Top 4 Ways to Safely Get Rid of Rabbits

Rabbits are very cute, furry little animals. And if you have children, they can trigger a spontaneous moment of glee when spotted in the yard. But the reality is, homeowners are not big fans of local rabbit populations because, let’s face it, rabbits are very destructive. Not only will they pillage your gardens and flowerbeds, but they will also tear up your lawn and leave behind lingering urine odors.

If you have noticed an increase in rabbit activity around your lawn, it is important to act now. Certain methods of wildlife abatement are not as effective against nuisance rabbits when they have had time to establish their territories on your property.

So, continue reading to learn the top four ways to get rid of rabbits in the safest and most humane manner possible.

Indianapolis Rabbit Removal Service 317-847-6409
Indianapolis Rabbit Removal Service 317-847-6409

How to Get Rid of Rabbits

There is not one simple solution to getting rid of rabbits, so you will need to take an integrated approach. Generally, homeowners have a lot of success using two or more methods of rabbit control, such as mesh fencing coupled with rabbit repellent, or professional rabbit control services coupled with environmental modifications, and so forth. It is important to speak to a local wildlife control company for personalized advice on which methods will be most compatible with your property.

Here are 4 ways you can get rid of rabbits safely, and without disturbing the integrity of your surrounding property:

Cut Back All Available Cover

Rabbits are small animals, so they can be very well hidden in your yard or gardens. One of the first methods of do-it-yourself rabbit abatement is to eliminate all available groundcover that rabbits can hide in, such as tall grass, weeds, leaves, and more. Mow your grass regularly, rake all leaves and bagged them rather than leaving them in piles, and pull weeds before they can get too bushy. It is wise to also organize or clean up any log and brush piles.

Use a Rabbit Repellent Product or Homemade Solution

There are safe, non-chemical repellents available on the market that specifically target rabbits. Ingredients like dried blood and putrescent and egg will trick rabbits into thinking there is a predator nearby because they resemble the smell of a decaying or rotted animal. You see, rabbits have a very keen sense of smell, so they can deduct these odors from far away. Once I get a with, it will trigger their flight response and they will run away.

If you do not want to purchase a rabbit repellent at your local home improvement store online retailer, you can choose to make your own homemade solution using safe non-toxic ingredients like cayenne for supper, menthol, eucalyptus, and similar pungent odors that rabbits do not like. Mix these ingredients with some clean water in a plastic spray bottle and create a perimeter under property or in any areas where you have seen heightened rabbit activity.

Install Mesh Fencing

If you are very handy, or do not mind hiring a professional service, you can opt to install mesh fencing in your yard, which would prevent rabbits from being able to enter your premises, and even dig underneath the fence and burrow inside. The mesh needs to be 1 inch or smaller to ensure that baby rabbits, which are very tiny, cannot fit through. In the fence should be installed at least 6 to 8 inches in the ground to prevent rabbits from burrowing underneath. Since rabbits can jump, you want the fence to be at least 2 to 3 feet high.

Install Motion Detection Technology

There are several types of motion detection technologies you can incorporate into your surrounding premises to keep all kinds of nuisance wildlife away. Some common examples are automatic or motion detection sprinklers, and even electronic repellents that shoot water when a rabbit walks by or ones emits high frequency tones that also deter rabbits and more. This method is also very effective against stray animals if that’s a problem you deal with in your neighborhood.

Are you ready to get rid of rabbits in your lawn or garden with some professional assistance you can trust? Contact Modern Wildlife Control at 317-847-6409 for safe and effective critter control for rabbits in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve commercial clients, too!

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Modern Wildlife Control Indianapolis
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