Nuisance Animals to Watch Out for in Indiana

Nuisance wildlife interference and infestation is a common occurrence in both residential and commercial settings. Here in Indiana, all sorts of species are known to cause trouble for property owners. Continue reading to learn which species of wildlife are most common in our state, and what to do if you suspect that wild animals are invading your space.

Indianapolis Wildlife Removal and Control
Indianapolis Wildlife Removal and Control 317-847-6409

Common Indiana Wildlife That Can Become a Pest  

There are several wild animals that are native to the surrounding Indiana areas, from aquatic and marine life, to reptiles, mammals, and more. Among all the wildlife and marine life that exist here in our state, there are a handful that have proven to be quite the pest for property owners. Most of these animals are mammals that live in wooded or forested areas, and then use our homes and buildings for shelter in the colder seasons. The problem with nuisance wildlife interference and infestation is just as the term suggest: it’s a nuisance. Animals that invade our premises can cause a long list of damages, both interior and exterior.

Outside, nuisance wildlife can overturn and rummage through garbage, damage lawns and gardens in search of food, and even cause exterior structural damages to porches, gutters, roofs, windows, garages, sheds, and more. Furthermore, they can be a health risk to curious outdoor pets since many wild animals are known carriers of various infectious diseases, many of which can be fatal to both people and pets. These include Rabies, Distemper, Leptospirosis, Histoplasmosis, roundworm, mites, lice, and more.

Indoors, nuisance wildlife can pose many risks in terms of health, safety, and structural damage. Attics, walls, crawls spaces, garages, and decks are common areas where nuisance animals will invade and build nests. Within these areas, they can damage the surroundings with their droppings, as well as their behaviors, putting walls, ceilings, floorboards, insulation, and more, at risk. These damages can quickly add up in cost, and require invasive wildlife cleanup and restoration services.

Common Nuisance Wild Animals:

➻ Bats
➻ Raccoons
➻ Squirrels
➻ Chipmunks
➻ Skunks
➻ Birds
➻ Opossums
➻ Foxes
➻ Yard Moles
➻ Muskrats
➻ Beavers
➻ Rabbits
➻ Coyotes
➻ Groundhogs

How to Safely Manage a Nuisance Animal Problem

It is important to protect your property from nuisance wild animal interference by eliminating anything that will attract pests, such as food and water sources (i.e. garbage cans, bird baths, squirrel feeders, pet food, etc.). If you suspect that you are currently dealing with a nuisance animal problem, contact an Indianapolis wildlife control company for safe and humane assist you can trust.

Indianapolis Wildlife Removal and Control at the Best Price in Central Indiana

Call Modern Wildlife Control at 317-847-6409 for professional animal trapping and removal services in Indianapolis, Indiana and its surrounding counties. We work with all other species of Indiana wildlife too, including bats, skunks, opossum, birds, and squirrels. We also offer cleanup services and restoration and repair for animal damages, and can even provide insurance claim work. Start with a free estimate or advice, today!

Modern Wildlife Control Indianapolis
Modern Wildlife Control Indianapolis

How to Protect Bird Feeders From Hungry Squirrels

If you are like most nature lovers, bird watching is a cherished pastime. One way to get your favorite birds to visit your lawn is to feed them. Unfortunately, birds are not the only ones who are attracted to free seed and feed. Squirrels are notorious for stealing from bird feeders, as they are agile climbers, nimble on their feet, and great at grasping things with their tiny dexterous paws. With all of these built-in attributes, how can you expect to protect your beloved bird feeders from thieving squirrels? The answer involves a combination of making some environmental changes and implementing some new pest control strategies.

Continue reading to learn some truly effective tips for stopping squirrels from emptying your bird feeders.

Indianapolis Squirrel Removal and Control
Indianapolis Squirrel Removal and Control 317-847-6409

Hang Them in the Right Spot

The first strategy to implement is an easy one. Just move your bird feeders to a new spot that is far away from trees, power lines, roofs, and anything else squirrels can use to climb. If they cannot easily access something to climb near the feeder, it is unlikely that they will attempt to access it at all. You can also run a line of string between two trees and position the feeder on the string away from the trees. If you use this approach, be sure to hang the string as high as you can reach, and do not use wire or rope. Squirrels have trouble climbing on a wobbly string, but a wire or cord will be sturdier for them.

Buy a Baffle

There is a device called a squirrel baffle that you can purchase and install in your backyard. It is essentially a plastic dome that connects under a bird feeder and creates a curved barrier that squirrels cannot climb over. They are sold online, or you can buy them at any local home improvement or gardening store. Expect to pay anywhere between $15 and $20 for a quality product.

Cover the Bird Feeder Pole

If squirrels cannot climb a pole, they cannot access the feeder that is at the top. You can make the pole harder to climb in a few different ways. You can add layers of plastic tubing, wrap it in thin sheet metal, or apply grease (or petroleum jelly). Although they are probably still capable of reaching the top with several efforts and a lot of hard work, they are not likely to go through all the trouble; instead, they’ll move onto an easier target.

Use a Natural, Non-Toxic Repellent

If you have the basic household ingredients and a clean plastic spray bottle, you can make your own homemade, non-toxic animal repellent. All you need are the spices that squirrels hate, such as menthol, eucalyptus, peppermint, spearmint, cayenne pepper, black pepper, red pepper, or any other kind of pepper. Mix them with some water, transfer them to the plastic bottle, and spray the perimeter of your feeder or property. This solution will be harmful to pets, so keep them away after application.

If You Can’t Beat ‘Em, Join ‘Em!

A last resort to dealing with squirrels stealing from your bird feeders is to simply provide them with their own food. This may deter them from taking the bird feed, allowing you to continue enjoying your bird observing hobby. A mix of cracked corn should do just fine, and you can buy specially-designed squirrel feeders online or at any local home improvement or gardening store.

How to Safely and Humanely Get Rid of Squirrels in Indianapolis, Indiana

Call Modern Wildlife Control at 317-847-6409 for affordable squirrel removal and control services in Indianapolis, Indiana and its surrounding counties. Our DNR licensed and insured wildlife rescue and control specialists offer safe and humane squirrel abatement services, clean up and minor restorations for animal damages, 24 hour emergency service, and free estimates. Get started by requesting a free estimate or advice, today.

Modern Wildlife Control Indianapolis
Modern Wildlife Control Indianapolis

Fun Facts About Beavers in Indiana

Beavers are an interesting species. Not only are they semi-aquatic rodents, they are one of the largest rodent species in the entire world, weighing in at an average of up to 70 pounds. Want to learn more about beavers? Continue reading to review some fun and educational facts about beavers, including what you can do to humanely prevent nuisance beaver activity on your property.

Indianapolis Beaver Removal and Control
Indianapolis Beaver Removal and Control 317-847-6409

Beaver Facts You Can Share With Friends

There are 2 species of beaver in the world: the North American beaver and the Eurasian beaver. Although they are mostly similar in appearance, North American beavers tend to be larger, with rounded heads and wider tails. Here in Indiana, we are home to the North American beaver (Castor Canadensis), the largest rodent in the world. These beavers usually weigh between 45 and 60 pounds in full maturity, yet some have been recorded of reaching up to 100 pounds!

Beavers are most known for their four front teeth, which are long, orange, and very strong. Their teeth are covered in an iron-rich enamel, which is resistant to the acidic properties in tree bark. This resistance, coupled with the repetitive bark chewing practiced by beavers, causes their front teeth to turn bright orange. Because the back of the teeth wears out faster than the front, beavers have a distinct tapered look to their front teeth.

Apart from their teeth, beavers are well known for their tails. Their tails are wide, naked, and quite leathery, allowing them to swim fast and manipulate water like a rudder on a boat. They also have and webbed hind feet that help them swim. Beavers also have a thick, double coat of brown fur that reasonably repels water, which is why many people used to make hats out of beaver pelts.

Beaver Homes and Life

Beavers are very similar to humans in terms of modifying our spaces to meet our specific needs. No other animal does this as well as beavers do! Not only do they build lodges with complex underwater entrances, they construct dams to create calm waters for their pleasure. In Canada, satellite imaging discovered a beaver dam that is over 2,500 feet long!

Beavers are very sociable and busy animals that mate for life. Their family groups are incredibly cooperative, working together to build, forage, protect, and even groom one another. Beavers also show affection, play games, and use grunts, squeaks, and whistles to communicate.

Beavers learn their hydro-engineering skills at a young age, helping their parents build and maintain dams and lodges. Interestingly, beaver offspring, called kits, stay with their mother longer than any other animal in the animal kingdom, usually up to 2 or 3 years.

Beavers are omnivores, and only eat vegetation, namely aquatic plants, but also twigs, leaves, and soft tree tissue. Many people assume that beavers eat bark or wood, but really, they just gnaw on it to help sharpen their teeth or build dams and lodges.

Nuisance Beavers

Beavers are known to be extraordinary builders, but sometimes, their construction activity can cause problems around residential or commercial areas. Not only can dams cause plumbing damages and flooding, it can also be an eye sore for a property. They also gnaw at tree trunks, which can be both unsightly and hazardous. Furthermore, beavers attract other predators, like wolves, which can be a scary threat to your children or pets.

To safely and effectively get rid of beavers, contact a local and licensed Indianapolis wildlife control company for beaver removal and control services you can trust. Choose a company that has been in business for many years, and can provide helpful amenities like free estimates and inspections.

Indianapolis Beaver Removal and Control You Can Afford

Call Modern Wildlife Control at 317-847-6409 for safe and humane animal removal services for beavers in Indianapolis, Indiana and its surrounding counties. We are DNR licensed and insured wildlife control operators with more than 30 years of hands-on experience. Trust us for prompt and professional animal extraction, exclusion, and cleanup. That’s right! We provide animal damage restoration and repair, and can even provide homeowners’ insurance claim work. Request a free estimate or advice, today.

Modern Wildlife Control Indianapolis
Modern Wildlife Control Indianapolis

4 Safe Methods of Getting Rid of Skunks

Summertime is prime skunk time. If you have smelled skunk spray before, you know it is an unpleasant, putrid smell that lingers for a long time. It is no surprise that the scientific name for the skunk species is mephitis mephitis, which originates from the ancient Roman goddess of poisonous vapors, and literally translates to “bad odor bad odor.” But bad odors are not the only threat skunks pose; after all, they are considered a nuisance species for a reason.

Continue reading to learn more about skunk control, including the top 4 most effective methods of getting rid of them for good.

Indianapolis Skunk Removal and Control
Indianapolis Skunk Removal and Control 317-847-6409

Nuisance Skunk Problems

Aside from odorous spraying, skunks will also cause property damage. They are well-known for digging up lawns in search of grubs to eat, which make yards look more like a construction site. Lawn damages caused by skunks can take several seasons to repair, which is incredibly frustrating for home and property owners who take pride in a beautiful and healthy landscape.

Another reason you don’t want skunks around is for safety. Skunks are known carriers of several infectious and transmissible diseases that can be passed along to both people and pets. For this reason, it is vital to always stay current on your pet’s annual vaccinations. Although less serious, you also do not want your curious little pet becoming a victim of a skunk spraying. If this happens, you can look forward to a tedious and smelly bath session.

As for getting rid of skunks themselves, try these 4 safe and humane approaches:

Get Rid of Any Food Sources

As mentioned, skunks will dig up lawns and gardens looking for juicy grubs and other worms to eat. Of course, they will also steal any yields they find in the garden. To protect your gardens, try growing a natural fence that repels skunks and other wildlife, such as cucumbers or marigolds. They hate the prickly stems and leaves, and will not cross through them to get to your crops. Other food sources to eliminate include water dishes, pet food, compost, and garbage.

Block Off Any Sources of Shelter

If skunks have several great hiding spots, they will prefer that area over others. The privacy and shelter give them comfort because they feel safe from predators. If you have a lot of places on your property that would be perfect for a skunk hideout, you must get rid of them to thwart skunk activity. Things like log piles, hollowed tree trunks, and abandoned junk are perfect hiding spots for skunks. Make it harder for them to have privacy, and they will no longer feel safe on your property.

Use a Homemade Animal Repellent

You can make a homemade, non-toxic repellent that is safe and humane to use against skunks, other wildlife, and the environment. All you need is a plastic spray bottle, some household spices or essential oils, and fresh water. Use ingredients like cayenne pepper, black pepper, menthol, peppermint, spearmint, or eucalyptus. Skunks hate these scents and sensations, and will stay far away from them. Simply spray the solution around the perimeter of your yard, and more generously in the areas where you notice heightened activity. Be sure to supervise pets outdoors while making these applications because this solution will also irritate their senses.

Hire a Professional Skunk Removal and Control Service

Call Modern Wildlife Control at 317-847-6409 to help with nuisance skunks in Indianapolis, Indiana. Our DNR licensed and insured wildlife control specialists offer humane animal control services for all species of Indiana wildlife, but specialize in raccoons, bats, birds, and squirrels. We also offer cleanup, restoration, and repair for animal damages, and can even provide insurance claim work. Start with a free estimate or advice, today!

Modern Wildlife Control Indianapolis
Modern Wildlife Control Indianapolis

How to Safely Get Rid of a Dead Animal on Your Property

Animals like birds, raccoons, bats, squirrels, and even the occasional opossum, are common home intruders. They are known to take shelter on roofs, in attics, under porches, and more. But sometimes, these poor critters do not make it, and end up dead in the nest they created somewhere in your home. Moreover, these same critters can make their way into walls, ceilings, ductwork, and other interior areas of a home. And when they perish, the odors and consequences that come along with it are not fun to be around.

If you suspect that you have unwanted nuisance wildlife in your home, it is time to take action before the mess gets messier. In the case that you smell strange or foul odors around interior of your home or surrounding property, you could have a dead animal on your hands.

Continue reading to learn what you need to know about dead animal removal, including when to do it yourself and when to call in a professional.

Indianapolis Dead Animal Removal Service 317-847-6409
Indianapolis Dead Animal Removal Service 317-847-6409

If You CAN Access the Dead Animal:

If you find a dead animal in an area that is easily accessible for you, simply remove it on your own. To do so, be sure to wear protective gloves and goggles to protect yourself from infection or illness. Never touch a wild animal with your bare hands, living or not. Find a shoe box or bag to dispose the animal in, and then relocate the carcass to a faraway field where it can become one with the earth once again.

If you feel uncomfortable disposing of the carcass on your own, just contact a local Indianapolis wildlife removal company for assistance. Not only can they discard the animal for you, they can provide suggestions and service for nuisance wildlife prevention so that this doesn’t happen again in the future.

If You CANNOT Access the Dead Animal:

If you have a dead animal in a place that is not easily accessible, such as inside a wall, you will need professional intervention. Not only is this important since the removal process will require a minimal to moderate amount of construction, it is important to remove a dead animal carcass as soon as possible to avoid certain health risks. This is especially imperative if your home has elderly individuals or young children. Flies, fleas, lice, mites, and transmissible diseases are all possible concerns when you have a dead animal in your home for an extended period of time.

Cleanup and Restoration

In almost all cases of dead animal removal from the interior of a home, the process will require decontamination and restoration services. Typical cleaning and repair services often involve animal waste removal, disinfection, sanitation, deodorization, louse fumigation, drywall and insulation replacement, and more. Professional wildlife specialists will use a remediation process that includes a final treatment applied with an innovative atomizing mist machine, which produces a fog of enzyme-based hazardous waste cleanser to ensure a property is 100% decontaminated.

Emergency Dead Animal Removal in Indianapolis, Indiana

Call Modern Wildlife Control at 317-847-6409 for prompt and professional dead animal removal services in Indianapolis, Indiana. Our DNR licensed and insured wildlife control professionals offer humane wildlife abatement services at the most affordable prices around. We work with all species of Indiana wildlife, but specialize in raccoons, bats, birds, and squirrels. Best of all, we also offer cleanup and restoration services for animal damages, and can even provide insurance claim work. Start with a free estimate or advice, today!

Modern Wildlife Control Indianapolis
Modern Wildlife Control Indianapolis

How to Get Rid of Muskrats

If you live near a slow-moving or standing body of water, such as a pond or creek, it is very likely that you have spotted a muskrat or two before. These rodents, although cute as a button and closely resembles your kid’s pet guinea pig, they are highly destructive to lawns this time of year.

Continue reading to learn some common signs of a muskrat problem, and what you can do to safely stop them from damage your property from now on.

Indianapolis Muskrat Removal and Control
Indianapolis Muskrat Removal and Control 317-847-6409

Top Signs That Suggest Muskrats are Nearby

The most common sign that muskrats are invading your premises are dirt mounds. If you see large clumps of dirt in your lawn, particularly close to the water’s edge or bank, it is likely that a muskrat has dug that up. These semi-aquatic creatures are known for building their dens near the banks of slow-moving or standing bodies of water. In the process, they dig up large mounds of lawn while burrowing into these banks. As a result, your lawn looks like it has tiny land mines buried all over the place.

Garden Protection

In some cases, muskrats can also pose problems for gardens. They will wander a bit further away from the safe haven of their water source if there are lush gardens to rummage through. Muskrats are omnivores just like us, which means they eat a variety of foods, from meats and grains, to fruits, vegetables, legumes, and more. So, whatever you have growing in the garden for you will also be a tasty treat for an invasive muskrat.

Tips for Mitigating Muskrat Activity

If you have done some research on the topic already, you have probably come across muskrat traps for sale. Although these devices and products are sold, the wildlife intervention industry highly advises AGAINST using them. Nuisance wild animals like muskrats should never be touched, trapped, tampered, harmed, or killed under any circumstances unless the proper permits are in order and all state and federal laws governing wildlife control are obeyed. This means that only a professional wildlife removal and control company should mange nuisance muskrat problems for homeowners.

If you notice signs of muskrat damage, your first and only step is to contact a licensed and insured wildlife removal and control company for safe and humane extraction and exclusion. They will safely extract any muskrats, and then implement the necessary steps to prevent further wildlife intrusion on your property.

Indianapolis Muskrat Removal and Control Services

Call Modern Wildlife Control at 317-847-6409 for safe and humane wildlife removal and control services for muskrats in Indianapolis, Indiana. We are DNR licensed and insured animal control professionals with decades of experience in the wildlife removal industry. Our professional wildlife control operators use safe and humane methods to remove muskrats from properties. For the fastest and most affordable muskrat removal in Indianapolis, call 317-847-6409 and talk to a licensed wildlife control specialist today.

Modern Wildlife Control Indianapolis
Modern Wildlife Control Indianapolis

Basic Facts About Bats and Bat Removal

Bats are incredible mammals that do a lot for us. But they are also quite dangerous and destructive. Although this sounds a bit contradictory, you will soon discover what bats are capable of by reading through these basic facts about bats and bat removal.

Indianapolis Bat Removal Service
Indianapolis Bat Removal Service 317-847-6409

There are Megabats and Microbats.

There are two primary orders in the scientific classification of bats: Megachiroptera and Microchiroptera, informally referred to as megabats and microbats. Megabats are also known as Fruit bats, Old World Fruit Bats, and Flying Foxes, as many species indeed resemble a fox that flies. Megabats live in tropical and subtropical regions of the world, and primarily eat the nectar of fruits and flora. Microbats are small, eat insects, and use echolocation to better dart and dive for prey. Microbats are found all over the world in virtually all regions.

Bats are the Only Flying Mammal

Not only are bats mammals, they are the only mammal capable of true flight. This means that bats can truly fly, just like birds. No other mammal can do that. Other mammals simply soar, float, or glide on air currents. Bats, however, can take flight instantly, wherever they want, and remain in flight so long as their endurance and strength allow them. That is a pretty impressive attribute!

Bats Can Carry and Transmit Diseases

Not all bats are infected with transmissible disease, but they are known to be common carriers of several. One of the most dangerous and disparaging is the Rabies Virus, which is 100% fatal once contracted. Others include Histoplasmosis, Leptospirosis, salmonella, ticks, lice, mites, and parasites.

Bats Can Squeeze Through a Hole as Small as 3/8th of an Inch

In our region of the world, bats are very tiny. So tiny that they can squeeze through an opening as little as 3/8th of an inch. With this incredible ability and privilege, bats are often found roosting in our attics, crawl spaces, and wall voids. Common entry points for bats include crumbling mortar, rotted door frames, loose siding, missing or loosened roof shingles, soffits, vents, and chimneys.

Bats are Messy and Highly Destructive

Bats, whether they gain access indoors or not, are capable of causing extensive structural damage to the interior and exterior of a property. Even if bats never make it inside around the living quarters of the home or building, the exterior damage they cause can lead to interior damages, like urine stained ceilings and lingering odors. Common types of damage include attic insulation and floorboard saturated with urine and feces, as well as, odors, mites, ticks, lice, and more.

You Can Safely Get Rid of a Bat Problem

The only way to get rid of a nuisance bat problem is to contact a local wildlife control company for professional and safe bat removal and control services. They have the proper permits and resources to safely remove bats, clean up after them, and prevent their return. Never, under any circumstances, attempt to touch, trap, harm, or kill a bat.

DNR Licensed Indianapolis Bat Removal and Control You Can Trust

Call Modern Wildlife Control at 317-847-6409 for DNR licensed bat removal and control services in Indianapolis, Indiana. Our qualified professionals offer a wide range of wildlife control services, but specialize in bat abatement. Best of all, we also offer cleanup services and restoration and repair for animal damages, and can even provide insurance claim work. Start with a free estimate or advice, today!

Modern Wildlife Control Indianapolis
Modern Wildlife Control Indianapolis

How to Tell if You Have Nuisance Animal Problems

What is a nuisance animal? If you don’t know how to describe one, you certainly won’t know how to watch out for them. Fortunately, you are in the perfect place to learn everything you need to know about nuisance animal removal and control. Continue reading to get started!

Indianapolis Wildlife Removal and Control 317-847-6409
Indianapolis Wildlife Removal and Control 317-847-6409

Nuisance Wildlife in Indiana

A nuisance animal is just that; a wild animal that is a pest or annoyance to you, your loved ones (including pets), and/or your property. The most common nuisance species in Indiana are bats, raccoons, opossum, moles, birds, squirrels, chipmunks, skunks, beavers, groundhogs (woodchucks), voles, foxes, rabbits, snakes, and even coyotes.

So how do you know if you have a nuisance animal threat around your house? The first full-proof evidence is where you live. Those who live near wooded lots, forests, or bodies of water such as rivers, lakes, ponds, and even creeks, are more prone to nuisance animal interference than homes in the middle of flat, dry land, or in the city. If you live in an area that provides this access to water, food, and shelter, you can safely assume that there are wild animals surrounding your home. Now all you have to do is pinpoint the signs of their activity in order to stop them from becoming a costly problem or safety threat.

Signs of Nuisance Animal Activity

No matter what time of year it is, wild animals are in action all around us. Even in winter, animals can prove to be a major pest, especially if they choose your attic or other area of your home as their nest. In the case of an infestation, you will also be faced with invasive and costly structural repairs and bio-hazard cleanup. The signs of nuisance animal activity can vary from season to season, but most often, you can determine whether or not your property is being visited by wildlife by looking for these common signs:

Animal Sightings – If you actually see wild animals around your property, whether on a regular basis or just a lone raccoon spotting, you can assume that your house is a nuisance animal target. Animals like raccoons and bats are often spotted at night, while you might see squirrels and rabbits during the day.

Paw Prints and Tracks – You can see animal tracks very well in the winter during times of snow. Otherwise, focus your attention on wet paw prints on pavement, or impressions in mud or dirt. This is a sure sign that animals are lurking around. Just be sure it’s not a neighbor’s pet!

Scat and Droppings – If you see animal poo around your house, you can assume you have nuisance animals nearby. Look up different types of animal scat to identify the precise species at play. Many types of scat can look similar, such as mouse and bat droppings.

Structural Damage – If you see torn siding, ripped screens, mole mounds, pillaged gardens, gnaw marks, and similar types of damage, you might have a wild animal close by. Such animals capable of this type of damage include raccoons, squirrels, chipmunks, and skunks.

Foul Odors – Lingering foul odors around certain areas of your property is a prime indication of wild animal presence. Coyotes could be marking your lawn if you have a dog, or it could be a long-term infestation containing mass urine and dropping accumulations.

If you are not sure whether or not your property is prone to nuisance animal interference, contact a licensed Indiana wildlife control company for inspections, free advice, and animal control service.

How to Manage Nuisance Wildlife

In order to protect your property from nuisance wildlife tampering and safety threats, you must remove all attractions that they want. This is basically anything they can use as food, water, or shelter. Remove garbage cans, pet food, bird baths, koi ponds, squirrel feeders, and additional objects to thwart wildlife from trespassing. Next, you will need to have your home inspected, and if needed, sealed up, to prevent animal intrusions.

Who to Trust for Indianapolis Animal Removal and Control

Call Modern Wildlife Control at 317-847-6409 to solve your nuisance animal problems and concerns at a price you can afford. Our DNR licensed and insured animal rescue and removal professionals offer non-lethal wildlife control services in Indianapolis, Indiana and its surrounding counties. We work with all species of Indiana wildlife, but specialize in raccoons, bats, birds, and squirrels. We also offer cleanup services and restoration and repair for animal damages, and can even provide insurance claim work. Start with a free estimate or advice, today!

Modern Wildlife Control Indianapolis
Modern Wildlife Control Indianapolis

Where Do Animals Go in the Winter in Indiana?

Wild animals are much like us in that they prefer to stay at a comfortable climate. Although we have the luxury of warming up inside with our central heating systems, animals are not as lucky. However, they are smart, and quite resilient. They know exactly where to look and what to do to stay safe and warm all winter long.

To learn where some of your favorite local wildlife hangout, and how it might affect your property, continue reading below!

Indianapolis Animal Removal Service
Indianapolis Animal Removal Service 317-847-6409


Many species of animal rely on trees for shelter. Whether inside a self-built nest atop the branching canopies, or within a hallowed tree, it is a common winter home for both animals and simpler living organisms. Common species of wild animals that use trees for winter shelter include bats, squirrels, chipmunks, raccoons, and of course, birds. Sometimes, you will find opossum sleeping in a tree.

Dens and Burrows

Dens, burrows, underground tunnels, and similar subterranean hideouts are a common shelter for native wildlife in the winter. Generally, the animal will build or dig their own den, but sometimes, they will simply repurpose an old or abandoned one. Common species of animal that use dens for winter shelter include foxes, deer, coyotes, beavers, muskrats, skunks, moles, rabbits, moles, voles, and groundhogs.


Although you might not be aware, Indiana is home to several cave systems. These caves, mostly located in Southern parts of the state, are the perfect winter hibernation spot for all sorts of animals. Common species that gravitate toward caves when temperatures drop include coyotes, bats, foxes, wolves, bobcats, and deer.


Yes, attics are a common area targeted by native Indiana wildlife for a means of shelter in the winter. Raccoons and bats in the attic are very common for those who live near wooded areas or large bodies of water. Other animals you might find hiding out in the attic include opossum, birds, squirrels, and chipmunks. Chimneys and wall voids are also another cozy spot they like to occupy for the season.

Indianapolis Animal Removal and Control

Call Modern Wildlife Control at 317-847-6409 for safe and humane animal removal services in Indianapolis, Indiana and its surrounding counties. We are DNR licensed and insured wildlife control operators with more than 30 years of hands-on experience. Trust us for prompt and professional animal extraction, exclusion, and cleanup. That’s right! We provide animal damage restoration and repair, and can even provide homeowners’ insurance claim work. Request a free estimate or advice, today.

Modern Wildlife Control Indianapolis
Modern Wildlife Control Indianapolis

Frequently Asked Questions About Animal Removal and Control

Wild animals are all around us in Indiana. We are certainly lucky to have such a thriving and abundant wildlife population in our state, especially since we are not home to vast luscious forests and large bodies of water. Although we appreciate our surrounding wildlife, it is important to keep them at a safe distance, otherwise they might turn into a nuisance, which in turn costs you money and even poses certain hazards.

If you live on or near a property with trees and water, you are at an even higher risk of nuisance animal interference. For homes with pets and young children, this is something to cause concern. Fortunately, there are several safe and humane methods for protecting your property from animal exposure and damage, as well as, removing infestation from inside your home or structure.

To begin your learning curve of animal removal and control, continue reading to review some frequently asked questions and answers professional trappers get from their clients.

Indianapolis Animal Removal and Control
Indianapolis Animal Removal and Control 317-847-6409

What is Animal Removal and Control Service?

Animal removal refers to the physical extraction of an animal or infestation inside a house, building, or other structure (i.e. barn, shed, garage, etc.). In order to achieve this task safely and humanely, and without using lethal methods, licensed trappers will use a combination of exclusion science and traps to remove or get rid of an animal.

Animal control refers to the task of reducing, managing, preventing, or thwarting nuisance animal activity. This is often achieved with exclusion sciences and techniques, as well as, environmental modification and monitoring, on-site technologies, and more.

What are the Most Common Nuisance Animals in Indiana?

The most common types of nuisance wildlife here in Indiana include bats, raccoons, squirrels, muskrats, moles, birds, chipmunks, opossum, skunks, beavers, groundhogs (woodchucks), voles, coyotes, foxes, snakes, and rabbits. Other types of nuisance animals that animal control professionals do not work with include stray cats and dogs, and waterfowl like ducks and geese.

What are the Signs of an Animal Infestation?

The signs of an animal infestation will vary depending on the location of the infestation and the type of animal. Bats are often discovered when their guano is found sitting on the ledges of windowsills and door frames. Hearing strange sounds coming from the walls, ceiling, or chimney is another common indicator of an animal infestation. Additional signs include strange or lingering odors, torn insulation, scratches or physical signs of damage, stains on walls or ceilings, rotting food debris, and pest outbreaks (i.e. lice, mites, ants, fleas, gnats, flies, etc.).

What Risk to Wild Animals Pose to My Property?

Animals that are not welcome on your property can cause a lot of damage if they find access. Not only can some nuisance wildlife tear up lawns and gardens in search of grubs, others will tear up garbage, rip open window screens, tear off roof shingles and siding, defecate all over patios and other structures, and much more. The potential for animal damage is exponential; the longer you have an infestation or issue, the more damages will add up. Not all damages are covered by homeowners’ insurance, so be sure to always act fast and stop a nuisance animal problem as soon as possible.

Do Wild Animals Spread Disease?

Yes, animals are common carriers of all sorts of transmissible diseases. Some of the most common include lice, mites, ticks, and fleas. However, wild animals can carry and pass on several serious diseases as well, such as Rabies, Distemper, Parvo, Leptospirosis, roundworm, and more. If you have wild animals near your property, be sure your curious pets are properly vaccinated at all times. Some diseases, like Rabies, are 100% fatal if contracted.

What Do I Do if I Find a Dead or Abandoned Animal on My Property?

If you find a dead, orphaned, or injured animal on your property, never attempt to touch it or keep it as a pet under any circumstances. Not only would it be incredibly inhumane and illegal, as mentioned, animals carry diseases that can spread to both people and pets. You do not want to expose your family or pets to such dangers. Instead, as soon as you find the animal, block it off from pets and people. Place a fence or gate around it, or mark its location with cones or some other indicator.

Once the animal is segregated, wait a day or two. In most cases of baby animals, the mother is just off looking for food or shelter, and will be back soon. If the animal is blatantly injured, or still there after a day or two, you can try to move it yourself. Use a shoebox to cover it up, and then slide a sturdy piece of paper (like a folder) underneath to trap the animal inside. Then move the animal to a faraway woodland location where nature can take its course. The best thing to do is contact a local Indianapolis wildlife removal company for professional and humane service.

How Can I Keep Nuisance Animals Off My Property?

The best way to keep nuisance animals away from your property is to get rid of, or restrict access to, all sources of food, water, and shelter. These three things are what animals are after when they come to your property. If you do not have food, water, or access to safe shelter for them, they will simply look elsewhere. If you cannot fully eliminate these items from your property, talk to a professional Indiana wildlife control company for help with specialized techniques and approaches that will help abate nuisance animal damage and dangers.

Indianapolis Wildlife Removal and Control

Call Modern Wildlife Control at 317-847-6409 to solve your nuisance animal problems and concerns at a price you can afford. Our DNR licensed and insured animal rescue and removal professionals offer non-lethal wildlife control services in Indianapolis, Indiana and its surrounding counties. We work with all species of Indiana wildlife, but specialize in raccoons, bats, birds, and squirrels. We also offer cleanup services and restoration and repair for animal damages, and can even provide insurance claim work. Start with a free estimate or advice, today!

Modern Wildlife Control Indianapolis
Modern Wildlife Control Indianapolis