but they can be a real nuisance when they show up in your yard. Skunks are known for their strong smell and their ability to dig holes and damage lawns, gardens, and other outdoor areas. While skunk removal is best left to the professionals, there are some steps you can take on your own to prevent skunks from invading your property in the first place.

Continue reading to learn some safe and effective tips for skunk control that every homeowner should know!

Call 317-847-6409  for Skunk Trapping in Indianapolis Indiana.
Call 317-847-6409 for Skunk Trapping in Indianapolis Indiana.

How to Get Rid of Skunks Using Safe Methods

1. Prevent Access: Skunks can squeeze through very small openings, so it’s important to make sure your property is well secured. Check the perimeter of your home and yard for any openings that skunks could use to gain entry, such as gaps in fences or cracks in foundations. Make sure all windows and doors are closed tightly and sealed with weatherstripping to keep out pests.

2. Keep Food Sources Away: Skunks are attracted to food, so make sure you’re properly disposing of all edible waste in your yard and keeping pet food indoors. If skunks find a source of food on your property, they will likely come back for more.

3. Remove Potential Den Sites: Skunks like to hide in dark, sheltered areas and will hollow out dens under decks or sheds if given the chance. Make sure you regularly inspect your property for possible skunk den sites and remove any debris or clutter that could be used for nesting.

4. Use Deterrents: If you’re still having skunk issues, there are a variety of products available designed to deter skunks. These include commercial repellents and ultrasonic devices that emit noises or vibrations to scare away pests.

By following these simple tips for skunk prevention, you can keep these pesky critters out of your yard and help ensure the safety of your family and property. If you’re ever in doubt, contact a professional skunk removal expert to get the job done right. Good luck!                                                                                                   

What You Need to Know About Nuisance Skunk Control

Skunks can spread diseases and parasites, so it’s important to take proper precautions when dealing with them. Never try to handle the skunk directly. If you suspect you have a skunk on your property, contact your local wildlife control company for skunk trapping and removal services. Additionally, make sure you check with your state’s Fish & Wildlife Department to find out what laws apply to skunk control in your area.  Knowing the laws and regulations can help ensure you stay within legal boundaries when protecting your property from skunks.

A professional critter control service is the best solution for skunk problems. If you’re still having trouble with nuisance opossums, contact Modern Wildlife Control at 317-847-6409 for safe and effective animal trapping and removal services for skunks. We serve residential and commercial clients in Indianapolis and all throughout Central Indiana.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Skunk Smell

Frequently Asked Questions About Skunk Smell

Many people are curious about skunk smell. Although beautifully-adorned with glowing white stripes atop a luscious black coat of shiny fur, these common land critters tend are pretty, but also pretty stinky! Below you will find a list of the most frequently asked questions about skunk smell and skunk spraying, including how to protect your property against nuisance skunks.

Skunk Trapping Indianapolis Indiana 317-847-6409
Skunk Trapping Indianapolis Indiana 317-847-6409

Skunk Smell FAQS

Why Do Skunks Spray?

Skunks spray to defend themselves. It’s that simple. If someone or something gets too close and threatens their safety or comfort, they will stomp their feet, puff up, and lift their tails in warning. They will follow this demonstration by spraying if the threat is persistent. Curious dogs are the most common victim of skunk spraying because they do not easily give up after just a sniff or two.

How Does a Skunk Spray?

Skunks have two anal scent glands that hold the substance that generates their spray. Skunks use their anus muscles to eject the spray out of two nipple-like ejectors on both sides of their anus, below their tail. These ejectors can spray a target up to 10 feet away! But after a full discharge, it can take over a week for a skunk to regenerate their spray reserves.

Will Skunk Spray Harm Me? Will it Harm My Pet?

Skunk spray is not necessarily dangerous, and it is certainly not toxic or disease-ridden, but it is very unpleasant smelling and overwhelming. Without the right cleaning approach, it can linger on clothing, skin, and fur for weeks. Skunk spray is a chemical-based liquid that contains organic compounds known as thiols. These compounds contain sulfur, which is responsible for that tell-tale skunky smell.  The most common side effects of the smell are nausea, headache, and agitation. So long as you do not approach a skunk in the wild, you should not have anything to worry about.

The only issue you have to worry about in terms of skunks and outdoor pets is how to remove skunk smell if they are ever sprayed.

How Do I Remove Skunk Smell on My Dog or Cat?

To remove skunk smell on a dog or cat, combine 1 quart of hydrogen peroxide with a ¼ cup of baking soda and 2 teaspoons of liquid dish soap. Be sure to wear gloves when using this solution! Simply apply it as you would shampoo and use it to clean skunk smell from your pet’s fur, as well as your clothes, skin, and hair. Repeat the cleansing process multiple times until the odor is eliminated. Finish by using your pet’s regular shampoo product.

How Do I Prevent Skunk Spraying Encounters?

You can significantly reduce the likelihood of a skunk encounter if you protect your property against wildlife intrusions. Skunk trapping and removal should be carried out by a licensed and insured Indianapolis critter control company. They have the resources, training, and permits to safely remove skunks and implement proven animal-proofing strategies to get rid of skunks and keep them away for good. If you live near wooded or forested areas, or near a large body of water, you need a solid animal-proofing plan in place whether you see skunks around or not.

Are you noticing an increase in skunk activity around your property? Contact Modern Wildlife Control at 317-847-6409 for licensed and insured skunk removal services in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve residential and commercial clients.

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4 Safe Methods of Getting Rid of Skunks
Do This if You See a Wild Skunk
How to Make Your Own Non-Toxic Animal Repellent Spray