Woodchucks or groundhogs, by which name you call them does not matter. They are the same animal, and one that happens to be quite destructive to properties if not properly abated. If you are spotting groundhogs on or around your property, or have been dealing with such activity already, it is time to educate yourself on the top critter control tips for getting rid of nuisance groundhogs.

Groundhog Control Tips
Groundhogs, or woodchucks, are medium-large mammals that belong to the family Sciuridae, which is a group of large ground squirrels, called marmots. In fact, they are the largest species of marmot, weighing up to 13 pounds. As big as they are, you would think they are easy to spot, but groundhogs know their way around a yard.
You see, groundhogs are notorious diggers that create comprehensive tunnel systems equipped with chambers, exits, and levels, all within the ground. Hence the name, ground-hog. A lone groundhog is capable of displacing up to 700 pounds of dirt! Can you imagine? This behavior wreaks havoc on lawns, gardens, and in some cases, foundations of homes or even banks of streams, creeks, and ponds.
What Attracts Groundhogs to Your Place?
Without proper abatement, groundhogs can destroy a property from the inside-out. The best way to get rid of groundhogs is to understand why they are attracted to your property in the first place, then eliminate these amenities they so fervently seek. Mostly, groundhogs are attracted to plentiful food sources, water, and safe shelter.
Yards that are more cluttered than others are prime targets for nuisance wildlife like groundhogs. This clutter gives them privacy to live and reproduce as they please. Access to water is another big attraction for groundhogs, like streams, creeks, ponds, and lakes. Properties near such bodies of water are more prone to nuisance wildlife activity.
The most important part of groundhog removal and control is safety. Never attempt to harm, trap, or kill a groundhog under any circumstances. Furthermore, never use toxic chemicals or products that can harm wildlife and the surrounding environment.
How to Safely Get Rid of Woodchucks
There are a few methods that work well to thwart and mitigate nuisance woodchuck activity. You can implement some DIY strategies, such as environmental modification or non-toxic repellents. But in serious cases, it is necessary to hire a licensed and insured wildlife control company that has the proper resources and permits to safely get the job done. In some cases, groundhogs require transportation to another, faraway natural habitat. A professional critter control contractor can provide this service.
Environmental Modification
Remove or secure areas of your property that are attracting groundhogs. Clear out the clutter, cut down tall grasses, and consider installing a deep-ground fencing system. Next, eliminate or obstruct access to their food source. Groundhogs are herbivores, which means they eat plants. Gardens, crops, and flowerbeds will be their target, so fence these up or perimeter them with a non-toxic repellent spray.
Groundhogs like to keep their teeth sharp too, so they regularly sharpen them. They prefer soft, rotted wood structures for this. Old tree stumps, play sets, log piles, rotted decking, and similar isolated wood structures are usually their first choices. Eliminating or obstructing access to these attractions can also divert groundhogs away from your place.
Would you like some trusted, professional assistance with getting rid of groundhogs in Indiana? Contact Modern Wildlife Control at 317-847-6409 for safe and effective animal trapping and removal services for groundhogs in Indianapolis, Indiana.
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