Bats are incredible mammals that do a lot for us. But they are also quite dangerous and destructive. Although this sounds a bit contradictory, you will soon discover what bats are capable of by reading through these basic facts about bats and bat removal.

There are Megabats and Microbats.
There are two primary orders in the scientific classification of bats: Megachiroptera and Microchiroptera, informally referred to as megabats and microbats. Megabats are also known as Fruit bats, Old World Fruit Bats, and Flying Foxes, as many species indeed resemble a fox that flies. Megabats live in tropical and subtropical regions of the world, and primarily eat the nectar of fruits and flora. Microbats are small, eat insects, and use echolocation to better dart and dive for prey. Microbats are found all over the world in virtually all regions.
Bats are the Only Flying Mammal
Not only are bats mammals, they are the only mammal capable of true flight. This means that bats can truly fly, just like birds. No other mammal can do that. Other mammals simply soar, float, or glide on air currents. Bats, however, can take flight instantly, wherever they want, and remain in flight so long as their endurance and strength allow them. That is a pretty impressive attribute!
Bats Can Carry and Transmit Diseases
Not all bats are infected with transmissible disease, but they are known to be common carriers of several. One of the most dangerous and disparaging is the Rabies Virus, which is 100% fatal once contracted. Others include Histoplasmosis, Leptospirosis, salmonella, ticks, lice, mites, and parasites.
Bats Can Squeeze Through a Hole as Small as 3/8th of an Inch
In our region of the world, bats are very tiny. So tiny that they can squeeze through an opening as little as 3/8th of an inch. With this incredible ability and privilege, bats are often found roosting in our attics, crawl spaces, and wall voids. Common entry points for bats include crumbling mortar, rotted door frames, loose siding, missing or loosened roof shingles, soffits, vents, and chimneys.
Bats are Messy and Highly Destructive
Bats, whether they gain access indoors or not, are capable of causing extensive structural damage to the interior and exterior of a property. Even if bats never make it inside around the living quarters of the home or building, the exterior damage they cause can lead to interior damages, like urine stained ceilings and lingering odors. Common types of damage include attic insulation and floorboard saturated with urine and feces, as well as, odors, mites, ticks, lice, and more.
You Can Safely Get Rid of a Bat Problem
The only way to get rid of a nuisance bat problem is to contact a local wildlife control company for professional and safe bat removal and control services. They have the proper permits and resources to safely remove bats, clean up after them, and prevent their return. Never, under any circumstances, attempt to touch, trap, harm, or kill a bat.
DNR Licensed Indianapolis Bat Removal and Control You Can Trust
Call Modern Wildlife Control at 317-847-6409 for DNR licensed bat removal and control services in Indianapolis, Indiana. Our qualified professionals offer a wide range of wildlife control services, but specialize in bat abatement. Best of all, we also offer cleanup services and restoration and repair for animal damages, and can even provide insurance claim work. Start with a free estimate or advice, today!