A Homeowner’s Guide to Controlling Opossums Effectively

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on controlling opossums effectively, designed primarily for homeowners who seek humane and efficient solutions. This blog aims to provide you with practical steps and methods for opossum removal and control. Here, we will introduce you to various opossum repellents and elucidate their effective use.

By the end of this guide, you will be well-equipped to handle the opossum issue on your property with confidence and knowledge. Whether you’re dealing with a nocturnal visit from a single opossum or a whole family, stay tuned to learn how to take back your space wisely.

Call 317-847-6409  For Opossum Removal Service in Indianapolis Indiana
Call 317-847-6409 For Opossum Removal Service in Indianapolis Indiana

The 101 on Getting Rid of Opossums

Before we delve into controlling these marsupials, it’s essential to understand their behavior and habits. Opossums are opportunistic creatures that often take advantage of food sources near human dwellings. With a diet ranging from insects to garbage, opossums are attracted to homes with easy access to food and shelter. The presence of an opossum in your yard or attic could cause damage to plants and property.

Additionally, they can also carry diseases that pose a threat to both humans and pets. Although opossums are not well known to carry Rabies, they can contract and spread other diseases and parasites to people and pets, such as ticks, fleas, and roundworms. Therefore, it’s crucial to take steps for opossum control once you spot them on your property.

Opossum Removal

The first step towards controlling opossums is eliminating whatever it is that attracts them. Regularly secure all garbage cans and remove fallen fruits and nuts from the ground. Keep your lawn trimmed, and any potential entry points, such as holes in fences or gaps in walls, should be sealed off.

If you discover an opossum den on your property, the best approach is to seek professional help. Opossums can be aggressive when cornered, and attempting to remove them yourself could result in injury. Wildlife experts have the experience and equipment to remove opossums safely and humanely.

Opossum Control

If you’re dealing with a recurring opossum problem, consider using repellents to deter them. There are various natural and commercial opossum repellents available on the market. Some common ones include predator urine, ammonia-soaked rags, or cayenne pepper spray. These repellents work by creating a scent or taste that opossums find unpleasant, causing them to avoid the area.

It’s essential to follow the instructions carefully when using any repellent, as some may be harmful to humans and pets if not used correctly. Additionally, remember that repellents are only effective for short periods and need regular reapplication.

When to Hire a Licensed Wildlife Control Company for Help

If you’ve tried various control methods, but the opossums keep coming back, it may be time to call in the professionals. A licensed and insured wildlife control company can help identify and seal off any potential entry points into your home or property, preventing future opossum infestations. They can also provide long-term solutions for deterring opossums from your yard, such as installing motion-activated sprinklers or ultrasonic devices.


In conclusion, controlling opossums effectively requires a combination of prevention, removal, and deterrence methods. By taking the necessary steps to eliminate potential attractants and using repellents correctly, you can successfully keep opossums away from your property. And if all else fails, don’t hesitate to seek professional help for a long-term solution. Remember, by practicing humane and responsible opossum control, you’re not only protecting yourself and your property but also these misunderstood creatures.  So, be vigilant and take the necessary steps to keep your home critter-free.

Keep in mind that removing opossums is only half the battle; it’s also crucial to take steps to prevent future infestations. Contact Modern Wildlife Control at 317-847-6409 for safe and effective animal trapping and removal services for opossums in Indianapolis, Indiana and its surrounding counties. We serve residential and commercial customers.

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Understanding the Behavior of Opossums in the Wild

Opossums are one of the most misunderstood animals in North America. Despite their reputation for being aggressive and destructive, these curious creatures are actually quite harmless and can be a great asset to any backyard habitat. But if you’re looking to get up close and personal with an opossum, it’s important to understand their behavior so that you don’t accidentally startle them or put yourself at risk.

In this blog post, we will explore the behavior of opossums in the wild, including why they play dead when threatened and how they interact with other wildlife. We’ll also discuss some tips for humanely removing opossums from your property if necessary. By understanding more about these fascinating omnivores, we can all work together towards creating a safe environment for everyone!

Call 317-847-6409  for Opossum Removal in Indianapolis Indiana
Call 317-847-6409 for Opossum Removal in Indianapolis Indiana

Top Opossum Facts You Want to Know!

Opossums are Active From Dusk to Dawn

Opossums are nocturnal animals, which means they’re most active at night. During the day, they spend their time in burrows or dens made of leaves and twigs. At night, they come out in search of food, including insects, fruits, and small rodents. Opossums can also be very territorial when it comes to foraging for food and will fiercely defend an area if needed.

Possums Play Dead

When threatened by a predator or feeling cornered, opossums will often play dead as a defense mechanism. This behavior is known as “playing ‘possum” and is actually quite effective in scaring away potential predators. It involves lying motionless on the ground with eyes closed while emitting a foul smell. This will usually make the predator think the opossum is dead and cause it to flee.

Opossums Reproduce Quickly

Opossums are also unique in that they have one of the shortest gestation periods of any mammal: as little as 12 days! Female opossums carry their young for about two months before giving birth to an average litter size of eight babies. These tiny bundles of fur will cling to their mother’s back until they’re big enough to explore on their own.

Opossums are Usually Solitary

When it comes to interacting with other wildlife, opossums generally keep to themselves. However, if food sources become scarce or competition is fierce, they may be more likely to fight with neighboring animals such as raccoons or even small dogs.

Opossums Do Not Carry Rabies

Contrary to popular belief, opossums are rarely carriers of the Rabies Virus. However, they can still spread other infectious diseases and parasites. These include Leptospirosis, fleas, Lyme disease, ticks, and cocido19 to both humans and animals. Furthermore, their saliva is known to contain a variety of pathogens which can cause skin infection in people with weakened immune systems. Though fortunately human illnesses from these creatures are comparatively rare. The opossum does help maintain healthy ecosystems by feeding on unhelpful insects as well ticks and snails that could otherwise spread illness.

Professional Opossum Removal and Control is Essential

If you find that an opossum has taken up residence on your property, it’s important to remember they are a protected species and must not be harmed in any way. The best option is usually to employ humane methods of removal by contacting a licensed wildlife control company. Once the animal is removed, make sure to close off any potential entry points around the house so that no other opossums can get in.


By understanding more about the behavior of opossums in the wild, we can work together towards creating a safe environment for these fascinating animals and their human neighbors. With a little bit of knowledge and patience, everyone can co-exist peacefully!

Are you dealing with frequent possum visitors to your property? Act now before they can cause any damage or pose any threat! Contact Modern Wildlife Control at 317-847-6409 for safe and effective opossum removal and control in Indianapolis, Indiana. Our wildlife removal services are humane, effective, and available for both residential and commercial clients.

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Why Opossums are a Threat to Your Property

Tips for Controlling Nuisance Opossums Around Your Property

Although opossum can offer some benefits in terms of garbage and insect control, they can also be quite the pest. These unappealing nocturnal animals are known for causing loads of destruction to both residential and commercial properties. Not only can these critters be highly destructive to homes, buildings, and landscapes, they can also pose several different health risks.

Continue reading to learn more about nuisance opossum activity, and what you can do to put a stop to it on your property.

Indianapolis Opossum Removal and Control
Indianapolis Opossum Removal and Control 317-847-6409

Opossums Carry Disease and Mites

Opossum are not known carriers of common canine and feline diseases, but they can infect domestic pets and humans with many others. The University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources Department states, “Opossum carry diseases such as leptospirosis, tuberculosis, relapsing fever, tularemia, spotted fever, toxoplasmosis, coccidiosis, trichomoniasis, and Chagas disease. They may also be infested with fleas, ticks, mites, and lice.”

As if disease and safety risks are not enough to want to keep opossum off of your property, these nocturnal animals also cause a long list of structural damages to lawns, gardens, patios, porches, decks, crawl spaces, and more. These damages can happen overnight, and cost hundreds or thousands of dollars to repair.

What You Need to Do to Get Rid of Opossums For Good

Preventative maintenance is the best way to protect your property from opossum damage. This includes making certain environmental modifications to reduce your home’s attractiveness to nuisance wildlife. To start, remove all outdoor food and water sources (i.e. bird baths, pet food, water bowls, garbage cans, compost piles, etc.). When it comes to garbage, always be sure to take yours out on the day of trash pickup.

You can also use predator urine, opossum repellents (non-toxic ones only please), motion lighting, or electronic sound machines to scare opossum away. If you have a garden with fruits and vegetables, be sure to pick when ripe to avoid attracting hungry opossum at night. Rotten fruit will attract nuisance wildlife, as well as a swarm of insects and other pests.

After making all of your needed environmental modifications, you can step it up by having your home inspected for holes, openings, and gaps that nuisance wildlife can use to get inside. This includes pet doors, trash shoots, dumbwaiters, and chimneys. A licensed Indianapolis wildlife removal and control company can provide this service for you.

It is important to seal up any openings under slabs, in siding, on roofs, in the foundation and more. You can remove hiding spots yourself too, such as brush piles, log piles, dilapidated sheds, abandoned vehicles, fallen trees, and more. A wildlife removal and control company can help you with all of this.

What to Do if You See One

NEVER attempt to touch, trap, harm, or kill an opossum. If you discover one on your property, you’re your pets indoors until it goes away. If opossum continue to come back night after night after you have implemented all of the necessary property changes, OR you discover one in your home, immediately contact a licensed wildlife control company for emergency service. They have the proper permits, training, and experience to provide safe, non-lethal opossum removal that adheres to the state and federal laws that govern wildlife.

Where to Get Humane Opossum Control in Indianapolis, Indiana

Call Modern Wildlife Control at 317-847-6409 when you need fast and affordable opossum removal and control services in Indianapolis, Indiana and its surrounding counties. Our DNR licensed and insured wildlife rescue and removal professionals offer non-lethal wildlife control services for residential and commercial properties. We work with all species of Indiana wildlife, but specialize in raccoons, bats, birds, and squirrels. We also offer cleanup services and restoration and repair for animal damages, and can even provide insurance claim work. Start with a free estimate or advice, today!

Indiana Wildlife Removal and Control Company
Indiana Wildlife Removal and Control 317-847-6409