Identifying the Signs of a Squirrel Infestation in Your Home

Do you think your home may be infested with squirrels? If so, it’s important to identify the signs of a squirrel infestation as soon as possible. Squirrels can cause significant damage to your home and property if left unchecked for too long.  They can chew through walls and electrical wires, contaminate food sources, and leave droppings throughout the attic or other parts of the house. By recognizing the signs of an infestation early on, you can take action right away to prevent any further damage from occurring in your home.

Continue scrolling down to learn some common indicators that you have a problem with squirrels in the attic or elsewhere on your property.

Call 317-847-6409  for Squirrel Removal and Control in Indianapolis, Indiana.
Call 317-847-6409 for Squirrel Removal and Control in Indianapolis, Indiana.

Top 4 Signs That Suggest Your Home Has a Squirrel Infestation

Noises: A surefire indication that there are squirrels living in or around your home is if you hear scratching, gnawing, or scampering noises coming from the walls or ceiling. This type of sound indicates that a squirrel (or multiple squirrels) have settled into your attic or other parts of the house.

Droppings: Another telltale sign of a squirrel infestation is droppings. Squirrels tend to leave behind droppings where they inhabit, and these can be found near food sources, nesting areas, and entry points throughout the house. By identifying these droppings, you can pinpoint exactly where the squirrels are living in your home.

Gnawed Holes: If you notice any unusual holes in your walls or ceiling, it’s a sure sign that you have an infestation. Squirrels are known to chew through wood and other materials in order to gain access to the attic or other parts of the home.

Structural Damage: In some cases, squirrels may cause significant damage to your home if they are allowed to remain unchecked for too long. They can chew through electrical wires, insulation, and ventilation systems, leading to expensive repairs down the line. If you notice any kind of structural damage in your home, it’s likely caused by squirrels and should be addressed right away. 

Get Rid of Squirrels Today!

If you believe you have a squirrel infestation in your home, it’s important to take action quickly. Contact a professional squirrel removal service to get rid of the critters and prevent any further damage from occurring. They will be able to identify the entry points and set up traps to safely remove the squirrels from your home. Remember, with early detection and quick action, you can avoid costly repairs in the future!

Chipmunks in the Attic or Home

Your problem critters might just be chipmunks – not squirrels. The signs of a chipmunk infestation are quite similar to those of squirrel infestations. When chipmunks manage to make their way into an attic, it can spell disaster for homeowners. These critters are known for making a mess as they build nests and gnaw on stored items, wreaking havoc quickly in any space.

It is important to identify signs of chipmunk infestations early on in order to take the necessary steps towards chipmunk control. Knowing the common signs of having a chipmunk in the attic, such as noise coming from within and damage to insulation, will help to locate them and subsequently get them out of your home. Thankfully, there are a number of DIY approaches that can be taken when dealing with chipmunk infestations or if necessary professional services can be brought in to completely address the issue.

Ready to figure out what’s going on with the squirrels on or inside your property? Contact Modern Wildlife Control at 317-847-6409 for safe and effective animal removal and control in Indianapolis, Indiana for squirrels, chipmunks, and all other types of wildlife. Our wildlife removal services are humane, effective, and available for both residential and commercial clients.

Related Posts:

How to Protect Bird Feeders From Hungry Squirrels
Frequently Asked Questions About Squirrel Control
How Chipmunks Survive in the Winter

Will the Color Red Scare Squirrels Away?

The color red has so many meanings and applications depending on the context. As for nuisance squirrels, it may be useful for safe and humane wildlife abatement. You see, there is a theory that squirrels are afraid of the color red, and therefore, steer clear of anything resembling the crimson hue. Whether or not this theory is actually true has not been thoroughly investigated, however several home and property owners swear by the method!

If you are dealing with a population of bothersome squirrels on your property, continue reading to learn if the color red will scare them away, as well as some verified squirrel control strategies that will help you resolve your nuisance wildlife problem.

Critter Control Squirrels Indianapolis IN 317-847-6409
Red-Headed Woodpeckers are Enemies to Squirrels!

Squirrels Do Not Like Woodpeckers

Where did the theory of squirrels being afraid of red colors come from? Well, there have been several studies done on the subject, and many rendered results that suggest squirrels do not like red. It is thought that squirrels do not like red because it is the primary color of their number one enemy, the Red-Headed Woodpecker. Squirrels do not like these common Indiana birds and will avoid them at all costs because they compete over territories. Researchers, scientists, and industry professionals have noticed this trait, which is where the theory may originate.

Although studies support the theory, it is not one that is scientifically proven nor confirmed. If you would like to try it out yourself, consider adding pops of red around your property, such as bird feeders, flowers, flowerpots, and outdoor furniture pillows.

Proven Methods of Squirrel Control

Environmental Modification – Environmental modification refers to making changes around your property that support squirrel interest and attraction. Things like bird feeders, bird feed, overgrown tree branches, easily accessible areas of shelter (log piles, hollowed trees, bird houses, etc.), and potted plants are common things that attract nuisance squirrels. By removing or obstructing these attractions, you can better abate nuisance squirrel activity around your property.

Bird Feeder Baffles – If nuisance squirrels are pillaging your bird feeders, there are several methods you can apply to keep them from accessing the feed. Baffles are one of the most effective wildlife abatement devices you can install directly onto bird feeder poles to prevent squirrels from accessing the seed. You can also cover your bird feeder pole with PVC pipe and make it extra slippery for squirrels to climb.

Tree Trimming – Squirrels are excellent climbers and will use overgrown tree limbs and branches to access roofs, vents, and gutter systems. In fact, long tree branches are often the bridge to squirrels in the attic and similar in interior infestations. It is important to have your trees trimmed annually if they are close to your house or building. This will prevent squirrels from having access to the roof areas.

Animal Repellent – You can make your own nontoxic animal repellent by combining water with ingredients that squirrels do not like. Squirrels, like most living creatures, are sensitive to certain sensations and odors. Ingredients like menthol,eucalyptus, spearmint, hot pepper, and even cinnamon and nutmeg can keep certain critters away simply because they don’t like the way they smell or the sensations they cause.

For your first homemade animal repellent, combine water with cayenne pepper and menthol into a spray bottle and apply it around the perimeter of your property or in areas where you notice heightened squirrel activity. Just be sure to keep children and pets away, as the sensations can bother their nose, throat, and eyes.

Professional Wildlife Abatement – When it seems like nothing will put an end to your nuisance squirrel problem, it is necessary to hire a local Indianapolis IN wildlife removal company for effective squirrel control and animal-proofing services. They have the proper training, tools, and permits to provide safe squirrel trapping service in a convenient time frame.

Are you dealing with a nuisance squirrel problem that you wish to resolve before the year’s end? Contact Modern Wildlife Control at 317-847-6409 to get affordable critter control for squirrels in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve commercial and residential properties.

Related Posts:

How to Protect Bird Feeders From Hungry Squirrels
Frequently Asked Questions About Squirrel Control
Learn Why Nuisance Animals are Attracted to Your Property

Modern Wildlife Control Indianapolis, Indiana
Modern Wildlife Control Indianapolis, Indiana