Recommended Attic Vent Screens for Raccoon Control

The vents that lead in and out of your attic are prime spots for raccoons and other nuisance wildlife to use as easy access points to the inside of your home. If you already know raccoons are a nuisance critter problem in the area, you should consider implementing certain raccoon control strategies to protect your home from animal intrusions. One recommended method of attic raccoon control is attic vent screening. This can be a critical part of home security and protection.

Continue reading to learn the top 3 attic vent screening products on the market, some tips on installing them, and most importantly, what to do if the screening strategy isn’t enough to get rid of raccoons in the attic.

Get Rid of Raccoons in the Attic in Indianapolis 317-847-6409
Get Rid of Raccoons in the Attic in Indianapolis 317-847-6409

Important Attic Vent Screening Tips

Vent screens should be properly installed and intact at all times. It is best to check on your vent screens as often as possible, and even more-so during seasons of high animal activity. One of the biggest mistakes is improper installation. When your attic’s vent screens are not placed properly, they will fail to do their job.

Always try to install vent screens on the outside of the vent. If you choose to install them on the inside, small nuisance animals, like bats and birds, can still use the purgatory space between the screen and the vent as a place to nest.  Although screening on the exterior of a home is not ideal for homeowners that take pride in the aesthetics of their home, there are other screening options that are more stylish.

If you do not live near wooded or forested areas, you could probably get away with installing your vent screens on the inside, but it is best to discuss this with a licensed wildlife control technician for professional advice regarding your property’s unique attributes.

Recommended Attic Vent Screens on the Market

❶ VentGuard Wildlife Exclusion Screen – 11” x 11” Galvanized Black $40
❷ Kwick Mesh Utility Screen Roll – 12” x 20ft. $40
❸ VentGuard HY-C Soffit Screens – 4” x 16” Various Colors $40

You can purchase these products online through an internet retailer or at your local home improvement store. The best source for attic sealing and security for the purpose of critter control is a licensed wildlife removal company in Indianapolis. They have the highest quality resources, materials, and strategies to get rid of raccoons quickly, without harming your home or the surrounding environment.

Were the attic vent screens ineffective against the nuisance raccoons in your neighborhood? Contact Modern Wildlife Control at 317-847-6409 for effective and affordable animal trapping and removal services for raccoons. We serve residential and commercial clients in Indianapolis and throughout Central Indiana.

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Nuisance Animals to Watch Out for in Indiana

Indiana Wildlife Removal and Control Company
Indiana Wildlife Removal and Control 317-847-6409

Top 4 Ways to Safely Get Rid of Rabbits

Rabbits are very cute, furry little animals. And if you have children, they can trigger a spontaneous moment of glee when spotted in the yard. But the reality is, homeowners are not big fans of local rabbit populations because, let’s face it, rabbits are very destructive. Not only will they pillage your gardens and flowerbeds, but they will also tear up your lawn and leave behind lingering urine odors.

If you have noticed an increase in rabbit activity around your lawn, it is important to act now. Certain methods of wildlife abatement are not as effective against nuisance rabbits when they have had time to establish their territories on your property.

So, continue reading to learn the top four ways to get rid of rabbits in the safest and most humane manner possible.

Indianapolis Rabbit Removal Service 317-847-6409
Indianapolis Rabbit Removal Service 317-847-6409

How to Get Rid of Rabbits

There is not one simple solution to getting rid of rabbits, so you will need to take an integrated approach. Generally, homeowners have a lot of success using two or more methods of rabbit control, such as mesh fencing coupled with rabbit repellent, or professional rabbit control services coupled with environmental modifications, and so forth. It is important to speak to a local wildlife control company for personalized advice on which methods will be most compatible with your property.

Here are 4 ways you can get rid of rabbits safely, and without disturbing the integrity of your surrounding property:

Cut Back All Available Cover

Rabbits are small animals, so they can be very well hidden in your yard or gardens. One of the first methods of do-it-yourself rabbit abatement is to eliminate all available groundcover that rabbits can hide in, such as tall grass, weeds, leaves, and more. Mow your grass regularly, rake all leaves and bagged them rather than leaving them in piles, and pull weeds before they can get too bushy. It is wise to also organize or clean up any log and brush piles.

Use a Rabbit Repellent Product or Homemade Solution

There are safe, non-chemical repellents available on the market that specifically target rabbits. Ingredients like dried blood and putrescent and egg will trick rabbits into thinking there is a predator nearby because they resemble the smell of a decaying or rotted animal. You see, rabbits have a very keen sense of smell, so they can deduct these odors from far away. Once I get a with, it will trigger their flight response and they will run away.

If you do not want to purchase a rabbit repellent at your local home improvement store online retailer, you can choose to make your own homemade solution using safe non-toxic ingredients like cayenne for supper, menthol, eucalyptus, and similar pungent odors that rabbits do not like. Mix these ingredients with some clean water in a plastic spray bottle and create a perimeter under property or in any areas where you have seen heightened rabbit activity.

Install Mesh Fencing

If you are very handy, or do not mind hiring a professional service, you can opt to install mesh fencing in your yard, which would prevent rabbits from being able to enter your premises, and even dig underneath the fence and burrow inside. The mesh needs to be 1 inch or smaller to ensure that baby rabbits, which are very tiny, cannot fit through. In the fence should be installed at least 6 to 8 inches in the ground to prevent rabbits from burrowing underneath. Since rabbits can jump, you want the fence to be at least 2 to 3 feet high.

Install Motion Detection Technology

There are several types of motion detection technologies you can incorporate into your surrounding premises to keep all kinds of nuisance wildlife away. Some common examples are automatic or motion detection sprinklers, and even electronic repellents that shoot water when a rabbit walks by or ones emits high frequency tones that also deter rabbits and more. This method is also very effective against stray animals if that’s a problem you deal with in your neighborhood.

Are you ready to get rid of rabbits in your lawn or garden with some professional assistance you can trust? Contact Modern Wildlife Control at 317-847-6409 for safe and effective critter control for rabbits in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve commercial clients, too!

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How to Make Your Own Non-Toxic Animal Repellent Spray
How to Protect Your Garden From Rabbits This Fall
Nuisance Animals to Watch Out for in Indiana

Modern Wildlife Control Indianapolis
Modern Wildlife Control Indianapolis

How Motion Detection Sprinklers Can Keep Nuisance Animals Away

Are you having trouble with nuisance wildlife? Are animals like rabbits and squirrels destroying your lawns and gardens? Motion detection sprinkler systems are a terrific and affordable method for diverting nuisance wildlife away from your property. Not only are they safe and humane for animals, people, and the surrounding environment, but they are also very affordable and easy to install.

Continue reading to learn some helpful tips on using motion detection sprinklers to abate nuisance wildlife and keep your property safe.

Indianapolis Animal Control Services 317-847-6409
Indianapolis IN Animal Control Services 317-847-6409

Buying a Motion Detection Sprinkler System

You can buy a wide variety of animal-repelling motion detecting sprinklers on the market, all ranging in capacity, quality, and price. They are available for purchase online, or at home improvement and gardening stores. Your local department store, such as Meijer or Target, may also have options in their home and garden section. Depending on the type you choose and how many come in a set, you can expect to pay anywhere between $30 and $75.

Sprinkler Installation Tips for Wildlife Control

Although motion detection sprinklers are designed to be ultra-safe animal repellant devices, they can’t do all the work. There are some do-it-yourself strategies you can implement when setting up your sprinkler system to maximize their effectiveness.

Make Environmental Adjustments

Take a closer look at your property and think about what it is that’s attracting pests. The most common reasons are food and water. Before you set up your sprinklers, make the proper changes to your premise in order to thwart nuisance wildlife activity. This includes removing all food and water sources, such as pet bowls, bird baths, squirrel feeders, and more. It also includes protecting gardens with natural fencing or chicken wire, as well as, minimizing sources of shelter (i.e. old jungle gyms, log piles, voids beneath porch or patio, etc.).

Choose a Smart Location

The location of your animal-repelling motion detecting sprinklers is an integral part of maximizing their efficacy. Choose a spot that gets the most wildlife activity. Also be sure the sprinkler is facing away from anything you wish to protect or keep dry. Keep in mind that these sprinkler systems cover a large radius, so you can spread them out if you have more than one. In fact, many homeowners require more than one, which is why many products come in a set.

Customize the Detection Radius

Whether you are using one or more sprinklers, it helps to fine-tune the radius settings to your liking. You may need to avoid spraying sidewalks or playgrounds, or you may need to increase the settings for a stronger and wider range. In addition to customized radius settings, you can also adjust the sensitivity of the detection technology to go off in the presence of large or small animals.

Are you having trouble with nuisance wildlife tampering or activity on your property? Contact Modern Wildlife Control at 317-847-6409 for safe and effective animal trapping and removal services in Indianapolis, IN. We work with all native species and serve residential and commercial clients all throughout Central Indiana.

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Indiana Wildlife Removal and Control Company
Indiana Wildlife Removal and Control 317-847-6409

A DNR Licensed and Insured Critter Control Company in Indianapolis, Indiana

Modern Wildlife Control is licensed by the Department of Natural Resources (DNR), plus fully-insured in the State of Indiana! Continue below to learn why you should choose our company for all your animal removal service needs in Indianapolis, Indiana.

Indianapolis Indiana Critter Control 317-847-6409
Indianapolis Indiana Critter Control 317-847-6409

Why Choose Modern Wildlife Control in Indianapolis?

Modern Wildlife Control is a DNR licensed and insured critter removal and control company based out of Indianapolis, Indiana. Our highly trained, licensed, and insured animal control technicians have more than 25 years of experience in the industry and only use safe and humane methods to extract critters and prevent them from returning. We offer a wide range of critter control services for commercial and residential properties across the city, and work with all native species, including raccoons, bats, squirrels, opossum, skunks, snakes, and more!

24 Hour Indianapolis Animal Removal and Control Services

Our animal control services include minor attic restoration, critter cleanup, critter removal, critter prevention, critter proofing, animals in the attic, dead animal removal, 24 hour emergency services, advice, and much more. On top of comprehensive critter removal and control, Modern Wildlife Control also provides animal removal services for critter damage insurance claims!

Contact us today at 317-847-6409 to learn more about the incredible critter control services we offer in Indianapolis, Indiana.

Get in Touch With a Licensed Critter Control Contractor Now

When you call Modern Wildlife, you can expect friendly and honest assistance from an industry veteran with extensive knowledge and experience. We will answer all your critter questions and even offer free advice! Ask us for details about our critter control services and company background too. You may also call us directly at 317-847-6409 and speak directly to an Indianapolis critter removal and control technician about getting rid of nuisance wildlife for good.

Are you concerned about the nuisance animals around your home or business? Contact Modern Wildlife Control at 317-847-6409 for safe and effective animal trapping and removal services you can afford. Request a free estimate, today.

You Should Also Read:

Nuisance Animals to Watch Out for in Indiana
How to Make Your Own Non-Toxic Animal Repellent Spray
Frequently Asked Questions About Animal Removal and Control

Indiana Wildlife Removal and Control Company
Indiana Wildlife Removal and Control 317-847-6409

Learn Why Nuisance Animals are Attracted to Your Property

Unfortunately, nuisance wildlife is a common challenge for both residential and commercial real estate owners, especially in the spring and summer seasons. Whether they fly around, burrow in the ground, or crawl on the roof, many wild animals can cause a long list of expensive and frustrating damages to a property. And if you live near woodlands, forested areas, or a body of water, you are at an even higher risk of wild animal intrusion.

But what is it exactly that attracts animals to a yard in the first place? If you can learn why your yard is so popular among wildlife, you can make the necessary modifications to better abate any nuisance animal issues. Continue reading to learn what attracts wild animals, and whether or not your property fits the criteria for change.

Indianapolis Critter Removal and Control
Indianapolis Critter Removal and Control 317-847-6409

Animal Attractions You Need to Protect or Remove

🗑 Food Sources

The number one currency for all animals is food. Food is the first resource animals are looking for when they are venturing around. If your yard contains any type of edible foodstuff, you can easily become a target. The most common examples of animal-attracting food sources include bird seed, squirrel feeders, pet food, gardens, compost piles, garbage cans, outdoor refrigerators, and similar items. If your yard has any of these out in the open and accessible to a sneaky critter, it is only a matter of time before they come looking!

Water Sources

Virtually equivalent in currency to food, water is another primary resource that animals are on the lookout for at all times. If your home is near a creek, pond, or other natural water source, there is a higher chance of wildlife activity on your property. Other water source attractions for nuisance animals include pet dishes, bird baths, koi ponds, fountains, swimming pools, and any other form of standing water.

🌳 Shelter Sources

Right behind food and water is an animal’s need to hide from predators and rest safely through their slumber. If your property contains various sources of shelter for wildlife, then you could be at risk of infestations or routine visits. Common examples include vacancies below porches and decks, as well as, hollowed trees, tall grass, stationary vehicles, tree houses, log piles, play sets, playhouses, and sheds.

What You Can Do About Nuisance Animals

The most effective contribution you can make as a homeowner for the purpose of reducing or eliminating nuisance wildlife activity around your property is to make the necessary environmental modifications to decrease the attractiveness of your yard. When you get rid of all the things that are attracting the animals to your property, you can effectively get rid of your nuisance animal problem.

Need professional help with wildlife control in Indy? Contact Modern Wildlife Control at 317-847-6409 for prompt, 24 hour animal trapping and removal services in Indianapolis, Indiana. Request a free estimate, today.

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Affordable Solutions to Spring Nuisance Wildlife Problems
Nuisance Animals to Watch Out for in Indiana
How to Safely Get Rid of a Dead Animal on Your Property

Modern Wildlife Control Indianapolis, Indiana
Modern Wildlife Control Indianapolis, Indiana

Are Moles and Voles the Same Animal?

Spring is just around the corner, which means you will soon be back into the routine of yard work, such as gardening, lawn care, mulching, and more. And if you want all your hard work to pay off, be sure your property is protected against nuisance wildlife that will be sure to destroy it all. The most common lawn and garden pillagers are moles and voles, which coincidentally, are often confused for the other since not many people are really sure what the difference is between them.

Are voles wild hamsters? Are moles the same thing as a vole? If you want to protect your lawn and garden this spring, continue reading to learn what you need to know about these nuisance animals.

Indianapolis Wildlife Removal and Control 317-847-6409
A Townsend’s Mole

Yard Moles

You may be interested to learn that moles are in the same scientific family as shrews and bats. They live a subterranean lifestyle, which means they make tunnels and burrow underground. Moles have also adapted have polydactyl forepaws, allowing them to easily dig complex tunnel systems below ground. Moles can live in low-oxygen environments because, according to Wikipedia, “(…) their blood cells have a special form of hemoglobin that has a higher affinity to oxygen than other forms.”

As insectivores, they feed only on bugs, usually grubs and other small invertebrates. In fact, their saliva contains a toxin that paralyzes earthworms! They even squeeze the worm first to eliminate all of the soil and waste inside them! Many people think that moles are blind and deaf, or lack eyes altogether; but the truth is, they have very tiny eyes and ears, and use them just fine. In fact, the star-nosed mole can detect, catch and eat prey faster than the human eye can see!


Voles are part of the Rodentia order, which means they are in the same scientific family as rats and mice. If you have ever had a pet hamster, you have basically had a pet vole since they are also part of the same family and order. Voles are also referred to as “meadow mice”, “pine mice”, and “field mice.” Although there are meadow voles, which primarily live above ground, most voles live underground in tunnel systems, just a few inches below the surface. In fact, voles will use mole tunnels too.

Indianapolis Critter Removal and Control 317-847-6409
A Short-Tailed Field Vole

In contrast to moles, voles primarily eat grasses, roots, tubers, seeds, fruits, bark, underground fungi, and other plant material. Their biggest predators are hawks, owls, snakes, and even cats, so they prefer grassy, underbrush areas near food sources so they can remain hidden. Voles are also very prolific breeders, which means an infestation can be highly destructive to a lawn or garden. They can produce 4 to 6 litters each year, which can add up to hundreds of voles in one tunnel system.

How to Protect Your Lawn from Nuisance Moles

Regardless of whether or not you confuse moles for voles, or vice versa, the strategies to effectively reduce or eliminate nuisance activity is the same for both animals. Moles and voles will both destroy lawns and pillage gardens, making preventative maintenance and animal-proofing a must, especially if you are already aware of their presence. To abate moles and voles, contact a licensed Indianapolis wildlife removal company for critter control assistance.

Yard Mole Removal and Control in Indianapolis, Indiana

Call Modern Wildlife Control at 615-336-5503 when you need professional animal trapping and removal for yard moles in Indianapolis, Indiana and surrounding areas. Our DNR licensed and insured wildlife rescue and control specialists offer safe and humane squirrel abatement services, clean up and minor restorations for animal damages, 24 hour emergency service, and free estimates. Get started and request a free estimate or advice, today.

Modern Wildlife Control Indianapolis, Indiana
Modern Wildlife Control Indianapolis, Indiana

How to Solve Nuisance Groundhog Problem

In light of the recent annual occasion of Groundhog’s Day, and although he didn’t see his shadow this year, let us still discuss this common nuisance animal endured by thousands of Hoosiers all across the state. Most people go years before realizing they have a groundhog problem on their property. This is likely due to the prospect that many people are not even sure what a groundhog is or what they look like. Well, it is time to clear up the confusion, and show you the best way to solve your woodchuck problem once and for all!

Continue reading to learn what you should know about groundhogs, and how to get rid of them if they become a problem for you.

Indianapolis Groundhog Removal Service
Indianapolis Groundhog Removal Service 317-847-6409

Groundhogs are Also Called Woodchucks

Groundhogs do not really have an appealing name; do they? When you put “ground” and “hog” together, you don’t really paint an attractive visual image. The truth is, they are part of the rodent family, so this particular mental image is probably not too far off. As children, many of us remember the riddle, “how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?” Well, groundhogs are woodchucks!

Groundhogs are the largest members of the Sciuridae family, which is reserved for medium-sized rodents like squirrels. Adults are an average of 16 to 20 inches long, and weigh between 5 to 12 pounds.  They have brownish tan fur, sharp claws, and long tails, usually 6 inches in length. In the wild, they can live up to 10 years, but generally have lifespans that average between 3 and 6 years. As herbivores, groundhogs can eat roughly one-third of their body weight in vegetation each day; however, they are known to eat insects at times.

Groundhogs are Known as an “Edge Species”

Known as edge species, groundhogs like to linger in transitional areas where forest meets a well-vegetated open field or meadow. As a diurnal species, they are active during the day, and spend most of their time underground in complex burrow systems. Dry soil in good condition is a prime target area for groundhogs because it makes for the best burrowing. It is common to find groundhog burrows near fence lines, houses, hedgerows, and lined trees. Their digging can be quite destructive to residential and commercial lawns, making them quite to nuisance to many.

What to Do About Nuisance Groundhogs

Common signs of a groundhog problem include more than just mounds of soil and visible lawn burrowing. You may also notice chewing on garden vegetables, damaged crops, chewed irrigation lines, and paw prints in soil. If you see signs of groundhog burrowing or activity, your first step is to contact a local and trusted Indianapolis wildlife control company for a full-property inspection. They retain the proper permits, training, and technologies to accurately identify a woodchuck infestation, and recommended the best course of action to get rid of them, safely and humanely.

Professional Indianapolis Groundhog Removal Services at the Right Price

Whether you call them groundhogs or woodchucks, these nuisance animals are highly destructive and should be abated as soon as possible. Call Modern Wildlife Control at 317-847-6409 for groundhog removal and control service in Indianapolis, Indiana and its surrounding counties. Our Indianapolis wildlife control operators are standing by, waiting to help you get rid of groundhogs at a price you can afford, and in a time frame that is convenient for you. Contact us to request a free estimate or free advice, anytime. We also offer dead animal removal and emergency after-hours animal removal services.

Modern Wildlife Control Indianapolis
Modern Wildlife Control Indianapolis

Frequently Asked Questions About Squirrel Control

Squirrels are so cute! But we must remember that they are also rodents, which means they can be quite the nuisance if you don’t take the proper precautions to protect your home from wildlife damage. Keep in mind that squirrels have to constantly chew to keep their teeth from growing too much, so they are capable of causing extensive structural damages to both interior and exterior areas of a property. This includes gardens, siding, roof shingles, wood, plastic, plastic piping, electrical wiring, insulation, drywall, vents, and much more. Add in their messy and unsanitary droppings, transmissible diseases, parasitical contagions, breeding season, and nesting habits, and you have a huge threat to your property!

If you suspect that the squirrel activity is increasing around your home, it helps to start educating yourself with facts about nuisance squirrel problems. Read through the frequently asked questions below to learn what they are capable of, how they can get inside your house, what you can do to put a stop to their destruction, who to trust for safe and humane squirrel control, and much more!

Indianapolis Squirrel Removal and Control 317-847-6409
Indianapolis Squirrel Removal and Control 317-847-6409

Squirrel Removal and Control FAQS

Why Did Squirrels Target My House?

When it comes to squirrels, they live as opportunists. That means they will take what they can get when they can get it; and in terms of your home, that includes safety, shelter, and food. If you have outdoor pet food, gardens, nut trees, bird feeders, bird baths, and other sources of food or water, squirrels are more attracted to your property.

If you have an attic area, squirrels will try to access it to protect themselves against predators, raise baby squirrels, or hibernate in a warm place for the winter. If they accessed your attic or other interior area of your home, you have openings or gaps (i.e. chimneys, unscreened vents, holes in siding, warped roofing, etc.) that need to be sealed up in order to exclude them and prevent future wildlife intrusion.

How Do I Know if I Have Squirrels in the House?

The most common sign of a squirrel infestation is hearing their noises, such as scurrying, thumping and scratching. Additional signs include finding droppings or food debris around entry and exits areas, evidence of chewing, chewed holes or gaps, unpleasant odors, and more. The best way to determine whether or not you have squirrels in the house is to contact a licensed Indiana wildlife removal and control company for a full-property inspection.

How Do I Get Rid of Squirrels?

To get rid of nuisance squirrels on your property, you can implement many strategies. Most methods involve environmental modifications, such as tree trimming, log pile removals, fencing, automated lighting, automatic noise machines, or homemade repellents that can be sprinkled around your property. You can also remove all the outdoor sources of food and water, and install fencing around your gardens. If you already have squirrels in your house, such as the walls or attic, you will require professional animal trapping and removal services. The longer you wait to remove squirrels, the more damage they will do. This leads to costlier repairs and longer renovation times.

Where Can I Get Affordable Squirrel Removal in Indiana?

Call Modern Wildlife Control at 317-847-6409 for professional Indianapolis critter removal services for squirrels at affordable prices. Our specialists have more than 10 years of hands-on experience and retain the latest technologies and innovative resources to safely manage any job, regardless of size or scope. We can implement the proper course of action to reverse animal involvement and protect your property from further intrusion. Request a free quote for squirrel removal, or schedule an on-site inspection.

Modern Wildlife Control Indianapolis, Indiana
Modern Wildlife Control Indianapolis, Indiana

4 Nuisance Animals to Watch Out For in Winter

You would think that animals would cozy up in their respective dens or burrows and wait for the winter season to pass. But no, they are still out there causing problems for property owners everywhere in Indiana. Although most animals do hibernate or migrate, there are some species of wildlife that you really need to watch out for in the winter. Continue reading to learn how to protect your home or building from these 4 common wintertime nuisance animals.

Indianapolis Animal Trapper
Indianapolis Animal Trapper 317-847-6409

Wintertime Nuisance Animals

🦇 Bats

Bats are notorious for taking up shelter in attics and crawl spaces. Seeing as though they can fit through an opening as small as 3/8ths of an inch, it is no surprise they can do access our properties so easily. Later on, unsuspecting property owners are faced with a massive renovation project to repair all the damages caused by the infestation. Bats roost in large numbers as well, so the more bats there are, the more damage will occur. For this reason, you want to get rid of bats as soon as possible. By protecting your home or building from bat intrusions, you can avoid costly renovations come spring.

🐺 Raccoons

Many people wrongly assume that raccoons hibernate, but we assure you, they do not. In fact, raccoons are busy little bodies in the winter season, and maintaining perfectly cozy shelters at property owner’s expense. Raccoons will make their winter homes in dens, hollow trees, brush piles, and inside tall grass, all of which is destructive to your landscaping. Especially determined raccoons will go a step further and access inner areas of a house or building, such as the attic, crawl space, underneath porches, garages, sheds, barns, and more. Here is where they do the most damage, not only structurally, but in terms of sanitation too.

🐹 Squirrels

Squirrels are another species of wildlife that are commonly mistaken for hibernators. But the truth is, squirrels are not a hibernating species. They are, however, very agile climbers and clever in a pinch. This makes the potentially threatening to the structural integrity and safety of your property. Squirrels are known to take shelter in attics, and in all other places that raccoons are known to nest, such as wall voids, chimneys, crawl spaces, and under porches.

🦨 Skunks

Skunks are quite destructive, aside from their odorous defense mechanism. They will also continue to dig up lawns and gardens in search of juicy grub worms and other things to eat, all winter long. They are also known to make themselves at home inside garages, sheds, barns, and even below porches. Not only are they destructive and capable of producing a long-lasting smell that can also cause blindness, they are known carriers of several infectious diseases, including the Rabies virus.

How to Protect Your Home This Winter From Nuisance Animals

The best method for protecting your property from nuisance wildlife intrusions and tampering is to seek the assistance of a skilled and reputable Indianapolis critter control company. They can give you advice that specifically targets the nuisance animal that is bothering your home, and protect your property from all other common wildlife threats in your area.

Indianapolis Animal Removal and Control You Can Trust

Call Modern Wildlife Control at 317-847-6409 for safe and humane animal trapping and removal in Indianapolis, Indiana. Our licensed wildlife control specialists offer a wide range of residential and commercial animal extraction and exclusion services at the most competitive prices around.  We only use safe, eco-friendly techniques and humane methods of wildlife abatement. We also offer 24 hour emergency service, free estimates, free advice, and more! Call 317-847-6409 to request a free estimate, today.

Modern Wildlife Control Indianapolis
Modern Wildlife Control Indianapolis

How Chipmunks Survive in the Winter

A chipmunk is just about one of the cutest little critters here in Tennessee. However, as a ground-dwelling, burrowing species, they are not so popular among property owners this time of year. Chipmunks are a part of the Sciuridae family, same as squirrels, but rather than climb trees and build nests high off the ground like their distance relatives, chipmunks burrow, creating their homes beneath our feet. Although small, they can certainly cause a significant amount of lawn and garden damage.

What does this mean for you? Continue reading to learn more about wintertime chipmunk activity. This information will give you the insight you need to protect your Nashville, Tennessee property from nuisance chipmunks this year.

Get Rid of Nuisance Chipmunks BEFORE They Make Your Home THEIR Home for the Winter.

Common Chipmunk Activity This Time of Year

As mentioned, chipmunks are part of the Sciuridae family, just like squirrels. This means they are rodents, and as rodents, they like to dig. Chipmunks spend all spring and summer burrowing a complex series of tunnels underground, and foraging for as much food as they can find to store for the winter. During these times, they hand out in the shallow parts of their tunnels during the day, and enter the lower chambers for sleeping at night. They are also known to take up shelter in ground cover, logs, trees, hollowed stumps, shrubs, hedges, fence lines, and rocks. But once the weather turns too cold, they enter the lowest part of their tunnel system and rely on the storage of food the collected over the spring and summer seasons.

Chipmunk Hibernation Patterns in Tennessee

Opposed to common belief, chipmunks are not a hibernating species. However, they do enter a relative state of hibernacula (state of rest and lowered heart rate) for parts of the winter season. For the majority of the season, chipmunks are actively searching for ways to stay warm. During the coldest parts of winter, they enter deep into the tunnel system they created over the spring and summer, and sleep most of the time. When there are warmer days in the winter, chipmunks will arise from their underground tunnels and forage for more food.

Damages That Can Be Caused By Chipmunks

Chipmunk behavior, like tunneling and foraging, will certainly cause a nominal amount of damage to a lawn. At first glance, these tunnels unsightly and greatly reduce curb appeal. However, they are also an obstruction and a tripping hazard, and can even jeopardize a property’s foundation. In the spring and summer, chipmunks can be highly destructive to gardens and potted plants. For these reasons, it is in your best interest to put a stop to nuisance chipmunk activity as soon as possible. Contact a licensed and insured Nashville wildlife control company for expert assistance at an affordable price.

Nashville, Tennessee Chipmunk Removal Services You Can Afford This Winter

Call Modern Wildlife Control in Nashville, Tennessee at 615-336-5503 to get rid of chipmunks this winter, and protect your property from damages come spring. We have the safe and workable solutions to stop nuisance chipmunks from disturbing your property and peace mind, and all of them are affordable. Start with a free estimate over the phone, or schedule an onsite evaluation for chipmunk removal and attic restoration. Our licensed and insured wildlife abatement experts will solve your critter control problems, fast!

Modern Wildlife Control Nashville Tennessee
Modern Wildlife Control in Nashville, Tennessee 615-336-5503