How to Identify Problem Woodchuck Areas on Your Property

Are woodchucks wreaking havoc on your property? Woodchucks, also known as groundhogs, are a common backyard nuisance in many parts of the United States. They dig burrows and feed on gardens, flowers, vegetables, and other plants. If you have a woodchuck problem on your property, it’s important to identify where they are located so that you can take steps to control them effectively.

Continue reading to learn some tips for how to identify problem woodchuck areas on your property.

Call 317-847-6409  for Woodchuck Control in Indianapolis Indiana.
Call 317-847-6409 for Woodchuck Control in Indianapolis Indiana.

The 101 on Woodchucks

Woodchucks, also known as groundhogs, are found along the east coast of North America and in parts of Canada. They are part of the Marmota genus and have short tails, brown fur, seven vertebrae in their necks, and keystone-shaped ears. Woodchucks like to live in wooded areas near streams or wood edges where they can access their preferred food items of grasses, clover, alfalfa, and other vegetation.

They will often sleep during the colder months when their food supply is diminished. During this time, they enter a hibernation-like state that lowers their body temperature and heart rate significantly until spring when they emerge from their dens. Woodchucks can be entertaining to watch as they take turns standing guard atop mounds of dirt at the entrance to their dens while keeping an eye out for predators such as foxes and coyotes.

Top 3 Groundhog Signs and Solutions

Look for Woodchuck Burrows

Woodchucks will typically dig complex burrows with multiple entrances and exits. You can spot these by looking for mounds of dirt or patches of upturned grass. Woodchucks also use their burrows to hibernate during the winter months, so be sure to check the ground around your property for signs of burrowing activity.

Check Wooded Areas

Groundhogs prefer wooded areas where they can find plenty of food and shelter. If you have wooded areas on your property, it’s important to check them for signs of groundhog activity such as freshly dug holes or gnawed tree bark. Woodchucks will also take advantage of any woodpiles and other debris piles that are lying around your yard.

Watch Out for Woodchuck Signs

Woodchucks will leave behind signs of their presence, so it’s important to be on the lookout for things such as droppings, burrows and tunnels in the ground, gnawed tree bark and woodchuck tracks. Groundhogs will also leave behind unmistakable signs such as gnawed plants, upturned earth and chewed vegetation.

nuisance groundhog solutions

If you find any of these signs on your property, it’s a sure indication that you have a groundhog problem and need to take steps to control them. Woodchuck control in Indianapolis can involve trapping and removing the animals, as well as other measures such as fencing them out of your yard or using repellents and deterrents. Taking steps to control woodchucks on your property will help ensure that they don’t cause further damage and disruption.  By familiarizing yourself with how to identify problem woodchuck areas on your property, you can take the necessary steps to control pesky groundhogs and protect your yard.

If you have any more questions or need advice on woodchuck control, don’t hesitate to contact a pest control professional for assistance. Contact Modern Wildlife Control at 317-847-6409 for licensed and insured animal trapping and removal for woodchuck problems in Indianapolis, Indiana. Our animal removal trappers will be able to provide more specific guidance tailored to your particular wildlife control needs. We serve both residential and commercial clients!

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How to Get Rid of Woodchucks in Indiana

“How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?”

No matter how old you get, you can never get tired of that old nursery rhyme! Now that we have your attention; are woodchucks becoming a nuisance animal problem around your Indiana property? If so, you’ll need to implement some safe and humane techniques if you want to get rid of woodchucks before winter arrives.

Continue reading to learn how to get rid of woodchucks in Indiana, including who to trust for fast and affordable credit control for groundhogs near you.

Critter Control Woodchucks Indianapolis IN 317-847-6409
Critter Control Woodchucks Indianapolis IN 317-847-6409

What Woodchucks Want With Your Property

Why do you have a woodchuck problem on your property? Well, there can be many reasons. Do you live near a large body of water, such as a river, lake, pond, or stream? If so, that’s the number one attraction for groundhogs. A water source is something vital to all living organisms on the planet, including ourselves. So, it’s no surprise that groundhogs live near your property if you live near a reliable source of natural water.

Since you can’t take away the natural water source on or nearby your property, you’ll need to implement some strategies to abate groundhog tampering and activity instead. Non-toxic repellents, fencing, and professional critter control our viable options.

Another common attraction for woodchucks is food. Does your property provide a reliable food source for groundhogs? Reliable food source examples would be fish from a body of water, as mentioned already, as well as farms and gardens. Groundhogs are primarily herbivorous, eating everything from flowers to vegetables, but they will also eat small animals at times, such as grubs, snails, grasshoppers, and the occasional baby bird.

In order to thwart woodchuck activity, you will need to secure or eliminate accessible food sources on your property. Over time, groundhogs will learn that your property is no longer a consistent supplier of food and will traverse elsewhere for a meal.

A not-so-obvious reason why woodchucks might be trespassing onto your property could be to sharpen their teeth. Do you have a bunch of fallen logs or trees in your yard? Do you keep a surplus of lumber nearby? If so, woodchucks might be gravitating towards these supplies in order to gnaw and sharpen their incisors.

It is important to lock up or secure your lumber supplies and regularly clear your property of fallen wood and debris. This will help divert groundhogs away from your property, as they will need to go somewhere else to find resources for their teeth sharpening instincts.

Top Recommended Solution for Groundhog Control

When all else fails, contact a local Indianapolis critter control company to manage a groundhog problem. They have the proper training, permits, and resources to safely extract existing groundhogs, as well as implement industry trade methods and techniques that will keep groundhogs away for good.

Not sure who to trust for fast and affordable wildlife removal services near you? Contact Modern Wildlife Control at 317-847-6409 for prompt and professional wildlife control for groundhogs and woodchucks in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve both residential and commercial clients.

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Indiana Wildlife Removal and Control Company
Indiana Wildlife Removal and Control 317-847-6409