How to Safely Implement a Rabbit Control Strategy on your Property

Rabbits can be a real nuisance on your property, eating away at your garden and landscaping. If you’ve been dealing with pesky rabbits for too long, it might be time to implement a rabbit control strategy. Rabbit control strategies involve removing rabbits from the area, repelling them using materials or devices that they don’t like, and even trapping them in cages or nets. It’s important to use the safest methods when implementing these strategies so as not to harm any of the local wildlife.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss some of the steps you can take to safely implement a rabbit control strategy on your property.

Call 317-847-6409  for Rabbit Control Services in Indianapolis Indiana
Call 317-847-6409 for Rabbit Control Services in Indianapolis Indiana

The Problem With Nuisance Rabbits

Nuisance rabbits can be a real issue for homeowners and gardeners alike. They can quickly destroy gardens and landscaping, leaving behind a trail of damage and frustration. While cute and furry, these little critters can cause headaches when they begin to dig holes, scratch up patio furniture and planters, chew on plants and shrubs, and leave their droppings all over your lawn.

A determination to get rid of rabbits is necessary, but it can be a challenging task. Many remedies are available on the market, ranging from trapping and removal to chemical repellents. Finding the right approach to rabbit control can be a frustrating process, but with a little research and patience, it is possible to keep those pesky critters at bay and protect your yard from further damage.

The Most Effective Rabbit Control Strategies

▶ Rabbit Identification

The first step is to identify the rabbits. You can do this by looking for physical signs such as holes in the ground, droppings, pillaged flowerbeds and gardens, and paw tracks. Once you have identified them, it’s important to note their size and color so that you can determine which rabbit abatement or exclusion method will be most effective.

▶ Rabbit Deterrents  

Once you’ve identified the rabbits, it’s time to start your rabbit control strategy. If there are a few rabbits on your property, trapping or netting may be an option. However, if there are many rabbits present, a more comprehensive approach should be taken that includes repellents like soap shavings and predator-urine-based products. Animal repellent spray work best when used in combination with other approaches and should be reapplied every two weeks or as needed.

▶ Rabbit Removal and Exclusion

When it comes to removing rabbits from your property, you have a few options. You can use live traps that allow you to catch the rabbits and relocate them elsewhere, or you can hire a professional who will come out and humanely euthanize the rabbits. If you choose to go with the latter option, make sure that you’re working with an experienced wildlife removal and control professional who can safely remove the rabbits without harming any of the local wildlife.

Safety is the Most Important Aspect of Rabbit Control

No matter which method of rabbit control you choose, it’s important to remember that safety is key. With proper planning and implementation, your rabbit control strategy can be effective without causing harm to your local wildlife. By following these steps, you’ll be sure to rid your property of pesky rabbits in no time. Keep in mind that it is illegal in Indiana, and in most other states, to harm or kill wildlife like rabbits without a proper permit. Moreover, you should never attempt to touch, trap, harm, or kill a rabbit or any other animal.

For more information about rabbit control in Indiana, trust our wildlife removal professionals. Contact Modern Wildlife Control at 317-847-6409 for licensed and insured rabbit removal and control in Indianapolis, Indiana. Our critter control services are humane, effective, and available for both residential and commercial clients.

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How to Prevent Rabbits From Becoming a Nuisance

If you’ve been having problems with rabbits in your yard, you’re not alone. Rabbits can be a big nuisance, and they can cause a lot of damage. In this post, we’ll discuss how to get rid of rabbits and how to prevent them from becoming a problem in the first place.

For Licensed Rabbit Trappers in Indianapolis Indiana, Call 317-847-6409 Today!
For Licensed Rabbit Trappers in Indianapolis Indiana, Call 317-847-6409 Today!

The Common Signs That You Have a Rabbit Problem

Rabbits can cause a lot of damage to your yard and garden if they are not kept under control. Understanding the signs of a rabbit problem will help you to identify it early and take appropriate action. One of the first signs that you may have a rabbit problem is seeing tracks in your yard or garden. Rabbits can also leave behind droppings and damage plants. If you find large holes in the ground, these could be rabbit burrows. Other signs include rabbits eating your flowers or other plants.

The Damage That Nuisance Rabbits Can Do

Rabbits are small, cuddly-looking creatures that can cause immense amounts of damage to a property. They have been known to devastate entire gardens, as well as damage buildings and other structures. Rabbit populations can quickly get out of control, making them a major environmental pest.

Rabbits are voracious eaters and can consume large amounts of vegetation in a short amount of time. They also have very sharp incisors that enable them to gnaw through structures, including wooden fences and posts, tree trunks, wires, and even plastic piping. This can cause significant damage to property over time.

Rabbits are prolific breeders, meaning that they can quickly replenish their numbers. In some cases, a single pair of rabbits can produce over 200 offspring in just one year. This makes it difficult to control the population without human intervention.

In addition to their destructive feeding habits, rabbits also create burrows and tunnels under foundations, which can weaken them and cause structural damage. They can also dig up flower beds and wreak havoc on ornamental gardens.

How to Get Rid of Rabbits

There are a few different ways to successfully get rid of rabbits from your yard, garden, or other outdoor area. One way is to use fencing as a physical barrier to keep the rabbits out. Fencing should be at least 1-2 feet high, sunk several inches into the ground, and have an angled outward extension to prevent the rabbits from digging underneath it. Chicken wire is an effective option that is lightweight and easy to work with.

Another way to get rid of rabbits is to use natural repellents such as pepper spray, garlic or hot sauce mixtures, or predator urine like coyote or fox urine. These products can be sprayed on plants and around the perimeter of the garden to deter rabbits from entering.

If you have a persistent rabbit problem, another option is to trap the rabbits and then release them in a wildlife area away from your home. This is only recommended if your state and county laws permit. Be sure to check local laws and regulations before trapping and relocating any type of wildlife.

Nuisance Wildlife Prevention Tips

In order to prevent damage from rabbits, it is important to take proactive steps such as fencing gardens, removing any food sources that may be attracting the rabbits, and using humane methods of population control. Taking these measures can help protect a property from costly or irreparable damage.

In some areas, it is even necessary to contact an Indianapolis wildlife control company in order to ensure that the rabbit population is managed properly. Taking steps now can prevent major problems in the future. Contact Modern Wildlife Control at 317-847-6409 for licensed and insured animal trapping and removal for rabbits in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve residential and commercial clients.

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How to Bait and Trap Rabbits

How to Bait and Trap Rabbits

Spring has sprung, which means so have the nuisance wildlife. Rabbits are a prime nuisance critter this time of year, when the weather turns nice, and the vegetation becomes exponentially abundant. If you are dealing with a wild rabbit problem on your property, now would be the best time to take action. Animal-proofing and trapping can be an effective way to get rid of nuisance rabbits without harming them or breaking any local ordinances. Yes, there are laws and regulations surrounding wildlife trapping and abatement strategies.

So, to prepare yourself for what to expect on your nuisance rabbit control journey, continue reading to learn some best practices on how to bail and trap rabbits in Indiana.

Rabbit Removal Indianapolis IN 317-847-6409
Rabbit Removal Indianapolis IN 317-847-6409

Rabbit Removal and Control Tips

You have rabbits on your property for one reason and one reason only: your premises has what they are looking for. Rabbits are in search of food, water, and shelter. Attractions like gardens, tall grass, flowerbeds, and any type of accessible nook and cranny are the things rabbits are after. So, is important to understand that a major part of nuisance rabbit abatement is animal-proofing your property.

Once you trap and remove the rabbits from your property, it is important that you implement the proper animal-proofing strategies to prevent them from coming back again in the future. Part of animal proofing for rabbits includes environmental modifications like installing fencing and barbed wire around your gardens and flowerbeds, as well as sealing up any openings and gaps in porches, decks, log piles, hollow trees, and more.

Rabbit Trapping

Before getting started on some tips for baiting and trapping rabbits, it is important to take note that rabbit removal work is best left to licensed and experienced professionals. It is strongly encouraged to enlist the services of a local Indianapolis wildlife removal and control company for nuisance rabbit abatement services. They have the proper permits, licensing, training, and resources to safely remove rabbits and transport them to a more suitable habitat. If you insist on moving forward with do-it-yourself rabbit trapping, below are some tips that will help get you started on the right path.

Rabbit Traps

When it comes to finding a rabbit trap for rabbit removal, it is important to choose a nonlethal device that is also safe and humane for rabbits and all other wildlife that might come by. Be sure to position the trap in an area of your property where you have seen rabbit activity. It is also suggested to camouflage the trap with some brush or twigs.

Baits to Use for Rabbit Trapping

There are certain types of baits that are more effective for specifically attracting rabbits into a rabbit trap. Apples work really well, as well as carrots, Brussels sprouts, and even lettuce. It also helps to spray a little apple cider vinegar inside of the trap, as this scent is known to attract rabbits.

Rabbit Relocation

Once you have successfully trapped a wild rabbit, safely transport it to a faraway, natural habitat, like a park or meadow near a pong or stream. You can also contact the local wildlife authorities to have trapped rabbits picked up and transported.

Other Ways to Get Rid of Rabbits:

► Rabbit Repellent
► Automatic Sprinkler Systems
► Sound Machines
► Professional Wildlife Abatement

Have you had just about enough of the nuisance rabbit problem around your property? Contact Modern Wildlife Control at 317-847-6409 for safe and effective animal trapping and removal services for rabbits and more. We serve residential and commercial clients in Indianapolis and all throughout Central Indiana.

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How to Protect Your Garden From Rabbits This Fall

Common Indiana Wildlife That Can Damage Your Property

There are various types of wild animals capable of damaging our homes, lawns, gardens, and more; however, in residential areas, there is a more specific group to watch out for, especially in Indiana. Animals such as pigeons, moles, rabbits, raccoons, bats, and snakes are popular deviants that trespass onto our properties and leave behind costly messes.

Continue reading to learn about each species and the damages they are known to inflict on residential properties in Indianapolis, IN.

Critter Control  Indianapolis IN 317-847-6409
Critter Control Indianapolis IN 317-847-6409

Most Common Wild Animals That Can Damage Your House and Yard


Raccoons are among the most intelligent North American mammals found in forested and wooded residential areas. They are very clever and can use their highly dexterous paws to open doors, dig through trash, climb rooftops, and more.  Raccoons are nocturnal as well, meaning they rest during the day and stay active at night. They feed on anything, from small invertebrates and insects to outdoor dog food! 

Raccoons are known to gain access into homes and tear up attic and crawl spaces. They use these areas during the cold seasons for protection against the weather and to breed their young.  This can create a very expensive mess to clean up and restore. Raccoons can saturate and contaminate dry wall and wood beams with urine and droppings.

These droppings also contain harmful agents that can cause disease and illness in humans and pets. They can also chew through electrical wiring, rip off roof shingles, and much more.  Raccoons are a problem that should be dealt with immediately to avoid costly repairs and renovations.


Bats are just the same as raccoons. They are nocturnal and do all their dirty work while we are fast asleep. They are so tiny that they can find access inside our homes through the smallest of crevices. Roof shingles can be slipped in to, as well as, cracked windows, loose siding, garages, barns, tree houses, and storage sheds. They seek out shelter for breeding, mating, and feeding purposes.

Bats are significant and useful mammals to have around in the summer because they can consume around 100 insects in one hour. This is great bug control! On the other hand, we do not want them damaging our homes, which is just another example of a problem that has to be handled immediately before more and more damage accrues.


Pigeons are simply messy. They commonly flock in large numbers; and when they choose to use your rooftop as a resting point, let’s just say they can paint the roof a matte white once they’re through.  Pigeon cleanup services are readily available, so there is no need to fret about the mess. Also, there really is no way to refrain pigeons from using your house as a toilet. Try to reduce any elements that may be attracting birds to your property or call a professional Indianapolis IN wildlife removal company for advice.


Snakes can become a threat to small children or pets on your property. If you are spotting snakes frequently, it may be time to take some action.  Snakes can also negatively affect gardens, flower patches, and landscaping; so, it is recommended to get rid of them fast. There are various snake repellents on the market that seem to work quite well. If you are not a do-it-yourself kind of person, a professional Indiana wildlife control contractor is happy to oblige.

Moles, Rabbits, Chipmunks, and Squirrels

Moles, rabbits, chipmunks, and squirrels are all small and furry, but they can leave a bad impression on lawn and garden lovers. These small critters like to burrow, dig, eat, and steal in gardens and lawns. Flowers, mulch patches, fruits, vegetables, and fresh lain sod are all at risk if these animals are frequent visitors to your lawn. Again, trust a professional that retains the proper equipment and knowledge to capture and release these animals so that they are no longer a bother to you.

If you are dealing with nuisance animals on or around your property or have discovered an infestation of bats or raccoons in the attic, act now. Contact Modern Wildlife Control at 317-847-6409 for prompt and professional 24 hour critter control in Indianapolis, Indiana for bats, raccoons, squirrels, birds, and more.

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Modern Wildlife Control Indianapolis, Indiana
Modern Wildlife Control Indianapolis, Indiana

Top 4 Ways to Safely Get Rid of Rabbits

Rabbits are very cute, furry little animals. And if you have children, they can trigger a spontaneous moment of glee when spotted in the yard. But the reality is, homeowners are not big fans of local rabbit populations because, let’s face it, rabbits are very destructive. Not only will they pillage your gardens and flowerbeds, but they will also tear up your lawn and leave behind lingering urine odors.

If you have noticed an increase in rabbit activity around your lawn, it is important to act now. Certain methods of wildlife abatement are not as effective against nuisance rabbits when they have had time to establish their territories on your property.

So, continue reading to learn the top four ways to get rid of rabbits in the safest and most humane manner possible.

Indianapolis Rabbit Removal Service 317-847-6409
Indianapolis Rabbit Removal Service 317-847-6409

How to Get Rid of Rabbits

There is not one simple solution to getting rid of rabbits, so you will need to take an integrated approach. Generally, homeowners have a lot of success using two or more methods of rabbit control, such as mesh fencing coupled with rabbit repellent, or professional rabbit control services coupled with environmental modifications, and so forth. It is important to speak to a local wildlife control company for personalized advice on which methods will be most compatible with your property.

Here are 4 ways you can get rid of rabbits safely, and without disturbing the integrity of your surrounding property:

Cut Back All Available Cover

Rabbits are small animals, so they can be very well hidden in your yard or gardens. One of the first methods of do-it-yourself rabbit abatement is to eliminate all available groundcover that rabbits can hide in, such as tall grass, weeds, leaves, and more. Mow your grass regularly, rake all leaves and bagged them rather than leaving them in piles, and pull weeds before they can get too bushy. It is wise to also organize or clean up any log and brush piles.

Use a Rabbit Repellent Product or Homemade Solution

There are safe, non-chemical repellents available on the market that specifically target rabbits. Ingredients like dried blood and putrescent and egg will trick rabbits into thinking there is a predator nearby because they resemble the smell of a decaying or rotted animal. You see, rabbits have a very keen sense of smell, so they can deduct these odors from far away. Once I get a with, it will trigger their flight response and they will run away.

If you do not want to purchase a rabbit repellent at your local home improvement store online retailer, you can choose to make your own homemade solution using safe non-toxic ingredients like cayenne for supper, menthol, eucalyptus, and similar pungent odors that rabbits do not like. Mix these ingredients with some clean water in a plastic spray bottle and create a perimeter under property or in any areas where you have seen heightened rabbit activity.

Install Mesh Fencing

If you are very handy, or do not mind hiring a professional service, you can opt to install mesh fencing in your yard, which would prevent rabbits from being able to enter your premises, and even dig underneath the fence and burrow inside. The mesh needs to be 1 inch or smaller to ensure that baby rabbits, which are very tiny, cannot fit through. In the fence should be installed at least 6 to 8 inches in the ground to prevent rabbits from burrowing underneath. Since rabbits can jump, you want the fence to be at least 2 to 3 feet high.

Install Motion Detection Technology

There are several types of motion detection technologies you can incorporate into your surrounding premises to keep all kinds of nuisance wildlife away. Some common examples are automatic or motion detection sprinklers, and even electronic repellents that shoot water when a rabbit walks by or ones emits high frequency tones that also deter rabbits and more. This method is also very effective against stray animals if that’s a problem you deal with in your neighborhood.

Are you ready to get rid of rabbits in your lawn or garden with some professional assistance you can trust? Contact Modern Wildlife Control at 317-847-6409 for safe and effective critter control for rabbits in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve commercial clients, too!

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Modern Wildlife Control Indianapolis
Modern Wildlife Control Indianapolis

How to Protect Your Garden From Rabbits This Fall

Rabbits are so cute and fluffy! But they are also very destructive, and when it comes to gardens, they are like pirates. They love to pillage gardens this time of year, which is a big problem for you since your garden is important to you. After all, you want to enjoy the wondrous yields your garden has the offer this fall. Furthermore, gardening requires extensive commitment, money, and time to create and maintain. So, when nuisance rabbits come hopping along and ruin it for you, the frustration can be overwhelming. Rabbits are one of the guiltiest when it comes to looted and plundered gardens. They are crepuscular, quick, and camouflaged, making them good at what they do, but challenging for you to catch in the act.

Continue reading to learn some helpful tips you can use to protect your beloved gardens from nuisance rabbits and other wildlife.

Indianapolis Rabbit Removal and Control
Indianapolis Rabbit Removal and Control 317-847-6409

Ways to Get Rid of Rabbits Around Your Yard

There are three primary methods of rabbit-proofing that has been effective for many homeowners. For the best results, use these methods collectively:

⛓🐇 Garden Fences

There are various ways you can create a garden fence. They are also sold at local home improvement and garden stores in easy-to-install kits. If you choose to build your own fence, you will need wood, chicken wire, landscape garden staples, wire cutters, and zip ties. Be sure to staple the chicken wire at a 90 angle on the ground so that rabbits cannot get underneath the fence you build. Although a fence can keep rabbits out, it will not distract them from your property right away. You will need to do a little more. Consider using repellents along with your garden fence.

⚟ 🐇 Animal Repellents

Repellents should always be non-toxic, chemical-free, and non-lethal. Not only should they be safe for wildlife, pets, and humans, they should be safe for the environment too. You can make your own repellent by combining water with some common household spices that wildlife do not like, such as cayenne pepper, black pepper, chili powder, and cinnamon. You can also use natural essential oil, like menthol, peppermint, spearmint, and eucalyptus. Just spray the solution around the perimeters of your garden, and areas with high rabbit activity.

Additional repellents to consider include predator urine, automatic sprinklers, motion-activated lighting, and sound machines. You can also place a radio next to your garden and tune it into a talk station to make rabbits think humans are nearby.

🥇🐇 Professional Wildlife Control

When nuisance rabbit activity is no longer manageable on your own, it is time to call in the professionals. A local Indianapolis wildlife control company can implement various strategies to stop nuisance rabbits from bothering your property. They have the proper licensing, experience, and resources to humanely get rid of rabbits.

Not only will provide the environmental modification and monitoring needed to protect your property from all nuisance wildlife, they will execute a technical exclusion process that involves a systematic set of structural defenses, including organic and biological applications, as well as, sealing up all open or vulnerable areas of a property using high-grade materials like heavy gauge galvanized steel mesh screening, industrial caulking, and high-density polyurethane foam.

Indianapolis Rabbits Removal and Control Services That You Can Afford

Call Modern Wildlife Control at 317-847-6409 for professional rabbit removal and control services in Indianapolis, Indiana and its surrounding counties. Not only do we get rid of rabbits, we work with all other species of Indiana wildlife too, including bats, skunks, opossum, birds, and squirrels. We also offer cleanup services and restoration and repair for animal damages, and can even provide insurance claim work. Start with a free estimate or advice, today!

Modern Wildlife Control Indianapolis
Modern Wildlife Control Indianapolis