How to Identify Problem Woodchuck Areas on Your Property

Are woodchucks wreaking havoc on your property? Woodchucks, also known as groundhogs, are a common backyard nuisance in many parts of the United States. They dig burrows and feed on gardens, flowers, vegetables, and other plants. If you have a woodchuck problem on your property, it’s important to identify where they are located so that you can take steps to control them effectively.

Continue reading to learn some tips for how to identify problem woodchuck areas on your property.

Call 317-847-6409  for Woodchuck Control in Indianapolis Indiana.
Call 317-847-6409 for Woodchuck Control in Indianapolis Indiana.

The 101 on Woodchucks

Woodchucks, also known as groundhogs, are found along the east coast of North America and in parts of Canada. They are part of the Marmota genus and have short tails, brown fur, seven vertebrae in their necks, and keystone-shaped ears. Woodchucks like to live in wooded areas near streams or wood edges where they can access their preferred food items of grasses, clover, alfalfa, and other vegetation.

They will often sleep during the colder months when their food supply is diminished. During this time, they enter a hibernation-like state that lowers their body temperature and heart rate significantly until spring when they emerge from their dens. Woodchucks can be entertaining to watch as they take turns standing guard atop mounds of dirt at the entrance to their dens while keeping an eye out for predators such as foxes and coyotes.

Top 3 Groundhog Signs and Solutions

Look for Woodchuck Burrows

Woodchucks will typically dig complex burrows with multiple entrances and exits. You can spot these by looking for mounds of dirt or patches of upturned grass. Woodchucks also use their burrows to hibernate during the winter months, so be sure to check the ground around your property for signs of burrowing activity.

Check Wooded Areas

Groundhogs prefer wooded areas where they can find plenty of food and shelter. If you have wooded areas on your property, it’s important to check them for signs of groundhog activity such as freshly dug holes or gnawed tree bark. Woodchucks will also take advantage of any woodpiles and other debris piles that are lying around your yard.

Watch Out for Woodchuck Signs

Woodchucks will leave behind signs of their presence, so it’s important to be on the lookout for things such as droppings, burrows and tunnels in the ground, gnawed tree bark and woodchuck tracks. Groundhogs will also leave behind unmistakable signs such as gnawed plants, upturned earth and chewed vegetation.

nuisance groundhog solutions

If you find any of these signs on your property, it’s a sure indication that you have a groundhog problem and need to take steps to control them. Woodchuck control in Indianapolis can involve trapping and removing the animals, as well as other measures such as fencing them out of your yard or using repellents and deterrents. Taking steps to control woodchucks on your property will help ensure that they don’t cause further damage and disruption.  By familiarizing yourself with how to identify problem woodchuck areas on your property, you can take the necessary steps to control pesky groundhogs and protect your yard.

If you have any more questions or need advice on woodchuck control, don’t hesitate to contact a pest control professional for assistance. Contact Modern Wildlife Control at 317-847-6409 for licensed and insured animal trapping and removal for woodchuck problems in Indianapolis, Indiana. Our animal removal trappers will be able to provide more specific guidance tailored to your particular wildlife control needs. We serve both residential and commercial clients!

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How to Prevent Rabbits From Becoming a Nuisance

If you’ve been having problems with rabbits in your yard, you’re not alone. Rabbits can be a big nuisance, and they can cause a lot of damage. In this post, we’ll discuss how to get rid of rabbits and how to prevent them from becoming a problem in the first place.

For Licensed Rabbit Trappers in Indianapolis Indiana, Call 317-847-6409 Today!
For Licensed Rabbit Trappers in Indianapolis Indiana, Call 317-847-6409 Today!

The Common Signs That You Have a Rabbit Problem

Rabbits can cause a lot of damage to your yard and garden if they are not kept under control. Understanding the signs of a rabbit problem will help you to identify it early and take appropriate action. One of the first signs that you may have a rabbit problem is seeing tracks in your yard or garden. Rabbits can also leave behind droppings and damage plants. If you find large holes in the ground, these could be rabbit burrows. Other signs include rabbits eating your flowers or other plants.

The Damage That Nuisance Rabbits Can Do

Rabbits are small, cuddly-looking creatures that can cause immense amounts of damage to a property. They have been known to devastate entire gardens, as well as damage buildings and other structures. Rabbit populations can quickly get out of control, making them a major environmental pest.

Rabbits are voracious eaters and can consume large amounts of vegetation in a short amount of time. They also have very sharp incisors that enable them to gnaw through structures, including wooden fences and posts, tree trunks, wires, and even plastic piping. This can cause significant damage to property over time.

Rabbits are prolific breeders, meaning that they can quickly replenish their numbers. In some cases, a single pair of rabbits can produce over 200 offspring in just one year. This makes it difficult to control the population without human intervention.

In addition to their destructive feeding habits, rabbits also create burrows and tunnels under foundations, which can weaken them and cause structural damage. They can also dig up flower beds and wreak havoc on ornamental gardens.

How to Get Rid of Rabbits

There are a few different ways to successfully get rid of rabbits from your yard, garden, or other outdoor area. One way is to use fencing as a physical barrier to keep the rabbits out. Fencing should be at least 1-2 feet high, sunk several inches into the ground, and have an angled outward extension to prevent the rabbits from digging underneath it. Chicken wire is an effective option that is lightweight and easy to work with.

Another way to get rid of rabbits is to use natural repellents such as pepper spray, garlic or hot sauce mixtures, or predator urine like coyote or fox urine. These products can be sprayed on plants and around the perimeter of the garden to deter rabbits from entering.

If you have a persistent rabbit problem, another option is to trap the rabbits and then release them in a wildlife area away from your home. This is only recommended if your state and county laws permit. Be sure to check local laws and regulations before trapping and relocating any type of wildlife.

Nuisance Wildlife Prevention Tips

In order to prevent damage from rabbits, it is important to take proactive steps such as fencing gardens, removing any food sources that may be attracting the rabbits, and using humane methods of population control. Taking these measures can help protect a property from costly or irreparable damage.

In some areas, it is even necessary to contact an Indianapolis wildlife control company in order to ensure that the rabbit population is managed properly. Taking steps now can prevent major problems in the future. Contact Modern Wildlife Control at 317-847-6409 for licensed and insured animal trapping and removal for rabbits in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve residential and commercial clients.

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How to Protect Your Garden From Rabbits This Fall
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Top Signs You Have a Yard Mole Problem

Are you fed up with moles wreaking havoc in your yard? If so, you’re not alone. Nuisance moles can be a huge problem for homeowners and can cause damage to the lawn and landscape. Unfortunately, controlling these pesky critters is no easy task either!

Continue below to learn how to spot the signs of a yard mole problem, plus what you can do to get rid of moles for good!

Call 317-847-6409  for Lawn Mole Removal in Indianapolis, Indiana!
Call 317-847-6409 for Lawn Mole Removal in Indianapolis, Indiana!

Facts About Lawn Moles

Moles are small mammals that live underground and feed on worms, grubs, and other insects. They have distinctive star-shaped footprints and move quickly through the soil. Moles dig extensive tunnel systems beneath lawns, which can cause significant damage to the grass and plants above ground. These tunnels form mounds of dirt that are unsightly and can make walking or mowing a lawn difficult.

Signs of Moles in the Lawn

Moles are one of the most common backyard pests, and they can cause quite a bit of damage to your yard. If you notice that your grass is being ripped up or tunnels in the ground, then it’s likely that there’s a mole living under your lawn.

Here are some of the top signs of a mole problem on your property:

▶ Tunnels and Mounds: Moles dig tunnels under your lawn, which can be seen as mounds along the surface or small ridges with patches of raised soil. These tunnels are usually about 2-4 inches wide and may have grass growing on top of them.

Dead Grass Patches: Another sign of a mole problem is dead grass patches. Moles can feed on the roots of grass, causing it to die or appear unhealthy due to lack of water or nutrients.

Insects and Worms: Moles feed on small insects such as worms, grubs, and even centipedes. If you find an unusually large amount of these creatures on your property , then there’s a good chance that they are being attracted by the mole living underneath.

Noises: Moles also make noise as they tunnel under the ground, which can be heard as a light tapping sound or squeaking noises. If you hear this kind of noise coming from your premises, then you may have a mole problem.

Yard Mole Control Tips

If you suspect that you have a mole problem in your yard, it’s important to take steps to get rid of them quickly. Moles can cause extensive damage to your lawn and garden, so it’s important to act fast. You can use traps or poisons to get rid of moles in your yard, but it’s best to contact an Indianapolis wildlife control company if the issue persists.

The best way to reduce mole damage is to make your property less attractive to them in the first place. Start by removing potential food sources—such as grubs, worms, and other insects—from the soil. You can also try using a variety of repellents, like castor oil or peppermint oil, to make the yard less appealing. If these tactics don’t work, it may be time to consider trapping or baiting moles in order to get rid of them.

Mole removal and control can be tricky and requires patience and persistence. Ultimately, it is important to remember that it is not possible to completely eliminate moles from your yard. However, with the right strategies, you can reduce their destructive behavior and keep your lawn looking its best.

How to Get Rid of Moles in Indiana

If nuisance moles are proving to be a problem in your lawn or garden, don’t despair! Take action now to protect your landscape and make sure that these pesky critters stay away for good. Don’t let those moles ruin your perfectly manicured lawn—take charge of the situation today and get rid of the nuisance once and for all!

Are you ready to take on nuisance moles? Don’t delay any longer—start fighting back against these pesky critters now! Contact Modern Wildlife Control at 317-847-6409 for safe and effective animal trapping and removal services for yard moles in Indianapolis, Indiana and its surrounding counties. We serve residential and commercial customers.

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How to Manage Yard Mole Removal and Control Season
Are Moles and Voles the Same Animal?
How to Tell if You Have Nuisance Animal Problems

How to Locate a Chipmunk Infestation

It’s that time of year again when those pesky chipmunks are out and about, looking for places to nest and store food for the winter. If you keep finding tiny holes in your yard and evidence of little creatures scurrying around, you may have a chipmunk infestation on your hands.

Don’t worry, though – there are plenty of ways to get rid of chipmunks, and we’re here to help. Read on for everything you need to know about chipmunk infestations, including how to identify them and how to get rid of them for good.

For Licensed Chipmunk Trapping in Indianapolis Indiana, Call 317-847-6409 Now!
For Licensed Chipmunk Trapping in Indianapolis Indiana, Call 317-847-6409 Now!

What You Need to Know About Chipmunks

Chipmunks are small, striped squirrels that are commonly found in North America. They’re native to North America and can be found in wooded areas, gardens, and even urban neighborhoods. They are known for their high-pitched voices and their love of hoarding food. Chipmunks typically eat insects, nuts, and seeds, but they have been known to eat other small animals as well.

Chipmunks are generally harmless, but they can become a nuisance if they decide to make their home in your yard or garden. They’re known for digging holes and burrowing, which can damage your lawn or garden beds. Plus, their constant foraging for food can wreak havoc on your flower beds and vegetables. In some areas, chipmunks are considered pests because of the damage they can cause.

If you think you have a chipmunk infestation, it’s important to contact a professional Indianapolis critter control company for chipmunk removal services. They will be able to identify the problem and get rid of the chipmunks in a safe and effective manner. They may also provide animal damage cleanup and repair.

How Can You Tell if You Have a Chipmunk Infestation?

There are a few telltale signs that you may have a chipmunk infestation:

Digging in Your Yard: Chipmunks love to dig, and their holes can be up to 2.5 inches in diameter. If you’re finding holes in your yard, it’s a good indication that you have chipmunks.

Chewing on Plants: Chipmunks are known for chewing on plants, both indoors and out. If you find that your plants are being chewed on, it’s a good sign that you have chipmunks.

Stealing Food: Chipmunks are constantly foraging for food, and they’re not picky about what they eat. If you find that food is disappearing from your yard or garden, it’s likely because of a chipmunk infestation.

Noise: Chipmunks are relatively quiet, but you may hear them chattering or scurrying around if they’re in your yard.

If you’re seeing any of these signs, it’s a good indication that you have a chipmunk problem. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to get rid of them. Safe and effective chipmunk control begins and ends with professional animal removal services in Indianapolis.

Ready to get rid of chipmunks quickly, and at a price you can actually afford? Contact Modern Wildlife Control at 317-847-6409 for licensed and insured chipmunk removal services in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve residential and commercial clients.

Related Posts:

A Safe and Homemade Animal Repellent for Chipmunks
How to Get Rid of Chipmunks Around the Yard
Really Neat Facts About Chipmunks in Indiana

Can I Keep a Wild Animal as a Pet?

Whether you just discovered a nest of baby birds, an orphaned baby squirrel, or a turtle out by the pond, it is important that you understand local, state, and federal laws that govern taking in wild animals as pets. Wild animals are feral, and therefore capable of aggressive, unpredictable, and/or harmful behaviors. Even a baby animal, as cute as they look, will inevitably mature into the full-grown species it is. From wildlife laws and regulations to damage, disease, injury, cruelty, and more, keeping a wild animal as a pet is an urge you and your children should strongly reconsider.

Continue reading to learn what you need to know about keeping a wild animal as a pet in Indiana, plus what you can do if you are experiencing nuisance wildlife problems in or around your property.

Wildlife Removal Indianapolis 317-847-6409
Wildlife Removal Indianapolis 317-847-6409

Animals are Closer Than Ever

Today, wildlife is closer to us than they have even been before. Due to land over-development, loss of natural habitats, and similar factors, animals like raccoons, opossum, skunks, snakes, squirrels, rabbits, and more are being pushed out of their natural environments, forcing them to look for food and shelter in urban and suburban territories. It is common to stumble across an orphaned or injured animal, like a bird or bunny, while it is also common to find animals on your property just lingering about, such as snakes, toads, and salamanders.

Although in our childhood it was common to find these little critters and keep them as pets for as long as we could keep them alive. But today, this is considered inhumane; in some cases, it is even against the law. Furthermore, wild animals are known carriers of several infectious and transmissible diseases that can infect both people and pets. Common illnesses, rabies virus, leptospirosis, Salmonella, E. coli, roundworm, distemper, Parvo, and a long list of ectoparasites (lice, mites, ticks, fleas, etc.).

Orphaned or Abandoned Animals

If you find an orphaned or seemingly abandoned animal, it is important that you leave the animal alone. If the animal is located in an area of your property that sees a lot of foot traffic or that requires lawn care, you can relocate the animal close to its nest or at the edge of your property. In Indiana, it is against the law to transport a wild animal to another property. You could face fines and similar civil penalties. When in doubt, contact a licensed wildlife control company in Indianapolis for professional animal removal service.

If you choose to move the animal to the edge of your property, be sure to wear thick utility gloves and use a shoebox and small broom or brush to gently transfer the animal into the shoebox so that you may relocate them farther away. If the animal is injured, the rule of thumb is to let nature take its course, as hard as that might pull on the old heartstrings. You may also choose to contact a wildlife rehabilitator in your area.

Injured and Baby Birds

It is very common to come across a nest of baby birds or even a single baby bird laying on the ground. Although the baby bird seems totally helpless, it is very possible that the mother is nearby and will return soon to put the baby back in the nest. If you are sure that the baby bird is orphaned or injured, and you wish to keep it or return it to health, it must be a specific species of birds. Almost all birds are state and federally protected.

The only bird species that are not protected under law are European starlings, feral pigeons, and English sparrows. If you can accurately identify the species of bird that you have found, and it is a non-protected species, you can choose to keep it, but beware, you will likely need a permit. Further beware that, birds, even baby ones, carry several diseases and ectoparasites like lice and mites. You never want to touch one with your bare hands.

Injured or Sick Bat

If you find a sick or injured bat on your property, it is important that you keep your distance. Never attempt to touch, trap, harm, or kill a bat. Some bats are federally protected by the Endangered Species Act, while others are known carriers of serious infectious diseases like the Rabies virus. Instead, contact a local Indianapolis bat removal company for professional assistance. You may also report the dead, or sick bat to the Department of natural resources by filling out a “Report Sick or Dead Wildlife” form.


It is common for children to find a turtle and want to keep it as a pet. And this is perfectly fine, so long as you have the proper permit, or a hunting or fishing license registered in Indiana. Also, certain turtle species are protected and cannot be kept as a pet, let alone tampered with, including Eastern box turtles and Alligator Snapping turtles. However, before you agree to a wild pet turtle, understand that turtles are common carriers of salmonella bacteria.

Are you experiencing nuisance critter problems around your Indiana home or business? Contact Modern Wildlife Control at 317-847-6409 for safe and effective animal trapping and removal services in Indianapolis, Indiana.

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Can You Hunt Pigeons Without a License?
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The Only Two Reasons Why Bats Should Scare You

It’s really unfortunate that bats have such a bad reputation. Thanks to movies and media, many people think that bats will attack you, swarm about your hair, and even drink your blood (they do not). But the truth is, bats are an incredible species of mammal; that’s right, mammal! Just like humans and other mammals on earth, they are raised on their mother’s milk. But that’s not what makes bats so fascinating. Bats are ecologically important, especially because their populations contribute significantly to our local economies and environment.

If you have always had a fear of bats for as long as you can remember, you could be right to feel afraid of them. Just make sure it is for the right reasons. In fact, there are really only two reasons why bats should scare you.

Scroll down to learn what they are, plus what you can do around your property to ensure bats don’t get too close.

Bat Removal Indianapolis Indiana 317-847-6409
Bat Removal Indianapolis Indiana 317-847-6409

What Makes Bats a Threat to You and Your Loved Ones

Structural Damage Due to Infestation or Heightened Activity

Bats, whether they access the interior spaces of your home or not, can do a lot of damage and destruction. Many bats prefer to perch on window seals, gutter systems, and roofing, which can lead to a massive pile of guano, which poses its own set of bio-hazards, as well as significant urine saturation, which can lead to structural warping, wood rot, and integrated pests like maggots, gnats, and flies.

If bats access the inner areas of your home, such as the attic or wall voids, which are their favorite spots. By the way, they can cause an even higher level of damage. Not only will they saturate their surroundings in urine and droppings, which can eventually lead to ceiling and drywall stains and lingering odors in the living quarters of the home, but they can also damage, electrical wiring, insulation, and more. To say the least, you do not want bats in the house or around it, nor do you want them increasing their activity around your property.

With a comprehensive bat mitigation and control plan created and implemented by a licensed and insured Indianapolis wildlife control company, you can avoid structural damages and bio-hazard threats caused by bats.

Infectious Diseases and Parasitic Outbreaks

In short, we’ve covered how destructive and messy bats can be. But their urine and droppings are not the extent of their potential dangers. Bats are known carriers of several infectious and transmissible diseases, including the rabies virus, which is fatal once contracted. These diseases can be passed to both people and pets. It is important to ensure that your pets remain properly vaccinated year-round.

If you live in a woodland or forest area or have seen bats and other wild animals surrounding the property. In addition to transmissible disease, bats can also carry parasites like mites, lice, ticks, fleas, nematodes, and more. For this reason, integrated pest management services are generally needed after a long term that infestation has been extracted.

If you suspect that you have bats in the house or worried that bats are getting too close to your property at desk, you may need to create a bat control plan with the help of a licensed and insured critter control operator in Indianapolis.

Ready to get started on that bat abatement plan now? Contact Modern Wildlife Control at 317-847-6409 for DNR licensed bat removal and control services in Indianapolis, Indiana and its surrounding counties. We serve residential and commercial clients all throughout the central areas of the state.

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The Top 4 Signs of a Bat Infestation in the Attic
Basic Facts About Bats and Bat Removal
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Facts About the Omnivorous Life of Raccoons

Raccoons are opportunistic feeders. This means they will eat almost anything, whenever and wherever they can get it. And with dexterous paws and a higher intelligence, they easily succeed at the task. Unfortunately, this style of eating brings wild raccoons to our front lines, tipping trash cans and rummaging through dumpsters in our local neighborhoods and city areas. So, what are they looking for? Well, just about anything, really.

Continue reading to explore some of the most common things raccoons eat, then use this knowledge to divert raccoon interest away from your property!

Raccoon Removal Service Indianapolis Indiana 317-847-6409
Raccoon Removal Service Indianapolis Indiana 317-847-6409

Raccoons are Omnivores

Raccoons are omnivores, just like us! They eat the entire food table, including vegetation, meat, fish, legumes, grains, and more. Their diets reflect their surrounding environments and depend on what’s available and what’s nearby. So, they will vary from region to region, and from species to species. Raccoons will even dig up lawns in search of grubs, empty bird and squirrel feeders, steal pet food, and demolish gardens in residential and city areas!

Plant Matter

Raccoons will eat all types of fruit and vegetables, as well as, starches, legumes, and even grains. This long list includes common foods, such as grass, lettuce, melons, berries, apples, acorns, seeds, nuts, corn, potatoes, peas, cucumbers, and much more. In fact, raccoons have come to rely on corn as a staple in their diets, and really love the taste of sweet corn!


Raccoons eat an alarming selection of meat and animals. Not only will they gladly eat fast food burgers and turkey sandwiches left in the garbage, but they also commonly eat young birds, bird eggs, duck eggs, turtle eggs, turtles, fish, crayfish, rodents, frogs, snakes, salamanders, grubs, spiders, and many other insects. They will even eat garage and dead animals so long as they are still somewhat fresh.

Pet Food

Also, raccoons that live near urban and suburban areas really love dog and cat food! They are known to go to great lengths to get inside garages and outdoor sheds for a taste of puppy chow! They may even raid horse feed and livestock feed.

Raccoon Removal and Control

If you have raccoon problems, you need professional raccoon removal and control services. Contact a local wildlife control company for non-lethal and humane raccoon exclusion and preventative maintenance. They have the tools and training to safely remove raccoons and prevent their return. To get started on your own, simply remove outdoor attractions like pet food, pet bowls, bird baths, and trashcans.

Do you have a nuisance raccoon problem on your property? Contact Modern Wildlife Control at 317-847-6409 for safe and effective animal trapping and removal services for raccoons in Indianapolis, Indiana and its surrounding counties. We serve residential and commercial customers.

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Common Indiana Wildlife That Can Damage Your Property

There are various types of wild animals capable of damaging our homes, lawns, gardens, and more; however, in residential areas, there is a more specific group to watch out for, especially in Indiana. Animals such as pigeons, moles, rabbits, raccoons, bats, and snakes are popular deviants that trespass onto our properties and leave behind costly messes.

Continue reading to learn about each species and the damages they are known to inflict on residential properties in Indianapolis, IN.

Critter Control  Indianapolis IN 317-847-6409
Critter Control Indianapolis IN 317-847-6409

Most Common Wild Animals That Can Damage Your House and Yard


Raccoons are among the most intelligent North American mammals found in forested and wooded residential areas. They are very clever and can use their highly dexterous paws to open doors, dig through trash, climb rooftops, and more.  Raccoons are nocturnal as well, meaning they rest during the day and stay active at night. They feed on anything, from small invertebrates and insects to outdoor dog food! 

Raccoons are known to gain access into homes and tear up attic and crawl spaces. They use these areas during the cold seasons for protection against the weather and to breed their young.  This can create a very expensive mess to clean up and restore. Raccoons can saturate and contaminate dry wall and wood beams with urine and droppings.

These droppings also contain harmful agents that can cause disease and illness in humans and pets. They can also chew through electrical wiring, rip off roof shingles, and much more.  Raccoons are a problem that should be dealt with immediately to avoid costly repairs and renovations.


Bats are just the same as raccoons. They are nocturnal and do all their dirty work while we are fast asleep. They are so tiny that they can find access inside our homes through the smallest of crevices. Roof shingles can be slipped in to, as well as, cracked windows, loose siding, garages, barns, tree houses, and storage sheds. They seek out shelter for breeding, mating, and feeding purposes.

Bats are significant and useful mammals to have around in the summer because they can consume around 100 insects in one hour. This is great bug control! On the other hand, we do not want them damaging our homes, which is just another example of a problem that has to be handled immediately before more and more damage accrues.


Pigeons are simply messy. They commonly flock in large numbers; and when they choose to use your rooftop as a resting point, let’s just say they can paint the roof a matte white once they’re through.  Pigeon cleanup services are readily available, so there is no need to fret about the mess. Also, there really is no way to refrain pigeons from using your house as a toilet. Try to reduce any elements that may be attracting birds to your property or call a professional Indianapolis IN wildlife removal company for advice.


Snakes can become a threat to small children or pets on your property. If you are spotting snakes frequently, it may be time to take some action.  Snakes can also negatively affect gardens, flower patches, and landscaping; so, it is recommended to get rid of them fast. There are various snake repellents on the market that seem to work quite well. If you are not a do-it-yourself kind of person, a professional Indiana wildlife control contractor is happy to oblige.

Moles, Rabbits, Chipmunks, and Squirrels

Moles, rabbits, chipmunks, and squirrels are all small and furry, but they can leave a bad impression on lawn and garden lovers. These small critters like to burrow, dig, eat, and steal in gardens and lawns. Flowers, mulch patches, fruits, vegetables, and fresh lain sod are all at risk if these animals are frequent visitors to your lawn. Again, trust a professional that retains the proper equipment and knowledge to capture and release these animals so that they are no longer a bother to you.

If you are dealing with nuisance animals on or around your property or have discovered an infestation of bats or raccoons in the attic, act now. Contact Modern Wildlife Control at 317-847-6409 for prompt and professional 24 hour critter control in Indianapolis, Indiana for bats, raccoons, squirrels, birds, and more.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Animal Removal and Control
How to Tell if You Have Nuisance Animal Problems
How to Safely Get Rid of a Dead Animal on Your Property

Modern Wildlife Control Indianapolis, Indiana
Modern Wildlife Control Indianapolis, Indiana

How Bad Weather Might Increase Nuisance Wildlife Problems

Here in Central Indiana, stormy weather is upon us. All day and well into the evening, most of us will be inside our cozy homes, safe from the harsh rain and chilling winds. As for the animals outdoors, they don’t have such luxuries available to them. Instead, they utilize whatever resources and shelter they can find, even if this means their own yards.

Continue reading to learn how this bad weather might increase your nuisance wildlife problems around your home, as well as what you can do to better protect your property against wildlife tampering and intrusion.

Critter Control Company Indianapolis IN 317-847-6409
Critter Control Company Indianapolis IN 317-847-6409

Animal Behaviors Change in Inclement Weather

When it rains or storms outside, you might notice your dog or cat hiding under the bed or underneath the blanket. Even when you’re out in the world on a rainy day, it is common to catch a dog or cat taking shelter underneath the park bench or thick tree canopy for a reprieve from the weather.

Animal behaviors change when the weather changes, whether the weather change is ambient or not. Even we change our behaviors when the weather turns, like pulling our jackets overhead in the middle of the sudden rainfall or warming our cars up before taking off in wintry weather.

So, you can begin to understand why animals can become more of a nuisance when the weather gets worse. Just like us, they want a safe and warm place to rest while they wait out the storm or upcoming winter season.

Animals are Looking for Shelter and Food

Just before and during a rainstorm, local wildlife populations will begin their hunt for safe and warm shelter. These shelters often turn out to be hollowed trees, patios, attics, porches, sheds, barns, tree houses, jungle gyms, log piles, and even your cars, or worse, your attic. Animals like raccoons, squirrels, birds, and bats typically go for the higher points like attics and roofs. raccoons and squirrels are excellent climbers and can easily access rooftops, while bats and birds can fly. Other critters, like snakes, rabbits, foxes, skunks, opossums, and even coyotes will search everywhere they can for grounded shelters, because these are within their realm of accessibility.

Storms, especially harsh storms or ones that last for several days, tend to wipe out a lot of the local wildlife food sources. Water pooling, flooding, and high moisture levels can all contribute to a lack of food availability for animals. Food supplies are also greatly affected in the winter season, which is why wildlife infestations are so common this time of year. Once the storms or inclement weather has passed, animals will go out to look for food, which many times tends to be residential areas.

Animals like raccoons, skunks, and opossums will dig up lawns for grubs, plunder gardens, thieve pet food, and raid garbage cans. Other animals, like gophers, moles, rabbits, voles, beavers, and muskrats can chew everything up in sight, including your beloved landscaping trees and shrubbery. Predators, like coyotes, hawks, vultures, and foxes will go on the hunt for small animals or might even attack small pets. And snakes can attract other nuisance wildlife.

Animal-Proofing Works

If you live near wooded or forested areas, or near a large body of water, you need a solid animal-proofing plan in place. In times of bad weather, you can feel better protected against animal tampering and intrusions, especially in the winter. Talk to your local and trusted wildlife control company in Indianapolis for advice on how to implement these strategies and more.

Are you ready to get rid of nuisance animal problems with some professional assistance you can trust? Contact Modern Wildlife Control at 317-847-6409 for safe and effective critter control in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve commercial clients, too!

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Modern Wildlife Control Indianapolis, Indiana
Modern Wildlife Control Indianapolis, Indiana

How to Get Rid of Woodchucks in Indiana

“How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?”

No matter how old you get, you can never get tired of that old nursery rhyme! Now that we have your attention; are woodchucks becoming a nuisance animal problem around your Indiana property? If so, you’ll need to implement some safe and humane techniques if you want to get rid of woodchucks before winter arrives.

Continue reading to learn how to get rid of woodchucks in Indiana, including who to trust for fast and affordable credit control for groundhogs near you.

Critter Control Woodchucks Indianapolis IN 317-847-6409
Critter Control Woodchucks Indianapolis IN 317-847-6409

What Woodchucks Want With Your Property

Why do you have a woodchuck problem on your property? Well, there can be many reasons. Do you live near a large body of water, such as a river, lake, pond, or stream? If so, that’s the number one attraction for groundhogs. A water source is something vital to all living organisms on the planet, including ourselves. So, it’s no surprise that groundhogs live near your property if you live near a reliable source of natural water.

Since you can’t take away the natural water source on or nearby your property, you’ll need to implement some strategies to abate groundhog tampering and activity instead. Non-toxic repellents, fencing, and professional critter control our viable options.

Another common attraction for woodchucks is food. Does your property provide a reliable food source for groundhogs? Reliable food source examples would be fish from a body of water, as mentioned already, as well as farms and gardens. Groundhogs are primarily herbivorous, eating everything from flowers to vegetables, but they will also eat small animals at times, such as grubs, snails, grasshoppers, and the occasional baby bird.

In order to thwart woodchuck activity, you will need to secure or eliminate accessible food sources on your property. Over time, groundhogs will learn that your property is no longer a consistent supplier of food and will traverse elsewhere for a meal.

A not-so-obvious reason why woodchucks might be trespassing onto your property could be to sharpen their teeth. Do you have a bunch of fallen logs or trees in your yard? Do you keep a surplus of lumber nearby? If so, woodchucks might be gravitating towards these supplies in order to gnaw and sharpen their incisors.

It is important to lock up or secure your lumber supplies and regularly clear your property of fallen wood and debris. This will help divert groundhogs away from your property, as they will need to go somewhere else to find resources for their teeth sharpening instincts.

Top Recommended Solution for Groundhog Control

When all else fails, contact a local Indianapolis critter control company to manage a groundhog problem. They have the proper training, permits, and resources to safely extract existing groundhogs, as well as implement industry trade methods and techniques that will keep groundhogs away for good.

Not sure who to trust for fast and affordable wildlife removal services near you? Contact Modern Wildlife Control at 317-847-6409 for prompt and professional wildlife control for groundhogs and woodchucks in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve both residential and commercial clients.

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How to Solve Nuisance Groundhog Problem
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Indiana Wildlife Removal and Control Company
Indiana Wildlife Removal and Control 317-847-6409