An In-Depth Look at Wildlife Removal Techniques

Wildlife control involves much more than simply removing an unwanted animal from your property. It requires a careful balance of human safety, animal welfare, and respect for the environment. In this in-depth look at wildlife removal techniques, we will delve into the various methods utilized by professionals in the field, from humane trapping to habitat modification.

We will explore how these techniques are implemented to ensure safety for all parties involved, and how they contribute to a broader strategy of wildlife control. Whether your unwelcome visitor is a raccoon, a snake, or a flock of pigeons, understanding these techniques can provide valuable insights into resolving your wildlife issues effectively and humanely.

Call 317-847-6409  For Safe & Humane Wildlife Removal in Indianapolis Indiana
Call 317-847-6409 For Safe & Humane Wildlife Removal in Indianapolis Indiana

Top Wildlife Removal Techniques

Humane Trapping

Humane trapping is the most common method used in wildlife control. It involves using a trap to capture an animal without causing it injury or discomfort. The traps vary in size and design, but they all have one thing in common: bait is used to lure the animal inside. Common baits include fruits, vegetables, fish, and eggs. Once the animal is captured, it can either be relocated or euthanized in a humane manner.

Humane trapping may be used to capture any number of animals, including raccoons, opossums, squirrels, skunks, and birds. It’s important to use the right trap for the job; for example, small mammals such as mice and voles require smaller traps than larger mammals like raccoons. Additionally, the trap must be placed in an area where the animal is likely to find it – baiting should never be done indiscriminately.

*Animal trapping should only be carried out by a licensed and insured wildlife control operator. Never attempt to touch, trap, harm, or kill woodland wildlife in Indiana. You could get injured or face civil and criminal penalties.

Habitat Modification

Habitat modification is another effective method of wildlife control for nuisance animal problems. This involves altering an animal’s environment so that it no longer has access to food, water, or shelter. For example, if a raccoon is living in your attic, you can install screening over the vents and chimneys to prevent it from accessing the area. You could also block off access points on the roof, remove accessible food sources (such as bird feeders), and ensure that garbage cans are securely sealed.

Habitat modification can also be used to discourage animals from returning. This might involve installing motion-activated lights or sprinklers, trimming back overhanging trees and brush, or erecting a fence around the property. By eliminating attractive features of your environment, you can make it less appealing for wildlife.

Animal Repellents

Animal repellents are substances that can be used to deter animals from entering an area. They come in a variety of forms, ranging from natural products (such as predator urine or plant extracts) to synthetic chemicals. Repellents work by creating an unpleasant environment for the animal, either through smell, taste, or touch.

Repellents may be used in conjunction with other techniques, such as habitat modification or humane trapping. They can be applied directly to the area where the animal is entering or living, or they may be sprayed around potential access points. Repellents are generally safe for both humans and animals, but it’s important to read the label carefully before using them.


Wildlife control requires a strategic approach. By understanding the various techniques available – such as humane trapping, habitat modification, and repellents – you can develop an effective strategy for resolving your wildlife issues safely and humanely. With proper planning and implementation of these methods, you can ensure that all parties involved are kept safe while preserving the balance of nature in your area.

It’s also important to remember that wildlife control is an ongoing process. Even after you’ve removed the animal from your property, it’s essential to keep up with maintenance and repairs to ensure the problem doesn’t resurface. With proper care and vigilance, you can keep your home and environment safe for years to come.

Ready to get rid of nuisance critters quickly, and at a price you can actually afford? Contact Modern Wildlife Control at 317-847-6409 for licensed and insured animal removal services in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve residential and commercial clients.

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Facts About the Omnivorous Life of Raccoons

Raccoons are opportunistic feeders. This means they will eat almost anything, whenever and wherever they can get it. And with dexterous paws and a higher intelligence, they easily succeed at the task. Unfortunately, this style of eating brings wild raccoons to our front lines, tipping trash cans and rummaging through dumpsters in our local neighborhoods and city areas. So, what are they looking for? Well, just about anything, really.

Continue reading to explore some of the most common things raccoons eat, then use this knowledge to divert raccoon interest away from your property!

Raccoon Removal Service Indianapolis Indiana 317-847-6409
Raccoon Removal Service Indianapolis Indiana 317-847-6409

Raccoons are Omnivores

Raccoons are omnivores, just like us! They eat the entire food table, including vegetation, meat, fish, legumes, grains, and more. Their diets reflect their surrounding environments and depend on what’s available and what’s nearby. So, they will vary from region to region, and from species to species. Raccoons will even dig up lawns in search of grubs, empty bird and squirrel feeders, steal pet food, and demolish gardens in residential and city areas!

Plant Matter

Raccoons will eat all types of fruit and vegetables, as well as, starches, legumes, and even grains. This long list includes common foods, such as grass, lettuce, melons, berries, apples, acorns, seeds, nuts, corn, potatoes, peas, cucumbers, and much more. In fact, raccoons have come to rely on corn as a staple in their diets, and really love the taste of sweet corn!


Raccoons eat an alarming selection of meat and animals. Not only will they gladly eat fast food burgers and turkey sandwiches left in the garbage, but they also commonly eat young birds, bird eggs, duck eggs, turtle eggs, turtles, fish, crayfish, rodents, frogs, snakes, salamanders, grubs, spiders, and many other insects. They will even eat garage and dead animals so long as they are still somewhat fresh.

Pet Food

Also, raccoons that live near urban and suburban areas really love dog and cat food! They are known to go to great lengths to get inside garages and outdoor sheds for a taste of puppy chow! They may even raid horse feed and livestock feed.

Raccoon Removal and Control

If you have raccoon problems, you need professional raccoon removal and control services. Contact a local wildlife control company for non-lethal and humane raccoon exclusion and preventative maintenance. They have the tools and training to safely remove raccoons and prevent their return. To get started on your own, simply remove outdoor attractions like pet food, pet bowls, bird baths, and trashcans.

Do you have a nuisance raccoon problem on your property? Contact Modern Wildlife Control at 317-847-6409 for safe and effective animal trapping and removal services for raccoons in Indianapolis, Indiana and its surrounding counties. We serve residential and commercial customers.

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Watch Out for This Pest if You Have a Water Damaged Roof

First came the snow, then came the melt, and now Central Indiana has been bestowed with drizzling rain. If your roofing system was already water damaged, it may be in bad shape right not. If your roof was fine before all the seasonal freezing and thawing, you may want to have it inspected for water damage. If your roof is water damaged, it is wise to take action against a common nuisance animal that targets weakened roofing systems. We are talking about raccoons!

Continue reading to learn why raccoons are a bigger threat for those who have water-damaged roofs, plus what you can do if you are dealing with a raccoon problem in or around your house.

Raccoon Control Service Indianapolis Indiana 317-847-6409
Raccoon Control Service Indianapolis Indiana 317-847-6409

Raccoons Use Roofs to Access Attics and Wall Voids

A water-damaged roof is certainly a weak roof. In this weakened state, many types of wildlife are at an advantage if they want to get inside your house. However, raccoons are the most likely suspect, as they have human-like paws that can grasp, twist, push, and pull, just like our own. This unique mammalian trait gives them a heightened advantage when it comes to ripping off wet and water damaged roof shingles.

Not only do raccoons have the physical abilities to dig at wet roofs and rip away. Water damaged shingles, but they also have the physical ability to pull open disintegrated decking, vents, roof felt covering, and even ceiling boards. As a result, raccoons get access to inner areas of your house, namely the attic, but also large wall voids. Raccoons can also start at the roof but end up in the crawlspace or the basement.

Animal Proofing for Nuisance Raccoons

During this time of year when temperatures are cooler and precipitation is higher, raccoons are looking for adequate shelter. If your roof is water damaged, your house is going to be a prime target for nuisance raccoon intrusions. Talk to a local Indianapolis raccoon removal company for professional animal proofing strategies that work to prevent raccoons in the attic.

Common raccoon animal proofing strategies include sealing up all gaps and openings on the exterior of the house, especially around the roof and window seals, as well as door frames, siding, mortar, masonry, and foundation. Additionally, vent screens and locks can be installed on attic roof vents to abate raccoon intrusions, and environmental modifications can be made to throw raccoon activity around your property altogether.

Such environmental modifications can include removing all food options on the property, such as log outdoor pet food, bird feeders, squirrel feeders, open trash cans, and any other sources of food. Fencing gardens and potential shelters like log piles and porch cavities are additional effective environmental modifications for raccoon control.

Are you looking for a professional wildlife control company to help you with nuisance raccoons? Contact Modern Wildlife Control at 317-847-6409 to schedule a home inspection for raccoons in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve both residential and commercial clients at the most competitive rates around.

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Modern Wildlife Control Indianapolis, Indiana
Modern Wildlife Control Indianapolis, Indiana

How Bad Weather Might Increase Nuisance Wildlife Problems

Here in Central Indiana, stormy weather is upon us. All day and well into the evening, most of us will be inside our cozy homes, safe from the harsh rain and chilling winds. As for the animals outdoors, they don’t have such luxuries available to them. Instead, they utilize whatever resources and shelter they can find, even if this means their own yards.

Continue reading to learn how this bad weather might increase your nuisance wildlife problems around your home, as well as what you can do to better protect your property against wildlife tampering and intrusion.

Critter Control Company Indianapolis IN 317-847-6409
Critter Control Company Indianapolis IN 317-847-6409

Animal Behaviors Change in Inclement Weather

When it rains or storms outside, you might notice your dog or cat hiding under the bed or underneath the blanket. Even when you’re out in the world on a rainy day, it is common to catch a dog or cat taking shelter underneath the park bench or thick tree canopy for a reprieve from the weather.

Animal behaviors change when the weather changes, whether the weather change is ambient or not. Even we change our behaviors when the weather turns, like pulling our jackets overhead in the middle of the sudden rainfall or warming our cars up before taking off in wintry weather.

So, you can begin to understand why animals can become more of a nuisance when the weather gets worse. Just like us, they want a safe and warm place to rest while they wait out the storm or upcoming winter season.

Animals are Looking for Shelter and Food

Just before and during a rainstorm, local wildlife populations will begin their hunt for safe and warm shelter. These shelters often turn out to be hollowed trees, patios, attics, porches, sheds, barns, tree houses, jungle gyms, log piles, and even your cars, or worse, your attic. Animals like raccoons, squirrels, birds, and bats typically go for the higher points like attics and roofs. raccoons and squirrels are excellent climbers and can easily access rooftops, while bats and birds can fly. Other critters, like snakes, rabbits, foxes, skunks, opossums, and even coyotes will search everywhere they can for grounded shelters, because these are within their realm of accessibility.

Storms, especially harsh storms or ones that last for several days, tend to wipe out a lot of the local wildlife food sources. Water pooling, flooding, and high moisture levels can all contribute to a lack of food availability for animals. Food supplies are also greatly affected in the winter season, which is why wildlife infestations are so common this time of year. Once the storms or inclement weather has passed, animals will go out to look for food, which many times tends to be residential areas.

Animals like raccoons, skunks, and opossums will dig up lawns for grubs, plunder gardens, thieve pet food, and raid garbage cans. Other animals, like gophers, moles, rabbits, voles, beavers, and muskrats can chew everything up in sight, including your beloved landscaping trees and shrubbery. Predators, like coyotes, hawks, vultures, and foxes will go on the hunt for small animals or might even attack small pets. And snakes can attract other nuisance wildlife.

Animal-Proofing Works

If you live near wooded or forested areas, or near a large body of water, you need a solid animal-proofing plan in place. In times of bad weather, you can feel better protected against animal tampering and intrusions, especially in the winter. Talk to your local and trusted wildlife control company in Indianapolis for advice on how to implement these strategies and more.

Are you ready to get rid of nuisance animal problems with some professional assistance you can trust? Contact Modern Wildlife Control at 317-847-6409 for safe and effective critter control in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve commercial clients, too!

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Modern Wildlife Control Indianapolis, Indiana
Modern Wildlife Control Indianapolis, Indiana

Top 4 Ways to Safely Get Rid of Rabbits

Rabbits are very cute, furry little animals. And if you have children, they can trigger a spontaneous moment of glee when spotted in the yard. But the reality is, homeowners are not big fans of local rabbit populations because, let’s face it, rabbits are very destructive. Not only will they pillage your gardens and flowerbeds, but they will also tear up your lawn and leave behind lingering urine odors.

If you have noticed an increase in rabbit activity around your lawn, it is important to act now. Certain methods of wildlife abatement are not as effective against nuisance rabbits when they have had time to establish their territories on your property.

So, continue reading to learn the top four ways to get rid of rabbits in the safest and most humane manner possible.

Indianapolis Rabbit Removal Service 317-847-6409
Indianapolis Rabbit Removal Service 317-847-6409

How to Get Rid of Rabbits

There is not one simple solution to getting rid of rabbits, so you will need to take an integrated approach. Generally, homeowners have a lot of success using two or more methods of rabbit control, such as mesh fencing coupled with rabbit repellent, or professional rabbit control services coupled with environmental modifications, and so forth. It is important to speak to a local wildlife control company for personalized advice on which methods will be most compatible with your property.

Here are 4 ways you can get rid of rabbits safely, and without disturbing the integrity of your surrounding property:

Cut Back All Available Cover

Rabbits are small animals, so they can be very well hidden in your yard or gardens. One of the first methods of do-it-yourself rabbit abatement is to eliminate all available groundcover that rabbits can hide in, such as tall grass, weeds, leaves, and more. Mow your grass regularly, rake all leaves and bagged them rather than leaving them in piles, and pull weeds before they can get too bushy. It is wise to also organize or clean up any log and brush piles.

Use a Rabbit Repellent Product or Homemade Solution

There are safe, non-chemical repellents available on the market that specifically target rabbits. Ingredients like dried blood and putrescent and egg will trick rabbits into thinking there is a predator nearby because they resemble the smell of a decaying or rotted animal. You see, rabbits have a very keen sense of smell, so they can deduct these odors from far away. Once I get a with, it will trigger their flight response and they will run away.

If you do not want to purchase a rabbit repellent at your local home improvement store online retailer, you can choose to make your own homemade solution using safe non-toxic ingredients like cayenne for supper, menthol, eucalyptus, and similar pungent odors that rabbits do not like. Mix these ingredients with some clean water in a plastic spray bottle and create a perimeter under property or in any areas where you have seen heightened rabbit activity.

Install Mesh Fencing

If you are very handy, or do not mind hiring a professional service, you can opt to install mesh fencing in your yard, which would prevent rabbits from being able to enter your premises, and even dig underneath the fence and burrow inside. The mesh needs to be 1 inch or smaller to ensure that baby rabbits, which are very tiny, cannot fit through. In the fence should be installed at least 6 to 8 inches in the ground to prevent rabbits from burrowing underneath. Since rabbits can jump, you want the fence to be at least 2 to 3 feet high.

Install Motion Detection Technology

There are several types of motion detection technologies you can incorporate into your surrounding premises to keep all kinds of nuisance wildlife away. Some common examples are automatic or motion detection sprinklers, and even electronic repellents that shoot water when a rabbit walks by or ones emits high frequency tones that also deter rabbits and more. This method is also very effective against stray animals if that’s a problem you deal with in your neighborhood.

Are you ready to get rid of rabbits in your lawn or garden with some professional assistance you can trust? Contact Modern Wildlife Control at 317-847-6409 for safe and effective critter control for rabbits in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve commercial clients, too!

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Modern Wildlife Control Indianapolis
Modern Wildlife Control Indianapolis

A DNR Licensed and Insured Critter Control Company in Indianapolis, Indiana

Modern Wildlife Control is licensed by the Department of Natural Resources (DNR), plus fully-insured in the State of Indiana! Continue below to learn why you should choose our company for all your animal removal service needs in Indianapolis, Indiana.

Indianapolis Indiana Critter Control 317-847-6409
Indianapolis Indiana Critter Control 317-847-6409

Why Choose Modern Wildlife Control in Indianapolis?

Modern Wildlife Control is a DNR licensed and insured critter removal and control company based out of Indianapolis, Indiana. Our highly trained, licensed, and insured animal control technicians have more than 25 years of experience in the industry and only use safe and humane methods to extract critters and prevent them from returning. We offer a wide range of critter control services for commercial and residential properties across the city, and work with all native species, including raccoons, bats, squirrels, opossum, skunks, snakes, and more!

24 Hour Indianapolis Animal Removal and Control Services

Our animal control services include minor attic restoration, critter cleanup, critter removal, critter prevention, critter proofing, animals in the attic, dead animal removal, 24 hour emergency services, advice, and much more. On top of comprehensive critter removal and control, Modern Wildlife Control also provides animal removal services for critter damage insurance claims!

Contact us today at 317-847-6409 to learn more about the incredible critter control services we offer in Indianapolis, Indiana.

Get in Touch With a Licensed Critter Control Contractor Now

When you call Modern Wildlife, you can expect friendly and honest assistance from an industry veteran with extensive knowledge and experience. We will answer all your critter questions and even offer free advice! Ask us for details about our critter control services and company background too. You may also call us directly at 317-847-6409 and speak directly to an Indianapolis critter removal and control technician about getting rid of nuisance wildlife for good.

Are you concerned about the nuisance animals around your home or business? Contact Modern Wildlife Control at 317-847-6409 for safe and effective animal trapping and removal services you can afford. Request a free estimate, today.

You Should Also Read:

Nuisance Animals to Watch Out for in Indiana
How to Make Your Own Non-Toxic Animal Repellent Spray
Frequently Asked Questions About Animal Removal and Control

Indiana Wildlife Removal and Control Company
Indiana Wildlife Removal and Control 317-847-6409

How to Solve Nuisance Groundhog Problem

In light of the recent annual occasion of Groundhog’s Day, and although he didn’t see his shadow this year, let us still discuss this common nuisance animal endured by thousands of Hoosiers all across the state. Most people go years before realizing they have a groundhog problem on their property. This is likely due to the prospect that many people are not even sure what a groundhog is or what they look like. Well, it is time to clear up the confusion, and show you the best way to solve your woodchuck problem once and for all!

Continue reading to learn what you should know about groundhogs, and how to get rid of them if they become a problem for you.

Indianapolis Groundhog Removal Service
Indianapolis Groundhog Removal Service 317-847-6409

Groundhogs are Also Called Woodchucks

Groundhogs do not really have an appealing name; do they? When you put “ground” and “hog” together, you don’t really paint an attractive visual image. The truth is, they are part of the rodent family, so this particular mental image is probably not too far off. As children, many of us remember the riddle, “how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?” Well, groundhogs are woodchucks!

Groundhogs are the largest members of the Sciuridae family, which is reserved for medium-sized rodents like squirrels. Adults are an average of 16 to 20 inches long, and weigh between 5 to 12 pounds.  They have brownish tan fur, sharp claws, and long tails, usually 6 inches in length. In the wild, they can live up to 10 years, but generally have lifespans that average between 3 and 6 years. As herbivores, groundhogs can eat roughly one-third of their body weight in vegetation each day; however, they are known to eat insects at times.

Groundhogs are Known as an “Edge Species”

Known as edge species, groundhogs like to linger in transitional areas where forest meets a well-vegetated open field or meadow. As a diurnal species, they are active during the day, and spend most of their time underground in complex burrow systems. Dry soil in good condition is a prime target area for groundhogs because it makes for the best burrowing. It is common to find groundhog burrows near fence lines, houses, hedgerows, and lined trees. Their digging can be quite destructive to residential and commercial lawns, making them quite to nuisance to many.

What to Do About Nuisance Groundhogs

Common signs of a groundhog problem include more than just mounds of soil and visible lawn burrowing. You may also notice chewing on garden vegetables, damaged crops, chewed irrigation lines, and paw prints in soil. If you see signs of groundhog burrowing or activity, your first step is to contact a local and trusted Indianapolis wildlife control company for a full-property inspection. They retain the proper permits, training, and technologies to accurately identify a woodchuck infestation, and recommended the best course of action to get rid of them, safely and humanely.

Professional Indianapolis Groundhog Removal Services at the Right Price

Whether you call them groundhogs or woodchucks, these nuisance animals are highly destructive and should be abated as soon as possible. Call Modern Wildlife Control at 317-847-6409 for groundhog removal and control service in Indianapolis, Indiana and its surrounding counties. Our Indianapolis wildlife control operators are standing by, waiting to help you get rid of groundhogs at a price you can afford, and in a time frame that is convenient for you. Contact us to request a free estimate or free advice, anytime. We also offer dead animal removal and emergency after-hours animal removal services.

Modern Wildlife Control Indianapolis
Modern Wildlife Control Indianapolis